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Illarion Pavliuk (set of 3 books)

Ілларіон Павлюк (комплект із 3 книг)

Ілларіон Павлюк

Illarion Pavliuk

Illarion Pavliuk (set of 3 books)

Book 1: I see you are interested in darkness Kyiv criminal psychologist Andriy Geister is sent as a consultant to the godforsaken village of Buskiv Sad. On a winter night, a little girl disappeared there. And there is also the Beast, a serial killer whose murders the locals prefer not to notice… In this cursed village, where everything is in a circle and everyone lives a life they hate, the investigation is constantly at a dead end. Andriy believes that the lost girl is alive and he will find her. But no one but him needs it. “I See You’re Interested in Darkness is a story about the impenetrable human indifference and darkness inside us. It is about honesty with ourselves and the price we are willing to pay for forgetting. About sins that materialize and atonement that is more precious than peace. Book 2. White ashes Private detective Taras Bilyi is ordered to investigate the murder of a young lady. A certain seminarian, Khoma Brut, is accused, and the case seems to be clear… However, the village where the murder took place hides a secret. And this secret is more terrifying than all the stories about the young lady who rose from the grave. “White Ashes is an extremely interesting, atmospheric, and at the same time dynamic noir thriller. It is full of mysteries that you want to solve to the last. And, according to the laws of the genre, the slightest detail in due time will certainly receive a lightning-fast explanation. But the peculiarity of the novel is that each mystery will eventually have not one, but two interpretations at once: logical and mystical. Therefore, depending on the reader’s worldview, the novel becomes either a detective thriller or a mystery. And yet, this is exactly what I want to reflect on at the end of the book… Book 3: The Idiot’s Dance Space biologist Gil, who has many military operations under his belt, is going through hard times: unemployment, lack of money, a family on the verge of divorce, and a high probability that a hereditary genetic disease will manifest itself, in which a quick death is perhaps the best ending. And then suddenly a job offer appears that seems to solve all the problems at once: a scientific expedition to a distant planet. Good money, health insurance, minimal risks. Will the decision to fly, driven by fear, turn out to be the right one? And are the risks on the distant and bizarre planet Ish-Chel really that minimal?

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Цей комплект є справжнім скарбом для любителів літератури, що прагнуть зануритися в емоції та переживання героїв. Без сумніву, варто купити "Ілларіон Павлюк (комплект із 3 книг)" на українській мові, щоб відчути всю палітру його думок.

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  • Читання на українській мові - зберігає автентичність тексту.
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Buy "Ilarion Pavliuk (Set of 3 Books)" by Ilarion Pavliuk

Looking for an engaging read? Buy "Ilarion Pavliuk (Set of 3 Books)" in Ukrainian today! This remarkable collection by Ilarion Pavliuk provides a unique perspective on Ukrainian culture and history.

Key Reasons to Read "Ilarion Pavliuk (Set of 3 Books)"

  • Rich Narrative: The stories are woven with authenticity, reflecting the life experiences of Ukrainians.
  • Character Development: Each book dives deep into the characters' lives, making them relatable and memorable.
  • Cultural Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of Ukrainian traditions and societal issues.
  • Thought-Provoking Themes: Explore themes of resilience, identity, and the human spirit.
  • Engaging Language: Written in a captivating style that resonates with a diverse audience.

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Don't miss the chance to enrich your reading experience! Order "Ilarion Pavliuk (Set of 3 Books)" by Ilarion Pavliuk and dive into the vibrant world of Ukrainian literature.


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