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Редьярд Кіплінг

Rudyard Kipling

How the Whale Got His Whalebone. How the Camel Got His Hump

How the Whale Got His Throat… and the Camel Got His Hump!
This colorful flip-book combines two of Rudyard Kipling’s most famous stories for the youngest readers. For over a hundred years, children around the world have been captivated by the witty and humorous interpretations of why the camel has a hump and why the whale has a baleen, which allows the world’s largest animal to feed on the tiniest plankton. The lively language of the author will make reading exciting, and the brilliant illustrations by Volodymyr Shtanko will invite a close examination of every image.

Чому варто купити "Як кит став вусатим. Як верблюд став горбатим"?

Редьярд Кіплінг, знаменитий британський письменник, створив цю неймовірну книгу, щоб розповісти дітям та дорослим про витоки деяких тварин. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Як кит став вусатим. Як верблюд став горбатим" українською мовою, ви потрапили за адресою!

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  • Унікальні ілюстрації, що роблять книгу ще більш привабливою для дітей.

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  • Втілення уявлень про еволюцію та природні зміни через фольклорні історії.
  • Зворушливі стосунки між героями, які навчають важливих життєвих уроків.
  • Несподівані повороти, які тримають читача в напрузі до останньої сторінки.

Купуючи "Як кит став вусатим. Як верблюд став горбатим" від Редьярда Кіплінга, ви отримаєте не просто книгу. Це чудовий спосіб навчити дітей про природу та світ навколо них в ігровій формі.

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Discover the Magic of "How the Whale Got His Throat and How the Camel Got His Hump" by Rudyard Kipling

Are you looking to buy "How the Whale Got His Throat and How the Camel Got His Hump" in Ukrainian? Look no further! This enchanting tale by Rudyard Kipling is not just captivating for children but also rich in life lessons for readers of all ages.

Why You Should Buy This Book

  • Timeless Stories: The book features imaginative stories that have stood the test of time.
  • Vivid Illustrations: Each story is accompanied by beautiful illustrations that enhance the reading experience.
  • Life Lessons: Readers will learn valuable morals about adaptation and character through engaging narratives.
  • Cultural Significance: Reading this book in Ukrainian connects you with a piece of literary heritage.
  • Engaging Read: Perfect for children and adults alike, it encourages a love for reading.

Main Points and Story Milestones

  • The story explores how animals adapt to their environments, making it both educational and entertaining.
  • Each narrative provides insight into character development and transformation.
  • It emphasizes themes of perseverance and ingenuity, appealing to readers' imaginations.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to buy "How the Whale Got His Throat and How the Camel Got His Hump" by Rudyard Kipling in Ukrainian. Experience the delightful tales that inspire and entertain!

Our Strong Points

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing and great discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Books: Assistance available for finding and purchasing unique titles from Ukraine.
  • Support Ukraine: A donation is made to the Ukrainian army with every purchase.
  • Multiple Payment Options: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards.

We provide worldwide shipping via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Get your copy today and dive into the world of Rudyard Kipling!


Free Shipping Worldwide for orders over $6999

Additional info

Weight 0.33 kg



Pages count


Page size

220×260 mm

Original title

Як кит став вусатим. Як верблюд став горбатим

Original Publisher

Навчальна книга – Богдан


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Buy "How the Whale Got His Whalebone. How the Camel Got His Hump" in UkrainianHow the Whale Got His Whalebone. How the Camel Got His Hump