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Hotel "Great Prussia"

Готель «Велика Пруссія»

Богдан Коломійчук

Bohdan Kolomiichuk

Hotel “Great Prussia”

We bring to your attention a book by Bohdan Kolomiichuk, Hotel Grand Prussia, from the Old Lion Publishing House. About the book: Here is a new dizzying detective novel in which adventures, spy secrets, and distant travels are intertwined in a stunning way. The story is set in 1905. The book’s protagonist is a Lviv commissioner Adam Vistovych, considered one of the best investigators in Galicia. Trying to help a younger colleague at work, Adam takes on what at first glance seems to be a completely ordinary investigation. But the further he delves into the case, the more he realizes that everything about this investigation is unusual, and most importantly, it goes far beyond Lviv and even beyond the borders of the empire itself. Thus, Wistowicz finds himself in Prussia. It is there that officials, entrepreneurs, and even the mafia become allies to resist the influx of Russian spies. Quite unexpectedly, strange things start happening, namely in Berlin, Posen and other cities, and members of this syndicate are killed. In addition, Wistowicz’s ex-wife, Berlin-based actress Anna Kalisch, is also involved in this whirlwind. Commissioner Adam Vistovich has no choice but to unravel this chain of strange events. Why should you buy the book “Hotel Grand Prussia” by Bohdan Kolomiichuk? “The Grand Hotel Prussia is an incredible detective novel in which the reader will be swept up in a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns, geographical locations, and adventures of the protagonist.

Купити "Готель «Велика Пруссія»" від Богдана Коломійчука

Готель «Велика Пруссія» - це одна з найбільш захоплюючих книг української літератури, яка заслуговує на вашу увагу. Якщо ви перебуваєте в США чи Канаді і бажаєте купити "Готель «Велика Пруссія» українською мовою", ця книга стане чудовим вибором для вашої бібліотеки.

Чому варто прочитати "Готель «Велика Пруссія»"?

  • Глибокий сюжет: Книга розкриває теми любові, зради та пошуку ідентичності.
  • Сильні персонажі: Кожен герой має свій унікальний характер та мотивацію, що робить їх переконливими та близькими.
  • Історичний контекст: Події відбуваються на фоні важливих історичних змін в Україні.
  • Непередбачувані повороти: Читачів чекають багато несподіванок та емоційних моментів.

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Дослідження таємниць минулого головного героя.
  • Захоплива історія кохання між двома протилежними світонами.
  • Конфлікти та виклики, які постають перед героями.
  • Кульмінація подій, що змушує читача замислитися про своє життя.

При купівлі "Готель «Велика Пруссія»" в США та Канаді, ви отримаєте не лише книгу, а й можливість зануритися в глибокий стиль письменника Богдана Коломійчука. Цю книгу варто прочитати кожному, хто прагне зрозуміти українську душу та її боротьбу.

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Оплатити книгу можна через PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка здійснюється по всьому світу за допомогою Укрпошти, USPS, UPS, DHL.

Не втрачайте шанс купити "Готель «Велика Пруссія" та насолодитися цією чудовою історією!

Why You Should Buy "Hotel Great Prussia" by Bohdan Kolomiychuk

If you're looking to enrich your reading experience with captivating stories from Ukrainian literature, consider purchasing "Hotel Great Prussia" by Bohdan Kolomiychuk. Here's why this book is a must-read:

  • Intriguing Plot: The narrative expertly weaves elements of mystery and romance, set against the backdrop of a fascinating hotel.
  • Character Development: Each character is intricately developed, providing depth and relatability.
  • Cultural Insight: Gain a deeper understanding of Ukrainian culture and history through compelling storytelling.
  • Beautiful Prose: Bohdan Kolomiychuk's writing style is both lyrical and engaging, making for an enjoyable read.
  • Universal Themes: Explore themes of love, loss, and redemption that resonate with readers worldwide.

Don't miss the chance to buy "Hotel Great Prussia" in Ukrainian or buy "Hotel Great Prussia" by Bohdan Kolomiychuk today! Here are some highlights of the story:

  • Setting: A unique hotel that serves as a central hub for various characters.
  • Key Events: Significant plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Emotional Journey: Readers accompany characters on their transformative journeys.
  • Timeless Lessons: Many takeaways about life and human relationships.

Our strong sides make your purchase even more appealing. We offer the best prices and great discounts on all books. Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring you receive your copy promptly. Each purchase contributes to donations supporting the Ukrainian army.

For your convenience, we accept a variety of payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. We ship worldwide using reliable services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't hesitate! Experience the magic of Ukrainian literature by purchasing "Hotel Great Prussia" today!


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Готель «Велика Пруссія»


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    Maria Gruba

    Commissioner Vistovich’s new case begins with a trifle: the police are being bothered by an old man who writes complaints about his dead neighbor, a shoemaker, who is banging a hammer at night. But Commissioner Vistovich, interested in the details of the old man’s story, decides to find out for himself who is disturbing the old cobbler’s peace and keeping him awake at night. And he finds out that the cobbler heard the sounds of a telegraph, through which someone was transmitting a message to an unknown recipient. The commissioner sets off for Berlin, convincing his boss that a business trip is necessary to conduct further investigation. Here Viistovic is a bit of a liar, as he is actually rushing to help his ex-wife, Anna. But as it turns out, he is in the right place at the right time and begins to find out who might be involved in several murders that are quite possibly connected.

    The book is very easy to read, despite the fact that the events unfold quite quickly and you have to pay attention to the details that should tell you who Vistovich suspects.

    July 15, 2021
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    Khrystyna Khrystyna

    What do the murders in Berlin and a knock on an empty apartment in Lemberg have in common?

    Or between the defeat of the Russian Empire at the Battle of Tsushima, communists in a secret apartment in Berlin, and the telegraph?

    Tangled moves that Commissioner Adam Wistowicz takes on to solve. In an effort to help his ex-wife, he finds himself at the center of an almost international conspiracy.

    I’m already familiar with the author’s work, so I was looking forward to a new novel.

    And he did not change his style. Lemberg. Galicia. Austria. Purely Galician locations, special words that only Lviv residents understand.

    Just another balm for the soul!

    June 6, 2021
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    Lilia Strutynska

    I have been reading books by contemporary Ukrainian authors for a long time, but I had never heard of Bohdan Kolomiichuk, and that’s a shame.

    I like to get acquainted with books without knowing anything about them, and I’m glad that in this case I was right, because it was a pleasant surprise for me to see such a turn of events, the beginning of the twentieth century, rethinking of imperialist ideals, the criminal world… in a word, wow.

    I’ve been familiar with books in the detective genre for a long time, so I can make a mental analysis of this one. Although the events do not stand out for any particular suspense, I am sure the author has room to move on.

    I found the author’s language quite pleasant, it was easy to read, even though there were words that are probably not familiar to everyone (kots, piec, etc.)

    I was especially surprised to find scenes that definitely fall under the 18+ restriction, but I didn’t find any marks about it. Well, everyone has different opinions, but I like such piquancy, and it’s especially interesting that our author decided to realize it).

    I saw that the author also has books of the detective genre, so I will definitely get acquainted with his style in the future.

    P. S. I can easily decide whether I liked a book, I just ask myself, will I keep it or give it away? I’m definitely keeping this one, at least for the variety of foreign detectives.

    March 9, 2021
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    Oleksandra Kunska

    If you like stories where a charismatic and intelligent detective is at the center of the story, don’t miss this one. Of course, Vistovich is no James Bond, but he is a good shot and a good puzzle solver, and he also tends to love women.

    Among the book’s advantages: easy to read, pleasant language. There is a lot of Lviv that is recognizable. The atmosphere of noble Europe in the early 19th century, flavored with a pinch of detective adventurism. Vistovich himself.

    Among the minuses: this detective story cannot be attributed to the suspenseful ones, because there is not enough tension. Vistovich often has an assistant with hints, if not answers, ready. There is a certain idealization of the character because other detectives seem dumber.

    This is an easy book for a few evenings to unload your brain and get pleasant emotions. I liked it, though it didn’t make it to my list of favorites. I’ll definitely read more by Vistovich, but without high expectations.

    February 9, 2021
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    Kateryna Yavorska

    There is always something for everyone for the first time, and I am no exception to this rule. This time it is an acquaintance with the work of Bohdan Kolomichuk. I chose it at random and, in the end, I do not regret my choice. I love detectives and am gradually discovering contemporary and Ukrainian authors. After reading the book, I was left with a subtle aftertaste of satisfaction-it is easy to read, with a desire to pick up other books about the adventures, or rather life and work, of Commissioner Vistovich, an extraordinary man who, despite everything, is not idealized-a man with his flaws, sins, mistakes, and successes. The plot is not extended in time, it is quite dynamic. There are a minimum of descriptive moments that most people skim over without reading, but the sense of the “era” in which the events take place is well preserved.

    February 4, 2021
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