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Homemade pastries

Домашня випічка

Homemade pastries

What to cook for breakfast or dinner, on a weekday or for a festive table? How to please your family and treat your friends? These questions arise every day. The books of the Cooking Delicious series will help you diversify your diet and create many new, spicy, unusual, and delicious dishes from the available ingredients. Salads, appetizers, side dishes and main dishes made from seasonal vegetables, delicious meat and seafood, homemade pastries and desserts, and canned food – more than 500 recipes and vivid photos in the series. Immerse yourself in the world of culinary magic! Cook deliciously!

Купити "Домашня випічка" українською мовою

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Основні моменти книги

  • Вивчення традиційних українських рецептів.
  • Поради щодо вибору якісних інгредієнтів.
  • Методи підготовки тіста для різних видів випічки.
  • Секрети приготування смачних десертів і хлібу.
  • Ідеї для святкових страв та домашніх заготовок.

"Домашня випічка" — це не просто збірка рецептів. Це ваш гід у світ смаку та аромату, який принесе радість у вашу кухню. Книга надихає на те, щоб експериментувати і пробувати нові комбінації.

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  • Культурна цінність: Досліджуйте українську кулінарну спадщину.
  • Легкість у використанні: Рецепти викладені доступно та зрозуміло.
  • Різноманіття: Знайдете рецепти від класичних до сучасних.
  • Натхнення: Книга спонукає до творчості на кухні.

Наші сильні сторони: ми пропонуємо найкращі ціни, чесні знижки та швидку доставку. Доставка здійснюється безпосередньо з Києва та Львова. З кожної покупки ми робимо пожертви на українську армію.

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Не втрачайте можливість купити "Домашня випічка" українською мовою та поринути у світ смачних страв!

Discover the Joy of Baking with "Home Baking"

Welcome to your ultimate resource for culinary art! If you want to buy "Home Baking" in Ukrainian, you've come to the right place. This book is perfect for anyone passionate about baking and looking to enhance their skills.

Why You Should Read "Home Baking" by

  • Comprehensive Recipes: The book features a variety of recipes, from traditional Ukrainian pastries to modern twists that cater to diverse tastes.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Each recipe is broken down into easy-to-follow steps, making it accessible for bakers at all levels.
  • Cultural Insights: Enjoy stories and anecdotes that bring each dish to life, connecting you to the rich tradition of Ukrainian baking.
  • Tips and Tricks: Learn expert techniques and tips that will elevate your baking game.
  • Perfect for All Occasions: Whether it’s a family gathering or a holiday celebration, you’ll find the perfect recipe to impress your guests.

Benefits of Buying From Us

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing on "Home Baking," ensuring you get the best value.
  • Good Discounts: Take advantage of our regular promotions and discounts on popular titles.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy speedy delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv to your doorstep.
  • Assistance in Searching: We can help you find and purchase rare books in Ukraine.
  • Support Ukrainian Army: A portion of each sale goes towards supporting the Ukrainian army.

We accept a variety of payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options for your convenience. Our shipping options are flexible and include worldwide delivery through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your baking skills. Get your copy of "Home Baking" today and start your delicious journey!


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Домашня випічка

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    All lovers of culinary art and home baking will be interested in the cookbook titled “Home Baking”. This cookbook is part of a series of books called “Cooking Deliciously” published by Vivat. I am a big fan of various homemade pastries, so I immediately turned my attention to this wonderful and very useful book.

    Thanks to the book “Home Baking” you will learn recipes for such dishes as profiteroles, honey cake with sour cream, macaroons, lemon cake, cupcakes, Strawberry Paradise cake, Favorite cake, and many other dishes. I really liked the fact that each recipe is immediately accompanied by a photo of the finished dish, which looks very appetizing. All the recipes are written quite clearly and understandably, and all the ingredients are used. The format of the book is not too large, so it can be safely stored in the kitchen. The cover of the book “Home Baking” is soft, there are only forty-eight pages.

    The “Home Baking” cookbook will perfectly diversify your usual diet, and you will also be able to create a real holiday thanks to the recipes presented. “Home Baking” will appeal to all fans of baking, the book is worth reading!

    February 24, 2020
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    An incredibly useful, interesting, original book has recently been added to our home cookbook library, which made our mother very happy. It was here that we were able to find some particularly interesting recipes that were presented to the hostesses in a slightly different way, and it was the recipes for home baking from this cookbook that our family and friends liked best. Now it has become our favorite assistant when preparing for festive events and celebrations, as well as on weekdays, when we want to please and surprise our family with something very tasty and original cooked in our cozy kitchen.

    The wonderful cookbook “Home Baking” was published by the well-known and popular today among a wide range of readers publishing house “Vivat” and is part of the well-known to connoisseurs and connoisseurs of culinary business series of books “Cooking Deliciously”. This edition is presented in excellent, accessible Ukrainian. This book was published in two thousand and seventeen and is quite large in size, containing more than forty pages of valuable, interesting and well-presented information, as well as very well illustrated with colorful, colorful and very vivid images. Among the recipes we liked the most, we would like to highlight the following: “Lemon Cupcake” and “Lemon Cakes”, “Apple Charlotte”, “Oatmeal Cookies with Berries and Mint”.

    “Home Baking” is a great addition to your home cookbook collection!

    April 10, 2019
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    If you have a sweet tooth, the book titled “Home Baking” will pleasantly surprise you with delicious recipes for a variety of sweet casseroles, cakes, and charlotte for every taste. Of course, if you’re afraid of getting fat, you shouldn’t eat such delicious food every day, but sometimes you can still afford to enjoy the unsurpassed flavors you’ve known since childhood by making a honey cake with sour cream, a cottage cheese casserole with cherry sauce, apple charlotte, and so on. Personally, I decided to make a cake called “Motley Fringe” and I did not regret my choice at all, because this dessert is, firstly, very light and delicate, secondly, it is not difficult to prepare, and thirdly, it is not as high in calories as most baked goods, because the sponge layer is quite thin: there is much more soufflé and berry jelly.

    We can talk about the advantages of this publication for a long time, but it is better to buy this book yourself and make sure of its quality, because it is informative, contains detailed descriptions of the cooking stages, and is quite inexpensive.

    December 6, 2018
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