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Harry Potter (set of 7 books)

Гаррі Поттер (комплект із 7 книг)

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter (set of 7 books)

The set of Harry Potter books includes 7 volumes: from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Included: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Чому варто купити "Гаррі Поттер (комплект із 7 книг)" українською мовою

Фантастичний світ Джоан Роулінг продовжує захоплювати читачів у всьому світі. Купівля комплекту "Гаррі Поттер" українською мовою надає можливість зануритися в цю магічну історію. Ось декілька причин, чому ви повинні придбати цей комплект:

  • Неперевершений бестселер: Книги про Гаррі Поттера стали класикою світової літератури.
  • Магія та пригоди: Подорожуйте разом з Гаррі, Герміоною та Роном у світ чарівництва.
  • Глибокі теми: Книги досліджують теми дружби, любові та боротьби зі злом.
  • Висока якість перекладу: Український переклад зберігає дух оригіналу.
  • Культурна значущість: Читання українською мовою підтримує рідну культуру.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Прибуття до Хогвартса: Вступ до магічної школи стає справжнім відкриттям для Гаррі.
  • Боротьба з Волдемортом: Напружена боротьба проти темряви формує сюжет.
  • Сила дружби: Друзів не можна підводити навіть у найскладніші часи.
  • Чарівні артефакти: Кожна книга розкриває нові загадки і магічні предмети.
  • Важливість вибору: Персонажі постійно стикаються з моральними дилемами.

Купуючи "Гаррі Поттер (комплект із 7 книг)" від Джоан Роулінг, ви не тільки отримуєте захоплюючу історію, але й підтримуєте українську армію — частина доходів від кожної покупки йде на допомогу.

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Why You Should Buy "Harry Potter (Complete Set of 7 Books)" by J.K. Rowling

Immerse yourself in the magical world of Harry Potter! This complete set includes all seven books in Ukrainian, perfect for fans and new readers alike. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase:

  • Unforgettable Characters: Experience the growth of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and other beloved characters.
  • Engaging Storylines: Follow Harry's journey from Hogwarts to the ultimate battle against Voldemort.
  • Rich Themes: Explore themes of friendship, bravery, and the battle between good and evil.
  • Cultural Impact: Join millions of fans worldwide who celebrate this literary phenomenon.
  • Language Learning: Improve your Ukrainian language skills while enjoying a classic series.

How to Purchase

To buy "Harry Potter (Complete Set of 7 Books)" in Ukrainian, simply visit our website. We offer a seamless shopping experience with various payment options including:

  • PayPal
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Any other banking cards and accounts

This set is available at best prices with great discounts. Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring you receive your books in no time!

Our Commitment

With every purchase, a portion of the proceeds goes to support the Ukrainian army, making your reading choice impactful. We ship worldwide using trusted carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't miss out on the chance to own "Harry Potter (Complete Set of 7 Books)" by J.K. Rowling. Start your magical adventure today!


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Гаррі Поттер (комплект із 7 книг)


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    This series of books has been memorable for the rest of my life. Just something incredible. After all, for every fan of The Boy Who Survived, it’s very important not to miss a single book, a single leaf or line in this series. Having read all of these books for a long time, it makes you want to go back to the former fairy tale over and over again. The time when, as a child, you wait for that cherished letter from the school of magic. The time when you understand what true friendship is and begin to believe in miracles.

    This book series has no expiration date, but it does have a way of inspiring. And let me no longer expect that cherished letter – from this the plot does not become less interesting and exciting. Each time you discover something new, something you didn’t notice before. You begin to see magic everywhere. Of course, near the end of part seven, it gets pretty sad. Realizing that you won’t see such unrealistic events unfold anymore, it gets a little sad, but the books are still with you. Which means you still have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of fantasy.

    November 6, 2021
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    There are already millions of reviews of the world-famous story of the boy who survived, but one more will definitely not hurt.

    J.K. Rowling did and still does the impossible, she was able to show children that books can be more interesting than any cartoons, TV shows and tiktok. I can say with confidence that 99.9% of people who have read this series have fallen in love with Harry Potter. More than 20 years have passed since the first book was published, but this story will never get boring. All 7 volumes are read in one breath. I can say that I read all the books, absolutely all of them, in a month. I had never read so much in my entire life (until then).

    Harry Potter is no longer just a book, it is a story about love being the most powerful force in the world. And the strongest love is maternal, and no evil force can stop it, not even death.

    Many people can argue about the logic, plausibility of the books, and so on, but the fact remains that Harry Potter is a story that could change the world.

    October 10, 2021
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    Harry Potter is not just a story about a boy who lost his parents at an early age. This series of books is about a great wizard who went through a thorny path from an ordinary child who lived in a closet under the stairs to a man with a capital M, whose fate and exploits were known, respected, and admired by everyone.

    Seven wonderful books, three friends, one story.

    Everyone should read this book. And you will not be ashamed if you are not children anymore. The story changes depending on who reads it. For a child, it is magic, strange stories, a school of magic, friendship, and first love. For an adult, it is hope for a brighter future, loyalty, the love of a lifetime, and the pain of loss. This book teaches you to turn to the light, even in the darkest of times. If you need a little color and warmth in your life, this book will be a great cure for all your troubles.

    In addition, I definitely recommend watching the movie adaptation of these incredible books. This is the rare case when whether you read the book first or watch the movie, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a story for centuries to come. I re-read it, re-watch it, live it again and again. If you haven’t read it, you should get started! If you have, I hope you share my opinion.

    July 16, 2021
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    Excellent gift edition. All 7 volumes at once. Perfect for fans of the world of Harry Potter. Colorful, colorful books. True, a little used to the characters from the movies, but here, too, cool illustrations.

    There is no point in retelling the story of the Boy Who Survived. It is read with interest at any age and will be relevant for a long time to come. It really came out great. (And even the awful part about the Cursed Child can’t ruin it).

    But then again. The kid survives a fight with the most evil wizard ever, and he also defeats him. Grew up himself, but knows nothing of the magical world or of his abilities. Voldemort also recovers his powers. And then it all just begins.

    7 great books for an enjoyable read. Enough for two weeks for sure. It’s hard to tear yourself away at times, though. So my rating is a solid A!

    July 9, 2021
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    Only the remotest corners of our planet have not heard the story of “the boy who survived,” while the rest of the civilized world, one way or another, knows about Harry Potter. He is perhaps the youngest and most famous (after Merlin and Gandalf, of course) wizard, the idol of millions of boys and girls.

    Did Joanne Rowling, inventing and creating a magical world (at an extremely difficult time in her life), know her characters, what popularity they would gain, what influence they would have on modernity, that they would become a cult! Did she know that her work would be plagiarized (does anyone else remember Tanya Grotter besides me?), that her books would be reread and such wonderful films would be made on them that thousands of people would review them every year!

    The 7 books that make up the collection are 7 stories, 7 adventures that would be enough for 7 lives, but that fell to our hero and his friends.

    Harry Potter is a classic of children’s literature, without it, rightly, no children’s library (and I’m talking about home, not public, libraries! In public libraries, it’s just a must have), it is from this collection I would recommend that children (who have already learned to read independently) get familiar with books. After all, if not this collection, then I do not know what else can instill a love of reading, but so tightly that they will read all 7 books, and not quit after the first (or what could be even worse – when published only one book, without a sequel – the thirst to read and learn the world, the characters still have, but to take up a new book, no desire)!

    All in all, this is a great gift for children ages 7 and up.

    April 8, 2021
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