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Harry Potter. Illustrated edition (set of 4 books)

Гаррі Поттер. Ілюстроване видання (комплект із 4 книг)

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter. Illustrated edition (set of 4 books)

The Harry Potter gift set includes 4 volumes of illustrated Harry Potter books. The books have a lot of wonderful color illustrations by Jim Kay, a Kate Greenaway Medal winner. This is a real magical holiday for both loyal fans of this book and new readers. Included: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Large illustrated edition Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Large illustrated edition Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Large illustrated edition Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Large illustrated edition

Купити "Гаррі Поттер. Ілюстроване видання (комплект із 4 книг)" українською мовою

Гаррі Поттер - це не лише історія про магію, але й про дружбу, відвагу та самопізнання. Цей комплект з чотирьох ілюстрованих книг від Джоан Роулінг дозволяє поринути у світ чаклунів у новому форматі. Якщо ви хочете купити "Гаррі Поттер. Ілюстроване видання (комплект із 4 книг)" в США чи Канаді, ви на правильному шляху!

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Неперевершена ілюстрація: кожна книга в комплекті оформлена неповторними ілюстраціями, які надихають.
  • Сторітелінг: відправляйтесь у захоплюючу подорож разом з Гаррі, Герміоною та Роном.
  • Значимість тем: книга торкається важливих соціальних тем, таких як дружба, терпимість та боротьба зі злом.
  • Актуальність: вивчення української мови через популярну літературу – це не лише цікаво, а й корисно.

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Знайомство з Гаррі Поттером, хлопчиком, що став сиротою.
  • Відкриття світу магії та вчення в Хогвартсі.
  • Пригоди, що призводять до зіткнення з Темним Волдемортом.
  • Розвиток дружби та підтримки серед головних героїв.

Читання "Гаррі Поттер. Ілюстроване видання (комплект із 4 книг)" українською мовою подарує вам нові емоції. Це особлива можливість поглибити свої знання про українську культуру та мову, одночасно насолоджуючись шедевром літератури.

Наші переваги

  • Найкращі ціни на ринку.
  • Гарні знижки для постійних клієнтів.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога у пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг в Україні.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

Ми приймаємо PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка по всьому світу здійснюється за допомогою Укрпошти, USPS, UPS та DHL.

Не пропустіть свій шанс купити "Гаррі Поттер. Ілюстроване видання (комплект із 4 книг)" вже сьогодні!

Discover "Harry Potter: Illustrated Edition (Set of 4 Books)" by J.K. Rowling

Are you ready to dive into the magical world of Harry Potter: Illustrated Edition (Set of 4 Books) by J.K. Rowling? This beautifully illustrated set brings the beloved stories to life in a captivating way. Here are some compelling reasons to buy and read this enchanting book:

  • Beautiful Illustrations: Each page features stunning artwork that enhances the reading experience.
  • Classic Storytelling: Experience the timeless adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they navigate the wizarding world.
  • Collector's Item: This illustrated edition is a perfect addition to any Harry Potter collection.
  • Perfect Gift: Ideal for both children and adults, making it a thoughtful gift for any occasion.
  • Cultural Impact: Explore themes of friendship, bravery, and the battle between good and evil that resonate with readers worldwide.

Why Buy "Harry Potter: Illustrated Edition (Set of 4 Books)" in Ukrainian?

Looking to buy Harry Potter: Illustrated Edition (Set of 4 Books) in Ukrainian? Here’s why this book is a must-have:

  • Language Accessibility: Enjoy the stories in your native language, making it accessible for Ukrainian speakers in the US and Canada.
  • Family Reading: Share the joys of reading with family by immersing everyone in a familiar yet beautifully presented story.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Reading in your own language improves comprehension and enjoyment of the rich narrative.

We offer the best prices, great discounts, and fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv. Our payment options include PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping through trusted carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Plus, with each purchase, we donate a portion to the Ukrainian army, making your buy impactful.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to own a piece of literary magic. Buy your copy of Harry Potter: Illustrated Edition (Set of 4 Books) by J.K. Rowling today!


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Гаррі Поттер. Ілюстроване видання (комплект із 4 книг)


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    What better gift can you think of for a fan of the Harry Potter books?

    Only this set of illustrated editions!

    It’s such a delight, such beauty, such an incredible series of books, such an immersion in the world of miracles, magic, that I want to say a lot about it!

    For me, Harry Potter is a symbol of a happy childhood.

    J.K. Rowling is an example of a brilliant woman, a philanthropist, and an unsurpassed writer.

    Harry Potter is an era. I can’t imagine that many children today have not read this series, because throughout my childhood and adulthood I waited with impatience and pleasure for the release and translation of each new book.

    And I believe that J.K. Rowling has written a truly masterpiece that has brought many people not only literary pleasure, but also a lot of light, kindness, love, understanding of the main, basic values that we have in life!!!


    December 1, 2021
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    The Harry Potter books are experiencing a second birth. And that’s cool. Because they’re really interesting. And they’re also illustrated. And pictures are exactly what these books lacked.

    So. Books are very colorful and bright. Big and cool pictures. The only thing is, after watching the movies, it’s hard to get to the portrayal of the characters, because the actors’ faces are so familiar to us.

    The story itself is suitable for children 10-14 years old. The books from the first volume to the seventh kind of grow up with Harry, becoming more serious and dangerous.

    The boy-who-survived and the Dark Lord, whose name cannot be pronounced. Their confrontation goes to a new level all the time. But it’s still a good book. Despite a lot of death in the end. After all, good triumphs. Even if at such a cost.

    The Harry Potter books should be read by everyone, just to see life with all its good and bad sides. To see that everything has to be fought for. But also everything is possible, even defeating the invincible Voldemort.

    October 23, 2021
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    Elena Bogatchenko

    Unfortunately, not all people are inclined to read, so maybe they don’t take books lightly and don’t try to get to know and love them. Even the most interesting and easy-to-read books seem tedious from the outside. Children are even harder to persuade to read on their own. The love of reading appeared in children when the saga of Harry Potter, written by the pen of British author Joanne Rowling, hit the shelves. Parents rejoiced when they saw his restless children are not at the gadget, and a book. They were not too interested in the plot, the main thing that this magical fantasy caught the attention of children! Started a massive purchase of “Harry Potter” interest in books and now has not cooled, as are released more and more new editions, which find their readers. It’s fantastic! Indifferent will say: Well, I’ve not read “Harry Potter”, have I lost much since then? Everyone has his own opinion. Personally, “Harry Potter” led me to other great works by Joan Rowling. Such as The Tales of the Bard of Biddle, Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them, and Quidditch Through the Ages. I have all of these books, an amazing collection! Just a collection? You’d think I was just a book collector, but no – I read them willingly. Which I recommend you do, because it’s so much fun to read.

    May 17, 2021
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