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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Illustrated edition

Гаррі Поттер і в'язень Азкабану. Ілюстроване видання

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Illustrated edition

The illustrated edition of the third book in J.K. Rowling’s classic series is filled with fireworks of magical wonders conjured up with paints, pencils, and pixels by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Jim Kay. “The Dark Lord lies alone and abandoned by his followers. His servant has been in prison for twelve years. Tonight, around midnight, he will be freed to reunite with his Master.” Having gotten himself into a huge magical mess, Harry Potter leaves the Dursleys on the Knight Bus, expecting serious trouble. But the Ministry of Magic is hunting for bigger fish – a dangerous prisoner, Sirius Black, a zealous supporter of Lord Voldemort, has escaped from Azkaban. It is said that he wants to attack Harry, so the Ministry of Magic sends Azkaban dementors to protect the school, who can suck out the soul with their deadly Kiss. During his third year at Hogwarts, Harry is haunted by ominous rumors and signs that foretell his death. He learns much about his past and comes face to face with one of the Dark Lord’s most loyal servants…

Купити "Гаррі Поттер і в'язень Азкабану. Ілюстроване видання" українською мовою

Гаррі Поттер і в'язень Азкабану – це третя частина всесвітньо відомої серії романів Джоан Роулінг. Це ілюстроване видання дозволяє зануритися у магічний світ, де пригоди Гаррі, Герміони та Рона стають ще яскравішими завдяки чудовим ілюстраціям.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Гаррі дізнається про таємницю свого батька й зустрічає нового викладача, Сіріуса Блека.
  • Відкриваються нові факти про тюремне ув'язнення та зраду у минулому.
  • З'являються чарівні істоти, такі як дементори, які створюють атмосферу напруги.
  • Герої вчаться використовувати закляття для захисту та боротьби зі злом.
  • Кульмінаційні моменти ведуть до шокуючих відкриттів про друзів та ворогів.

Ця книга варта прочитання з багатьох причин:

  • Магічний сюжет. Читачі можуть насолоджуватися неймовірними пригодами, які не залишать байдужими.
  • Глибокі персонажі. Кожен з героїв має свої страхи та мрії, що робить їх більш реалістичними.
  • Ілюстрації. Візуальний елемент додає нові фарби до вже знайомого світу Гаррі Поттера.
  • Культурна цінність. Читання українською мовою сприяє збереженню рідної мови за кордоном.

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Discover the Magic of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Illustrated Edition"

Buy "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Illustrated Edition" in Ukrainian to experience the enchantment of J.K. Rowling's beloved series. This beautifully illustrated edition brings the story to life like never before!

Why You Should Read This Book

  • Engaging Storyline: Follow Harry as he learns more about his past and faces new challenges at Hogwarts.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Experience stunning artwork that enhances the magical world of wizards.
  • Character Development: Discover the growth of beloved characters, including Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
  • Thrilling Plot Twists: Enjoy unexpected turns in the storyline that keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Themes of Friendship and Loyalty: Explore deep themes that resonate with readers of all ages.

How to Purchase

It's easy to buy "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Illustrated Edition" by J.K. Rowling. You can find it available for purchase online with just a few clicks!

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We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Your order can be shipped worldwide using Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, or DHL. Shop with us today and enjoy the magic of Harry Potter!


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Weight 1.695 kg


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Original title

Гаррі Поттер і в'язень Азкабану. Ілюстроване видання


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    A must-have for all Potter fans is the Harry Potter series of books, which has already won the hearts of many, including mine. It is a special pleasure to flip through this book, even without reading, the book tells a lot. Quality, design, price – all this will pleasantly surprise you in this edition, and the book will not become less beautiful by “stripping” the supercover, on the contrary, the supercover hides an extremely high-quality, and most importantly, laconic binding. So feel free to add this book to your collection.

    June 6, 2022
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    Olena Boyko

    With the illustrated edition by A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA, reading your favorite book is a double pleasure. I’m reading it for the second time. But I have watched the movie adaptation many times.

    The only disadvantage of re-reading is that you know everything beforehand and nothing will surprise you.

    In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, we learn who Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew are. Harry and Hermione will save two innocent souls from death. And as always, they will take part in dangerous adventures.

    There are certain moments in the book that are not mentioned in the movie. For example, did you know that James Potter (Harry’s father) was an animagus, he could turn into a deer?!! As well as his three friends…

    Hermione’s red cat, Crookedtail, plays a very important role in the book. He helped Sirius and knew where to press the War Willow to calm it down.

    It also explains in more detail how Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban.

    Therefore, I strongly advise you to read and then watch Harry Potter first.

    November 16, 2021
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    A gorgeous edition that you don’t want to let go of, but what impressed me most was the gripping sequel to the Harry Potter saga. Here Harry, who has achieved a lot of success, both at magic school and in the field of Quidditch, has to find out the real reason for the death of his parents and the secret of who betrayed them. Until the middle of the book, it seems that the main intrigue is already known. In fact, the author only plays with us and closer to the finale turns the story in such a way that familiar characters appear as enemies, and new ones, which from the beginning should have been feared, become friends and more. Harry Potter not only has to win the most spectacular Quidditch match in this book, but he also has to face his fears. The third book turned out to be very emotional and entertaining with colorful characters and unexpected plot twists.

    September 30, 2021
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    The wizarding world is in grave danger, as Sirius Black, the most brutal wizard and loyal servant of the Dark Lord, has escaped from Azkaban. The Ministry sends dementors to Hogwarts, faceless guards of Azkaban, who are waiting for Black and want to perform their deadly kiss. Meanwhile, Harry returns to his favorite school and learns that the Dark Lord’s servant is hunting for him.

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book in the series: like the previous books, it describes the atmosphere of Hogwarts, Quidditch and Hogsmeade in a very cozy way, and we also learn more about Harry’s parents, their friends and enemies. Old characters are revealed from a different perspective, and the story of the boy who survived takes an unexpected turn.

    The edition itself is simply gorgeous: Jim Kay’s vivid illustrations perfectly complement the story, the superbly soft cover is pleasant to the touch, and the book’s title shines in dark green letters, as if hinting that an unforgettable adventure full of mystery and danger awaits you. I’ve read Harry Potter many times, but with this design, I read the book as if for the first time!

    April 20, 2021
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    Maria Chichikalo

    Oh, merlin underpants, every next book in the illustrated series is even better than the last. “The Prisoner of Azkaban just broke my Potter-man heart, maybe because it’s already my favorite part, or because of the purple cover, or because of the fantastic Nightcrawler on the supercover. The successful collaboration between Rowling and Jim Kay continues. It’s especially cool that this part pays more attention to portrait illustrations, which significantly complements the existing book image. An incredible book with an incredible design, the Ukrainian edition is complemented by a brilliant translation. Thanks to the illustrated edition, I read The Prisoner of Azkaban in Ukrainian for the first time, because back in the days when the third part was published, the Russian translation was released much earlier and was more readily available for sale. It’s nice that twenty years later the situation has changed dramatically. A handy and practical addition is the book’s wrapping in cling film, which significantly preserves the dust jacket, especially if you order the book by mail. If you want to get not just reading pleasure, but also aesthetic pleasure, then this book is for you!

    November 22, 2020
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