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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Гаррі Поттер i в’язень Азкабану

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Written by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book about the adventures of the Boy with the Scar that conquered the whole world! Harry Potter is an unusual boy. He doesn’t like summer vacations very much, because he spends this time in the house of his uncle and aunt Dursley. And they hate wizards. One day, having escaped from his hateful relatives, Harry picks up the Night Knight bus, which takes him straight to the saving magical world. But now it’s not as safe as it used to be. After twelve long years, the most dangerous criminal in Azkaban prison and the heir to Voldemort himself, Sirius Black, has been released! It is said that he betrayed James and Lily Potter, and now he is looking for Harry himself to finish what the Dark Lord started. Terrible dementors, the wardens of Azkaban, have been called to guard Hogwarts. But will they be able to protect the students? After all, there is a traitor who is ready to open the way for the criminal… In Book 3, Harry Potter and his friends, Ron and Hermione, will have to face evil spells again and reveal old secrets. For young Ukrainian wizards, A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA publishing house has prepared the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Ukrainian. Hurry up and buy the book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” to return to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! You will attend lessons on caring for magical creatures, secretly visit the village of Hogsmeade, meet the best teacher of defense against the dark arts, and even go back in time.

Купити "Гаррі Поттер i в’язень Азкабану" українською мовою

"Гаррі Поттер i в’язень Азкабану" - третя книга з всесвітньо відомої серії Джоан Роулінг. Ця книга, наповнена магією та пригодами, стане чудовим вибором для всіх фанатів Гаррі Поттера, які бажають читати українською. Перш ніж ви вирішите, чому варто купити цю книгу, розгляньте основні моменти її сюжету.
  • Зустріч з новими персонажами: Гаррі знайомиться з Сіріусом Блеком, який стає ключовою фігурою у його житті.
  • Вразливість Гаррі: Персонаж стає більш зрілим, його страхи та переживання показують його емоційну сторону.
  • Часова магія: За допомогою чарівного артефакту - «Часоворота», Гаррі і Герміона переживають неймовірні події.
  • Темна таємниця: Відкриття справжньої історії Сіріуса Блека та його зв'язок з Гаррі, додає глибини сюжету.
  • Класичне змагання: Змагання з дементорями та захистом від темних сил підкреслює напругу в історії.

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  • Можливість насолодитися шедевром українською мовою.

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Why You Should Buy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling in Ukrainian

Discover the magic of the third installment in the beloved Harry Potter series. Buying Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Ukrainian allows fans to immerse themselves in the rich storytelling of J.K. Rowling. Here are some key reasons to consider:

  • Captivating Plot: Join Harry as he uncovers truths about his past and faces new challenges.
  • New Characters: Meet enchanting characters like Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, who add depth to the storyline.
  • Themes of Friendship: Experience the importance of loyalty and friendship as Harry navigates his adventures.
  • Magical Creatures: Delve into a world filled with magical creatures that expand the wizarding universe.
  • Time Travel: Discover the fascinating element of time travel and its implications on the plot.

Best Offer for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

If you are looking to buy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Ukrainian, you will find competitive pricing and great discounts. Our store offers:

  • Fast Shipping: We ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring quick delivery.
  • Worldwide Service: We use trusted carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL for safe shipping.
  • Rare Book Assistance: Need help finding rare books in Ukraine? We're here to assist!
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each purchase is donated to the Ukrainian army.

We accept payments through PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options for your convenience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your collection with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! Experience the magic today.


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    The New Year and Christmas holidays are Harry Potter time. I’m not sure why, but almost all my friends and acquaintances have a similar association. Perhaps it’s because during this festive time, all the movie parts were shown on TV (and continue to be shown even now!).

    In addition to new positive characters, this story finally opens up the magical world beyond Hogwarts and… gives us hope. The hope that Harry’s life will finally have a reference point for the future. The boy is no longer tied to the Dursleys and the castle walls. Somewhere out there, a normal life awaits him with his godfather, the only truly native person in the universe. At least he thinks so.

    Although there is no de facto Voldemort in this part, there is also a lot of confusion and horror. New details of the past of Harry’s parents and their closest friends are revealed. Eerie events begin to haunt not only our three friends, but also the other “residents” of Hogwarts.

    This part skillfully leads the readers to the next one, The Goblet of Fire, in which childhood must come to an end.

    December 26, 2021
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    “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third installment of the fascinating saga of the young wizard Harry, who has a difficult destiny to save the magical world from the terrible wizard He Who Must Not Be Named.

    In this installment, Voldemort has no chance of even appearing!

    This year, Harry is in danger again, because a serial killer, the dangerous Sirius Black, who 12 years ago told the Dark Lord about the Potter hideout, has escaped from Azkaban prison… But how did he manage to do it if Azkaban is under the strict control of dementors – monsters that suck out all positive memories from a person?

    In this book, Harry will find unexpected support and resistance, learn how to defend himself against these nasty dementors, and travel through time!

    The quality, as always, is excellent: the paper is thick, the printing is clear and of high quality, and the design is gorgeous.

    Of course, the book is incredible, the atmosphere that accompanies all parts is magical. The plot is dynamic, it’s impossible to stop reading, you want more and more, the book falls in love with you from the first lines.

    I can safely recommend it to all lovers of magic and enchantment!

    Definitely 10/10!

    November 17, 2021
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    Bogachenko Kateryna

    The continuation of the incredible adventures of a little boy wizard.

    I don’t see any point in describing the plot, because it’s hard to find a person who hasn’t heard of Harry.

    The movies about the Dark Lord and the boy with the lightning bolt on his forehead are just wonderful. And the books… It’s something incredible. I admire the author’s talent. To invent such an amazing world, you need to have a crazy imagination. And to write it in such a way that the whole world, from young to old, falls in love with her books, is a gift.

    In addition to an interesting story, Rowling shows us what true and loyal friendship is, what love is, so strong that even one’s own life is not important, what good and evil are. The philosophical thread leaves a pleasant feeling.

    And how it skillfully conveys the feeling of bitterness and, on the contrary, of fierce joy. When Harry managed to win the cup, how could you sit still and not dance with joy? I couldn’t)))

    If you haven’t read the books yet and think that the movie has replaced everything, I have to disappoint you – the books are a completely different, just incredible kind of pleasure. I really, really, really recommend it)

    November 4, 2021
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    Harry Potter’s adventures in the third book in the series become more serious and dangerous. From the very beginning, Harry faces a serious problem, the prisoner of Azkaban, who has something to do with the death of his parents, has escaped from prison and is looking for him. In addition, Dementors show up at Hogwarts, sucking the life out of a person and freezing them. Dementors become the main threat to disrupt the decisive quidditch match, which Harry Potter is so eager to win. By the way, the description of the quidditch match is very emotional. As for the book’s main intrigue with the Prisoner of Azkaban, Joan Rowling surprised me here. It would seem that all the villains of the book are already known, but no such thing. The author completely flips the plot in the finale, making the villains protectors of Harry, and the one you generally forget about throughout the book the main villain. I really liked this move. The book came out dynamic, instructive, and memorable.

    September 2, 2021
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    Taras Vorobiy

    Young Harry is about to start third grade. But it’s still summer vacation, and he’s at home with the annoying Dursleys. They don’t let him live like normal again. And then Uncle Vernon’s sister comes to visit. She completely pisses Harry off. And he blows her up like a balloon.

    He has to run away from his uncle and aunt’s house. There, Harry gets on the Knight Bus, which actually “insures” such wandering wizards who are in trouble.

    Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal Sirius Black escapes from prison. And at the request of the Ministry, Hogwarts is now guarded by dementors. And they are hovering around Harry for some reason.

    Also, a new professor of defense against the dark arts, Lupin, appears at the school. He’s a cool guy, but he’s always disappearing somewhere.

    In addition, there are changes with the teachers – Hagrid becomes a teacher of care for magical creatures. At the first lesson, he demonstrates a hippogriff to his students. A nervous Draco teases the animal, and it is slightly injured. This leads to a scandal.

    The students also have another new lesson – divination, whose teacher predicts Harry’s imminent death…

    August 11, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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