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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Гаррі Поттер і Напівкровний Принц

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

We are pleased to present the sixth Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! After the events in the Department of Mysteries, the Ministry of Magic has no doubt that the Dark Lord has returned. He is now acting openly, kidnapping wizards and wreaking terror across Britain. The students of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry continue to study, make friends and fall in love, but no longer feel as safe as before. Albus Dumbledore and Harry are trying to solve the riddle of the Horcruxes, in which Voldemort has placed a soul. To do this, the headmaster invites an old friend, Professor Slughorn, who told young Tom Reddle about the terrible ritual, to teach potions. Thanks to a strange textbook by a certain Half-Blood Prince, he becomes a better student and gains the teacher’s trust. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling immerses readers in a gloomy atmosphere of anticipation of danger. Nowadays, dark magic is not uncommon on the pages of the novel, and the characters will have to resist it. Anyone can turn out to be a traitor. The darkness is gathering over Hogwarts and the battle is approaching. Will our heroes have time to stop the invasion of the Death Eaters? If you’ve been following the plot of the previous parts of the Boy Who Lived, then it’s time to buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the 6th book about the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends. Order the product on the website of the Yakaboo online store or call the hotline 0-800-600-505.

Чому варто купити "Гаррі Поттер і Напівкровний Принц" українською мовою

Книга "Гаррі Поттер і Напівкровний Принц" авторства Джоан Роулінг - це одна з найулюбленіших частин серії про магічного хлопчика Гаррі Поттера. Вона пропонує читачам захоплюючі моменти та незабутні повороти сюжету. Ось кілька причин, чому вам слід купити "Гаррі Поттер і Напівкровний Принц" саме в українському перекладі:
  • Глибоке занурення у світ магії: Книга відкриває нові горизонти в розумінні магічного світу.
  • Розвиток персонажів: Читачі зможуть спостерігати за дорослішанням Гаррі та його друзів.
  • Незабутні пригоди: Книга багата на сюрпризи та пригоди, які не залишать байдужими.
  • Відкриття таємниць: Розкриття загадок минулого Лорда Волдеморта додає інтриги.
  • Емоційна глибина: Теми дружби, кохання та самопожертви пронизують всю історію.

Основні моменти сюжету

  • Гаррі отримує доступ до справжніх спогадів професора Дамблдора.
  • Виникає новий загрозливий ворог, який намагається знищити мир у світі магії.
  • Стосунки Гаррі з його друзями стають складнішими і більш емоційними.
  • Неочікувані зради і трагічні втрати змушують героїв змінювати свої погляди на життя.
Купити "Гаррі Поттер і Напівкровний Принц" від Джоан Роулінг українською мовою – це можливість насолодитися цією чудовою історією в рідному звучанні.

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  • Пожертви на українську армію: З кожної покупки ми підтримуємо наших героїв.
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Why You Should Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

Looking to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of magic? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is an essential addition to your collection. Here are some key reasons to buy this captivating book:

  • Deep Character Development: Explore the complexities of Harry, Hermione, and Ron as they grow and face new challenges.
  • Unraveling Mysteries: This installment reveals crucial backstory about villains like Voldemort that deepens the overall plot.
  • Magical Adventures: Join Harry in his sixth year at Hogwarts, filled with spellbinding escapades and unexpected twists.
  • Thematic Depth: Themes of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice resonate throughout the book, making it more than just a fantasy.
  • Cinematic Influence: With its popular film adaptation, reading the book offers a richer experience beyond the screen.

Where to Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in Ukrainian

If you're in the US or Canada, you can easily buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in Ukrainian online. Recognized as a beloved classic, this book is celebrated for its engaging storytelling and intricate plot. Enhance your library and enjoy the unique language edition available!

  • Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
  • Order your copy today!
  • Limited time discounts available!

At our store, we pride ourselves on providing the best prices and exclusive discounts. Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv. We offer various payment options including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and more. Additionally, we donate a portion of each purchase to support the Ukrainian army.

Shipping is available worldwide through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss the chance to own this extraordinary book!


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    Anastasia Timchenko

    It’s one of my favorite parts, but it’s also the most dramatic book in the Harry Potter series. The wizarding universe is in turmoil, the Dark Lord is gaining strength, and his dark army is becoming more and more powerful. Dumbledore reveals a secret to Harry – Lord Voldemort’s soul is divided into parts, and until all of them are destroyed, the Lord will remain invincible. The two of them begin to hunt for these parts, and meanwhile, everyone at Hogwarts realizes that nothing will ever be the same again. After all, even among the students there are supporters of the Dark Lord… One of the most dramatic situations in the novel is the mystery of the Half-Blood Prince whose book Harry got. I really, really love this part!

    September 30, 2021
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    The sixth book in the series about the boy who survived, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, completely immerses the reader in the anticipation of the inevitable Magical War.

    Indeed, The Half-Blood Prince is perhaps the warmest book in the series. Death Eaters are actively attacking all over Britain, people are dying, Harry has recently lost a loved one, and so on. What is happening in Hogwarts?

    So, Professor Severus Snape gets the coveted position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. His position will be taken by Horace Slughorn, a former professor at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He got here again, by the way, for a reason. Albus Dumbledore’s secret plan is to get some valuable memories of this overweight wizard. Why are these memories so important? Why does Dumbledore need them so badly?

    Meanwhile, in Potions class, Harry finds an old textbook owned by the Half-Blood Prince. The textbook is written with various unknown spells. Who was the owner of this textbook?

    And one of the most interesting storylines in this book is Lord Voldemort’s past. Who were his parents? What is his connection to Salazar Slytherin? Why did he hate Muggles and their wizarding children? What drove him to murder?

    Indeed, the book is very serious, perhaps even tear-jerking. After all, our heroes are no longer children, the war has made them grow up.

    The book is definitely worth your attention, intriguing, making you read the next part faster.

    I recommend it!!!

    May 24, 2021
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    The wizarding world is going through hard times. The appearance of Lord Voldemort has shaken everyone, even those who had previously refused to believe in it. Large-scale pogroms, mass murders of Muggles, disappearances of officials of the Ministry of Magic… And this is not a complete list of what the Death Eaters are doing on the orders of the merciless Dark Lord.

    Harry returns to the Den to visit the family of his friend Ron. Together they go to Diagon Alley, which has become much deserted and unwelcoming. There they see their school enemy Draco Malfoy, who is hiding and clearly up to no good. Harry, Ron and Hermione decide to follow him.

    Voldemort has given Malfoy a difficult task. Harry begins to suspect this and, after returning to Hogwarts, follows him constantly. What is this task? And will Harry be able to prevent its fulfillment?

    Dumbledore begins to give Harry private lessons that can help him learn more about Voldemort in order to defeat him. What secrets of the past are hidden behind the greatest dark wizard? Will they help you get a little closer to defeating evil?

    A new teacher appears at Hogwarts. This changes the situation quite a bit.

    The book is incredibly tense, with a distinctly oppressive and disturbing atmosphere. The plot is full of drama, and the main characters themselves are going through adventures that are not childish at all. From falling in love to fighting the Known One, they go through hardships and upheavals. The reader’s excitement grows with each page, and longing and emotions fill the mind.

    The book is of high quality. A convenient font size and good printing provide pleasure from reading. The cover strikes with its beauty and realism, it successfully conveys the plot and mood of the book.

    “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is a story that tells about the beginning of the fight against the Dark Lord and the difficult trials that the main characters faced. This book is very emotional, thought-provoking, and sheds light on the most important truths in life.

    May 20, 2021
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    In the last installment, we watched Harry, Ron, Hermione, and their friends fight the Dark Lord’s entourage. It was after these events that the Ministry of Magic finally believed in the return of the darkest wizard on earth. It also turned out that Voldemort is not so easy to kill, because he broke his soul into pieces and sealed each of these particles in horcruxes to protect himself from danger. That’s why the main task that Harry and his headmaster Dumbledore have to solve the mystery of these Horcruxes, find them and destroy them. In the old days, Professor Slughorn, who was in a very close relationship with Tom Riddle, was a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts at the school. That’s why Dumbledore invited him back to this position. However, persuading him to accept this invitation was not an easy task. Will Slughorn agree to return to the school in such dangerous times? And will he be able to help Harry and the headmaster uncover these secrets? Against the backdrop of all these events, Harry and his friends continue to grow up. They study, make friends, fall in love, and try their hand at relationships. This book is perfect for teenagers who need solace and distraction from sad thoughts. You will laugh at times, be happy for the characters, worry about them terribly, and sometimes cry. I definitely recommend reading it!

    May 15, 2021
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    “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth installment of the adventures of the world-famous young wizard Harry Potter by British writer J.K. Rowling.

    Before the finale, the events are significantly tense: there is no doubt about it – the Dark Lord has returned. Harry, Ron and Hermione are no longer little children, they are waiting for their first love and their sixth year at Hogwarts, but the carefree times are over – now the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is as tense as anywhere else. Professor Slughorn, who once showed young Tom Reddle the ritual that helped place Voldemort’s soul in Horcruxes, joins Hogwarts as a Potions teacher. This is what Harry will need to find out in this part with the help of a textbook that once belonged to the secret Half-Blood Prince…

    In this part, the atmosphere becomes more tense and darker – wars in the world of magic and wizardry are inevitable. Rowling perfectly conveys this atmosphere of anticipation of danger, because our heroes realize that the sky over Hogwarts is getting darker. New adventures, the revelation of some secrets, and new characters will be waiting for us here. Unfortunately, losses in this struggle are unavoidable, and we realize this perfectly well after this part.

    January 11, 2021
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