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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The fourth book about the adventures of young wizard Harry Potter. New spells, new potions, new teachers, new subjects – Harry is looking forward to the beginning of the school year. In addition, the Hogwarts School of Magic and Witchcraft will host a wizarding tournament. Students from 3 schools will be participating in it. But for some, this tournament will end tragically. Voldemort will return again, and this time in the flesh…

Чому варто купити "Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню" українською мовою?

"Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню" - це четверта книга у відомій серії Джоан Роулінг, що відкриває нові горизонти для шанувальників магії. Важливо купити цю книгу українською мовою, щоб насолодитися оригінальним стилем автора та зануритися у світ чарівництва.

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Участь Гаррі в Турнірі трьох чарівників
  • Вступ нових персонажів, таких як Долорес Амбридж
  • Вирішальні події, пов'язані з поверненням Волдеморта
  • Глибокі теми дружби, зради та відповідальності
  • Незабутні моменти на міжнародному рівні, змагання та пригоди

Цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Несподіване повернення старого ворога
  • Приховані таємниці і підступи серед друзів
  • Драматичні битви в світі магії

Купуючи "Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню" українською мовою, ви отримуєте не тільки захопливий сюжет, але й можливість краще зрозуміти культурний контекст. Це ідеальне читання для молоді та дорослих, які хочуть розширити свої горизонти.

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Не втрачайте можливість купити "Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню" від Джоан Роулінг та зануритися у світ магії вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

If you're looking to buy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in Ukrainian, you've come to the right place! This book is an essential read for fans of the series, offering a captivating journey into the wizarding world. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider adding this book to your collection:

  • Engaging Storyline: Follow Harry as he navigates the dangerous Triwizard Tournament.
  • Character Development: Experience the growth of beloved characters like Hermione and Ron.
  • Rich World-Building: Immerse yourself in the magical settings of Hogwarts and beyond.
  • Themes of Friendship: Explore deep themes of loyalty and courage throughout the narrative.
  • Exciting Plot Twists: Enjoy unexpected turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Cultural Significance: Understand the impact of J.K. Rowling’s work on modern literature.

This book isn’t just a story; it’s a cultural phenomenon. By choosing to buy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling, you’re investing in a piece of literary history.

Benefits of Purchasing from Us

When you decide to purchase from us, you can expect:

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing to ensure you get the best deal.
  • Good Discounts: Take advantage of our special promotions and discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Global Shipping: We ship worldwide using Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.
  • Secure Payments: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

Don't miss out on the chance to own this magical adventure. Order your copy today and dive into the enchanting world of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!


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    “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” is the fourth part of the saga about the Boy Who Lived.

    This is the end of the magical tale and the beginning of a serious story about the struggle of the magical world against the evil wizard Voldemort.

    In this book, Harry becomes an adult, not because of his age, but because of the events that happen to him during his 4th year at Hogwarts.

    This year, the best school of magic and wizardry is hosting the Triwizard Tournament.

    Three schools have to choose one participant each – Bobaton, Durmstrang and Hogwarts, of course.

    To determine the participants, students from each school throw a piece of paper with their name on it into the Goblet of Fire, but they must be of a certain age to do so.

    On the day the participants were announced, the Goblet threw out three… no, four pieces of paper with students’ names on them.

    One of them was Harry Potter’s name.

    How did the Goblet get the paper? Why did the Goblet choose four? How can Harry take part in the Tournament now that he’s so young?

    The story is dynamic, intriguing, and unpredictable. The book, as always, immerses us in the magical atmosphere of magical England, but now the events are becoming more violent. 10/10!

    November 16, 2021
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    Bogachenko Kateryna

    The boy who survived becomes an adult. Now Harry is a 14-year-old boy who falls in love for the first time. But the ancient evil does not lose hope of reviving, and for this it needs Harry. The new challenges on the young wizard’s path are exciting, sad, and so adult.

    I never tire of admiring J.K. Rowling’s writing talent. Her fictional world is a separate story. I will sing an ode to the author’s skill. Reading books about Harry is a pleasure. All the descriptions come to life before your eyes. Take the description of the Goblet of Light as an example. What kind of imagination does one need to have to invent such a thing and in such detail?

    You feel for the main characters as if they were real. I cried with joy when Harry’s firebolt flew to him during the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. All of Harry’s feelings, fears, experiences, and joy were described so believably that I couldn’t help but let every emotion flow through me.

    And the way the author smoothly and unobtrusively recalls the events of the previous books can only cause sincere admiration.

    After reading the book, I immediately started watching the movie adaptation. Films about Harry and his friends are already a family tradition for us. But this time I looked at it from a different perspective. A lot of dots were dotted, thanks to the book. I always believed that in the final battle between Harry and He Who Must Not Be Named, the spirits of Cedric and the wizard’s parents came to the rescue because of their strong feelings for the latter. But no, the reason was different. And this reason shows that Harry does have power, and not just any power. There were many other moments that were not shown to us in the movie. So, if you haven’t read the books yet, I sincerely advise you to do so. It will allow you to see the full depth of this incredible story.

    October 26, 2021
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    Diana Trachuk

    When I was younger, I was very fond of this part of the movie from this wonderful world. It showed the most adventures, new characters, and told about other magical schools. Now I’ve also read the book and can say with confidence that, in this case, the written version is many times better than the film adaptation! Let’s discuss why.

    First, the book mentions Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather, more often. He is always there for the boy and tries to protect him from an unknown threat. It tells where he is, what he does, and who helps him.

    Secondly, they explain in more detail the history of the Crouchs, especially about their son and his escape from Azkaban. I’ve never understood how he managed to do it, but the book puts everything in its place. In the movie, however, we were not given an explanation and the story and character of the characters were changed altogether.

    Third, all the events develop much more logically and slowly. I recently rewatched the movie and it seemed to me to be rushed, as if the director wanted to fit everything he needed in, but without going beyond the two-hour time limit. I love logic and explanations, so I was delighted with the book.

    In general, I never understood when people told me that books are better than movies. Now everything is clear to me. If the first parts (in the book version) were smaller than this and subsequent books, it was easier to film them and include all the material. Later, this option could not be realized.

    So I definitely recommend reading it!

    August 18, 2021
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    Anastasia Timchenko

    Somehow it turned out that this particular part became the first book of the series in my collection of books about the Harry Potter universe. Although I probably like it the least of all of them – the whole atmosphere of the book is too creepy, dark, of course there is a lot about the Dark Lord and his henchmen, but I wanted more light and light magic and wizardry. Harry becomes a participant in the Triwizard Tournament, although he is not eligible due to his age… no one expected this, and the boy has to prepare for deadly tasks… will he lose his friends or himself in this competition? These are no longer the childhood adventures of an older Harry Potter. Of course, I love this book as much as the others! It is voluminous, interesting, exciting.

    August 4, 2021
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    Elena 220

    The fourth Harry Potter book is one of my favorite books about the little wizard. Why is it your favorite? In my opinion, this book harmoniously combines dynamism, various twists and turns in the plot, riddles, magical tasks, adventures of Harry and his friends, and a calm story about Hogwarts, its inhabitants, life in this school, the main characters’ studies, the antics of the Weasley twins, the problems of elves, and much, much more. You can feel this unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort, the desire to get into a magical school, and at the same time, there is a passion and desire to find adventure. All this is described in such detail because the book is quite large. But, believe me, this is not a problem at all, because Harry’s adventures are so exciting that you want to read and read.

    Special attention should also be paid to how the narrative changes, how the author and her skills grow, how the main characters grow and mature with her. This can be clearly seen throughout the book, and I think it also adds to the books’ charm.

    I also really liked how skillfully the author introduced new characters into the book. They were not just woven into the plot, but all played a role in the course of the story.

    There are a lot of small details in this book that were not shown in the movie, so if you haven’t read the book yet but have seen the movie, I strongly advise you to finally read this work.

    August 3, 2021
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