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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Гаррі Поттер i Смертельні реліквії

Джоан Роулінг

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry’s childhood is over, and with it gone is the naivety, the fairy tale and the imagined safety of the world around him. Where is the Quidditch game, the first lessons, the wise and kind teachers? Who is wise now, who is kind, and will friends stay around? The fairy-tale world has turned into a creeping death. But this loneliness into which Harry plunges on his final journey is a loneliness greater than death. It turns out that too many have a true face, until at times invisible. What dark past was Dumbledore, the great wizard of our time, hiding? Who will remain alive in the final hunt for Horcrux and Voldemort? Joan Rowling reveals her secrets, and makes you see the difference between friends and enemies, and the lack of difference between Good and Evil.

Чому варто купити "Гаррі Поттер i Смертельні реліквії" українською мовою?

Гаррі Поттер i Смертельні реліквії – це завершальна частина надзвичайно популярної серії Джоан Роулінг. Ця книга містить безліч захоплюючих моментів, які варто пережити кожному читачеві. Ось кілька причин, чому ви повинні купити "Гаррі Поттер i Смертельні реліквії" від Джоан Роулінг прямо зараз:

  • Вражаюча боротьба між добром і злом.
  • Глибоке дослідження теми дружби та самопожертви.
  • Приголомшливі повороти сюжету, що тримають у напрузі до останньої сторінки.
  • Можливість зануритися у світ магії українською мовою.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  1. Відкриття таємниць про Гоґвортс і його минуле.
  2. Фінальна битва з Волдемортом, яка визначає долю світу.
  3. Неочікувані альянси з колишніми ворогами.
  4. Розкриття важливих персонажів і їх мотивів.

Коли ви купите "Гаррі Поттер i Смертельні реліквії українською мовою", ви отримаєте не лише книгу, а й можливість зануритися в багатий світ Джоан Роулінг. Це шанс приєднатися до мільйонів шанувальників по всьому світу.

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Why You Should Buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling in Ukrainian

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of magic with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This concluding chapter of the beloved series offers unforgettable moments and essential lessons. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase this book:

  • Epic Conclusion: Experience the thrilling finale of Harry's journey as he confronts his greatest adversary.
  • Rich Character Development: Follow the evolution of Harry, Hermione, and Ron as they navigate challenges and grow stronger.
  • Thematic Depth: Explore deep themes such as love, sacrifice, and the power of friendship.
  • Magical Adventures: Engage in exciting quests and magical battles that will leave you breathless.
  • Cultural Impact: Join millions around the world who cherish this iconic tale and its messages.

Affordable and Convenient Options to Buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Ukrainian

Purchasing this amazing book offers more than just a great story. Here’s why buying from us is the best choice:

  • Best Prices: Enjoy competitive pricing and discounts on popular titles.
  • Fast Shipping: Experience prompt delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Book Assistance: We help you find and purchase hard-to-find literary works in Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of every sale goes to support the Ukrainian army.
  • Flexible Payment Options: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking methods.

We ship worldwide using reliable services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on the chance to own Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Ukrainian. Start your magical journey today!


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    Kristina Veselova

    Each Harry Potter book is a unique world.

    I am very happy that the books are now available in Ukrainian.

    I am happy to be transported to the world of magic and every time I read every page with enthusiasm.

    “The Deadly Relics is a super story where the characters, who are already quite mature, experience life differently.

    When the search for the crystals becomes a fascinating and at the same time such a dangerous test.

    I don’t know about you, but you experience many moments, if not all of them, together with the characters, as if you were one of them, as if their lives were your life.

    Every detail, every description is so interesting that you don’t want to put it down at all)

    July 6, 2022
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    Taras Marusechko

    The final part is one of my favorites, no matter how sad it is when the saga you grew up with comes to an end. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” is the most intriguing part, the final part, it has everything: strong friendship, true love, great strength, courage, great pain, loss. All the characters you loved, dear reader, have grown up, and now they are facing extraordinary trials, much more difficult than in all these years. And you can only watch, helplessly and with interest: “What is waiting for us around this corner?” Who will win this time and stay alive, and who will leave the world forever? Fascinating and painful. But still legendary. The best edition and the best translation.

    January 24, 2022
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    I’m extremely sorry to see the news about J.K. Rowling so often. That she is constantly being ‘kenseled’ for something, not invited to events, etc. I don’t understand how you can be so ungrateful for a story that has fascinated so many people around the world!

    I can’t even begin to express my endless gratitude to her for the Harry Potter universe. Every time I re-read all the parts, I plunge into the magic of my childhood. Of course, there is a lot of fascinating literature in the world, perhaps even better than Rowling’s work (according to certain criteria), but for me personally, this story is the best.

    The best thing for me is to “return” to Hogwarts, to our three and other characters.

    I feel the most emotionally about two things:

    1. The Harry Potter story is complete. I can simply “relive” these incredible events once again.

    2. I don’t need anything else from this universe.

    I am glad that I had the chance to read the first parts in 2002-03 and then as the next ones came out. Back then there were no various theories, websites dedicated to this universe, etc. Or maybe I was in the 8th or 9th grade and didn’t have time for that.

    And that’s what allowed me to just enjoy all the magic of the story of the boy who survived. If I read it now, I would definitely not be able to stop myself from studying everything to the smallest detail, developing some theories, looking for new sources to study the history of this universe. But for me, I want the Harry Potter series to remain in the form that I remember from my childhood.


    January 9, 2022
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    Anastasia Timchenko

    As always, an incredible translation by my favorite publishing house and the best translation ever. And of course, this is my favorite part. Although, if you look at it from the point of view that it is the last of this magical saga about the wizard Harry Potter, it becomes very sad. For so many years we have been waiting for the release of new parts, and now that’s it – the main series is over. This installment has everything – deadly battles, dangerous and exciting adventures, deep sadness, loss, and of course true friendship and love. Not only Harry, but all the wizards of the world will have to decide whose side they are on and fight for their lives and their loved ones. And if you don’t know yet who will win this great battle between good and evil, quickly look at the light, the adventure is waiting for you!

    October 12, 2021
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    After Dumbledore’s death, Harry has to fulfill a difficult and dangerous task left by the headmaster: to find and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes. Neither the boy nor his friends know where to look for them or how to get rid of them. To make matters worse, Voldemort has taken over the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts and is now openly hunting Harry, Ron and Hermione.

    The friends begin a long, thorny journey that should lead to victory over the Known One. But will they be able to find the Horcruxes if there is no hint of where they might be? Dumbledore, famous and mysterious, left behind not only a famous name, but also a legacy for Harry, Ron and Hermione, which should help them find answers to many questions. But will the three young wizards stand up to the most dangerous wizard of all time? Harry and his friends will face many disappointments and difficulties.

    The book finally sheds light on the mysteries of the boy who survived. An incredible, extremely dynamic, interesting and unpredictable plot gives you exciting moments of reading, keeps you in suspense until the very end, makes you worry and worry about the characters, experiencing genuine emotions. The author’s style and the detail of the story make the book even more interesting.

    The book is of very high quality. The wrapper successfully conveys the essence of the story, reproducing its main points.

    “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is not just a book about fighting evil. It conveys very important ideas, makes you think about the meaning of life and the main human values. In the story, the problems of life and death, the light and dark sides of human nature, their constant and endless struggle occupy an important place. But the most important thing in the book is the idea of all-conquering love: true love can overcome everything, even death.

    June 7, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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