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Джулія Дональдсон

Julia Donaldson


Fleeing from forest predators, a clever mouse invented a monster named Gruffalo. But suddenly she meets in the forest… guess who? But the mouse is not a timid one, not even Gruffalo can run away from her. This funny fairy tale in verse has been translated into dozens of languages and published in millions of copies. Ukrainian readers are introduced to Gruffalo by Viktor Morozov. For children from 3 to 7 years old.

Чому варто купити "Груффало" українською мовою?

"Груффало" - це захоплююча дитяча книга, написана відомою авторкою Джулією Дональдсон. Ця казка розповідає про маленького мишеня, яке вигадує історію про чудовисько на ім'я Груффало, щоб врятуватися від хижаків. Вивчіть основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету:
  • Мишеня використовує свою уяву, щоб налякати ворогів.
  • Зустріч з Груффало - несподіваний поворот подій.
  • Груффало виявляється не таким страшним, як очікувалося.
  • Кумедні ситуації та ілюстрації роблять книгу ще більш привабливою.
  • Послання про дружбу та сміливість.
Купити "Груффало українською мовою" - це чудовий вибір для батьків, які хочуть ознайомити своїх дітей з якісною літературою. Книга допомагає розвивати уяву та навички читання. Вона також є відмінним засобом для вивчення української мови.

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  • Найкращі ціни на ринку.
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Не втрачайте можливість придбати цю унікальну книгу! Замовляйте "Груффало" українською мовою прямо зараз і насолоджуйтеся приголомшливими пригодами разом з вашим малюком!

Why You Should Buy "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson

"The Gruffalo" is a beloved children’s book that captivates readers with its delightful story and stunning illustrations. If you are looking to buy "The Gruffalo" in Ukrainian, here are some compelling reasons to add it to your collection:
  • Engaging Storyline: The adventure of a clever mouse who invents stories about a fearsome creature to outsmart his predators.
  • Wonderful Illustrations: Beautifully illustrated pages that enhance the reading experience for both children and adults.
  • Language Development: A fantastic resource for young readers to enhance their vocabulary and comprehension skills in Ukrainian.
  • Timeless Themes: Teaches life lessons about bravery, intelligence, and the power of imagination.
  • Cultural Appeal: Connects readers to Ukrainian culture through language and storytelling.

Benefits of Buying "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson

  • Ideal Gift: A perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion for children.
  • Promotes Reading: Encourages a love for reading among young audiences.
  • Family Time: A great book for parents to read to their children, fostering bonding moments.
  • Diverse Learning: Offers an entertaining way to introduce children to different cultures and languages.

Order Your Copy Today!

If you want to buy "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson in Ukrainian, you can enjoy our best prices and exciting discounts. We provide fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring your order reaches you promptly. Furthermore, we assist in searching and purchasing rare books available in Ukraine. Each purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army, making your buy even more meaningful. We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and most banking cards. Shipping is available worldwide via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on this incredible book—order now!


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    Viktor Svertoka

    The Gruffalo is a super blockbuster children’s book)

    I think that acquaintance with the outstanding children’s author Julia Donaldson should begin with the book Gruffalo, my son and I have already read it 200 times.

    Separately, I want to highlight the very talented children’s illustrator Axel Schefflera, all of his drawings are simple, beautiful and uncomplicated).

    Just a huge thanks to the publishing house Chitarium for a very high quality adaptive translation into Russian language.

    The book is beautiful, glossy hardcover and glossy pages.

    About the story: One morning a gray mouse went for a walk in the woods. On the way he meets a fox who invites him to dinner in his den as he wants to eat her, but the mouse replies to the fox that he can not go as it is already invited to dinner Gruffalo, who is Gruffalo the fox asks, as before about it had not heard and the mouse tells him about it:

    He’s got scary fangs,

    Scary claws,

    His teeth are big and sharp in his mouth.

    Where’s the foxy fox, he’s coming over here, he loves fox kebab. The fox shish kebab and the fox, in a moment, ran away.

    September 10, 2019
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    Marina Om

    Our introduction to the story of the Gruffalo began with a cartoon. My son and I watched it to bits, and then I found out that there was a book. Of course I rushed to buy it and I still don’t regret it. My son really likes it. He doesn’t really like to listen to stories and fairy tales, everything goes very selectively.

    But the book “Gruffalo” agrees to listen to always. He loves to look at the pictures and makes up a story himself.

    This is a very instructive story, like do not create an idol). That’s not really what the story is about.

    A little mouse, who is in danger everywhere, makes up some monster named Gruffalo. Then the animals begin to fear the mouse’s friendship with this monster and leave the former alone.

    But one day, the mouse meets with the one whom he himself has invented. And here he must show all his dexterity.

    In fact, the story is instructive and entertaining.

    And most importantly, children like it, and you can use it to instill a love of reading. Which, in our reading family, is a must.

    We love this story and recommend it for reading.

    April 24, 2019
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    Who hasn’t heard of a terrible beast of the forest named Guffalo? I think most people already know that this is a terrible beast that everyone is afraid of, but if you haven’t introduced your child to this wonderful book yet, you should definitely read it.

    The book “Gruffalo” appeared quite a long time ago, but we have only just gotten acquainted with it, and we are very happy to have found such a good book that children really loved. The book “Gruffalo” is large, and quite bright, but not too bright, it is pleasant to look at, children like stories about forest animals, we really liked this book.

    The children also liked the format of the text, in verse form, it is very easy and fast to read, the children read with great pleasure.

    At first, the children thought that Gruffalo was a big scary bear, but later they realized that it was a completely different animal.

    The book “Gruffalo” shows children on the example of a mouse that you need to be brave and you can find a way out of any situation, I recommend the book for children aged three and older. We will definitely buy the sequel to this story about Gruffalo.

    April 23, 2019
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    When I saw the book and that it depicted an unusual character, I was hesitant to buy it for my son for a long time, but after reading the reviews, I finally bought it. The child liked this book very much, an unusual character named Gruffalo became the highlight of the book.

    The book is of high quality, the text is in verse, large font, beautiful color pictures. The plot is quite witty, and it’s all about inventiveness.

    The mouse who invented the beast, strong and powerful, to scare the animals, turned out to be real. The mouse came up with this unusual idea, and on his way he met a fox who was not averse to eating the mouse. To save her life, the mouse invented an unusual animal and told the fox about it so truthfully that the fox not only changed her mind about eating the little mouse, but also decided to run away from the intruder. The whole forest was stirred up by the news of the scary and hungry Gruffy. What a surprise the mouse was when the fiction about the terrible monster became a reality.

    It’s an incredible book, there is a lot to learn from the little mouse. It proves once again that wit and intelligence conquer strength and greatness.

    April 19, 2019
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    Julia Pushmina

    Julia Donaldson’s Gruffalo has already been talked about, of course, but I can’t say nothing). The story of a sly little mouse and a big silly, but in spite of it, kind of positive, negative hero, the Gruffalo, is probably one of those, which teaches us from childhood that there is no unequivocally good and evil, leaves no one indifferent to any of the kids. This book is great to play with the roles, because the translation by Marina Boroditsky himself pops into my head)))) If you have a chance, read The Gruffalo in its original English, it’s a completely different story, with such rhythm and humor, that no translator can handle, and after reading it, about three years later)) watch a great cartoon “Gruffalo” (the book is for 2-5 years, in my opinion), but the cartoon is too creepy, full of Hitchcockian suspense))). “Gruffalo” became for a long time the most favorite book of our Young reader, and the image of “the monster” followed us everywhere))) we bought pajamas, hats, raglans with his image, two years in a row we had Gruffalo on Halloween, and even had to order Santa Claus himself Gruffalo as a soft toy (which cost parents and not worth telling)… But what you can’t do for the love of your child and literature)))

    November 6, 2018
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