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God always travels incognito

Бог завжди подорожує інкогніто

Лоран Гунель

Laurent Gounel

God always travels incognito

The world-famous Amazon bestseller, which is already being planned for a movie adaptation, God Always Travels Incognito, is now available in Ukrainian from the Family Leisure Club publishing house! Alan Greenmore is an ordinary young man. He has a very good job, which, however, annoys him, and recently his girlfriend left him unexpectedly. Life seems gray and hopeless. He is only one step away from jumping off the Eiffel Tower when a mysterious stranger saves him from death. From now on, they make a deal – in gratitude for the rescue, Alan promises to perform various tasks that change his life in a surprising way. Now he better understands his colleagues, the motives of others, and is sincerely concerned about the problems of his own company. But who was that mysterious stranger? In his book God Always Travels Incognito, writer and psychologist Laurent Gounel shares his advice on how to build your life and find motivation. Thanks to the protagonist’s experience, you will be able to go through your own path of self-improvement, find your purpose, and realize your most cherished dreams. This story is not a self-development textbook with clear instructions, but it will open the door to a better, more fulfilling life that you have always dreamed of. This path is open to everyone. It is easy to find the magic “door” – you just need to buy the book “God Always Travels Incognito” in the Yakaboo online store! You can order the product on the website or use the hotline number 0-800-600-505.

Чому варто купити "Бог завжди подорожує інкогніто" українською мовою

"Бог завжди подорожує інкогніто" - це захоплююча книга від автора Лорана Гунеля, яка вразить вас своєю глибиною та мудрістю. Ця книга стане вашим незамінним супутником, якщо ви шукаєте натхнення та нові погляди на життя.
  • Глибокий зміст: Книга піднімає важливі філософські питання про призначення та сенс життя.
  • Цікавий сюжет: Головний герой проходить через численні випробування, де зустрічає людей, які змінюють його сприйняття світу.
  • Нестандартні рішення: Кожен розділ книги пропонує нові уроки, які допоможуть вам знайти свій шлях.
  • Емоційний вплив: Книга здатна пробудити глибокі почуття та змусити вас переосмислити власні переконання.
  • Універсальна тема: Історія, розказана у книзі, знайома кожному з нас і стосується пошуків себе.

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Buy "God Always Travels Incognito" in Ukrainian

Are you looking to enrich your reading list with profound philosophical insights? "God Always Travels Incognito" by Laurent Gounelle offers a unique perspective on life's challenges and opportunities. Here are some compelling reasons to buy and read this captivating book:

  • **Inspiring Storyline**: The narrative follows a protagonist's transformative journey, filled with lessons about self-discovery and purpose.
  • **Engaging Characters**: Each character embodies various life philosophies, providing readers with diverse viewpoints.
  • **Philosophical Depth**: The book dives deep into existential questions that resonate with many individuals.
  • **Motivational Insights**: Learn how to overcome obstacles and find joy in life's journey.
  • **Relatable Themes**: Readers from all backgrounds will find elements of their own lives reflected in the story.

Why You Should Buy "God Always Travels Incognito" by Laurent Gounelle

Buying this book is more than just acquiring another title for your bookshelf. It's a step towards personal growth and understanding. Here’s why you should make it yours today:

  • **Cultural Relevance**: Enjoy the book in its original Ukrainian version, connecting deeply with the text.
  • **Accessible Language**: Written in an engaging style, this book appeals to both native speakers and learners of Ukrainian.
  • **Perfect Gift**: Surprise a friend or family member with a meaningful gift that promotes reflection and discussion.
  • **Support Ukrainian Culture**: By purchasing, you contribute to promoting Ukrainian literature abroad.

At our store, we pride ourselves on offering the best prices and discounts for "God Always Travels Incognito". We ensure fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, as well as assistance in searching and purchasing rare books from Ukraine. With every purchase, a portion supports the Ukrainian army.

We accept various payment options, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Our shipping services utilize reliable carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL to reach customers worldwide.


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Бог завжди подорожує інкогніто


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    Very Nice Product!

    May 23, 2023


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    Max Ilkiv

    Today we will talk about God. In particular, about God, who always travels incognito. I don’t believe in God in the religious sense, but I do believe in the power of the human mind. I believe that God lives in us, as we live in him. All we have to do is find that inner strength and use it for ourselves and others. However, sometimes people need a little help to do that, and sometimes that help comes in the form of a book they read. And that’s when God will show up in the most unexpected ways. Allen Greenmore is a 24-year-old desperate man on the verge of suicide. Having grown up without a stable father figure, trapped in a job and abandoned by the girl he loved, Greenmore sees no reason to continue his existence. He decides to commit suicide in the most “fashionable” Parisian way – by jumping off the Eiffel Tower. It is then that he meets God (or in his case, an old man) who offers him a deal. The stranger promises to save Alain’s life in exchange for strict obedience to the man. Alain begins a journey in his life, trying to overcome his fears and become a confident and stable individual. The tasks given by the stranger seem easy, but they affect the weakest aspects of Alain’s character, encouraging him to take risks, realize his own potential and courageously follow his dreams. Who is this old man and what is his motive for helping Greenmore? Gounel gives the factual answer at the end of the book’s pages, and the spiritual answer is in its title.

    October 30, 2020
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    Before reading this book, I had never heard of the author before. However, I liked the book very much, so I did not limit myself to reading it only, but also read other books by the author. The peculiarity of his books is that they combine an interesting story with practical advice for personal growth. Therefore, readers will get a double benefit from reading the books. About this book, I can say that in my opinion it is the best of all the author’s books. It has a very dynamic plot, events develop so quickly that you never get bored. The main character went from a person who was hanging by a thread from death to a successful director of a large corporation. Of course, this path was not easy, but it was worth it. The protagonist, having enlisted the support of an unknown patron, follows his advice, which is aimed at turning him into a successful person. At first, the tasks were simple, but over time, their degree increased. I remember most of all the test when the hero of the book had to do things he was afraid of. Only by overcoming your fears can you rise to a new level. In fact, it is very difficult to face your fears, but the result will be worth it. The ending of the book was unexpected for me.

    October 29, 2020
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    Yuliya Vyaltseva

    I put this book off a lot of times, and yet, finally, I read it in all its completeness and interest!

    I’ll say right away: I stretched out the pleasure of reading as long as I could; I kept putting off finishing the novel, it was so sincerely and interestingly written.

    I am quite cautious about books of a motivational nature, but I am sure that this particular book will not cause negative feelings or thoughts that something is being imposed on the reader without his will.

    A young man decides to commit suicide by climbing the Eiffel Tower because of his beliefs and disagreements in life, and when he is only one step away from an irreparable act, a man appears next to him who strangely dissuades the young man from such a decision and promises to fix his whole life if he follows the advice of a stranger who literally interferes in his life, in every crevice of it.

    The unraveling of the stranger’s identity is quite unexpected, although in some ways the ending itself is predictable. But even if the plot is not surprising, given that the book is more of a motivational book, I will say on my own behalf: I learned a lot for myself, the whole copy is underlined with pencil, and I am sure that I will return to re-reading the advice and guidance that this stranger gave to all of us through the prism of a young man who is insecure and disappointed in life.

    I am sure that everyone will find something for themselves in this book, and perhaps even the book will change someone’s life!

    October 20, 2020
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    Laurent Gounel is a contemporary French writer whose novels are characterized by an interesting plot, they are quite easy to read, and at the same time such works make you think about many issues.

    In his latest novel, God Always Travels Incognito, the author suggests that all events in a person’s life do not happen by chance.

    The plot of the novel captivates from the first pages and there is a good reason for this.

    Thus, the protagonist of the novel, having received complete disappointment in life, decides to settle scores with him, at the most crucial moment he “accidentally” meets a stranger who promises to teach him freedom, and the protagonist’s life will be a guarantee.

    After such a strange meeting, the protagonist and the reader are in for an exciting adventure. After all, the tasks given to the protagonist by the mysterious stranger become more and more strange and incomprehensible. The reader’s attention is also constantly drawn to the attempt to understand who the mysterious stranger really is.

    The denouement turns out to be quite spectacular and unpredictable, so the reader will not be disappointed.

    Despite the rather large number of additional characters, the author also brought their storylines to a logical conclusion.

    The novel is guaranteed not to leave anyone indifferent and may suggest ways to solve some of life’s problems.

    October 20, 2020
    Verified Purchase


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