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For children to read and laugh (set of 7 books)

Дітям для читання і реготання (комплект із 7 книг)

Всеволод Нестайко

Vsevolod Nestayko

For children to read and laugh (set of 7 books)

Book 1: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Once upon a time there was a poor boy who was given a small chocolate bar as his only birthday present once a year. But the boy had a good heart, and so an incredible adventure happens to him that will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. Perhaps this is the most touching story of our time. A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA claims that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of those real and exciting books that every child should read. Book 2. The bullfighters from Vasyukivka A cult work that is included in the list of golden classics of Ukrainian literature. At one time, the story “The Bullfighters of Vasyukivka” was included in the compulsory school curriculum. The book was included in the Andersen Honor Roll and translated into twenty languages. Thanks to the author’s excellent ability to create humorous stories, the series of funny tales sometimes makes readers laugh uncontrollably. Although Vsevolod Nestayko’s book “The Bullfighters of Vasyukivka” was created with a view to children and youth audience, any adult will be delighted and charged with a good mood after reading the content of the adventure stories. Book 3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone The first part of Harry Potter’s adventures is book #1 for young readers. It was this book that stirred up a wave of love for reading that took over the whole world! No other fiction book had such a success until J.K. Rowling’s first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, appeared on the shelves of English stores in 1997. An orphan named Harry lives under the stairs in the house of his uncle and aunt Dursley. He doesn’t yet know how to get to the platform nine and three-quarters, use a wand, or fly a broomstick. But one day an owl flies to him with a mysterious letter inviting him to study at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and from that day on, his life will change radically As soon as he enters the magical world, the nondescript, shy boy becomes the center of attention, because he turns out to be the Boy Who Lived. Now the young wizard will have exciting adventures at Hogwarts, true friends, and mortal danger from his family’s old enemy. Will he be able to fight the evil spell? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was translated into Ukrainian by A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA Publishing House. The translation was done by the poet and publicist Viktor Morozov, who is considered the best translator of J.K. Rowling. Book 4. Matilda “Matilda is the most popular book by Roald Dahl, one of the literary parents of J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter… Matilda is a brilliant child, but her family doesn’t think so. For them, she is an unnecessary trouble, a headache. And Matilda decides to re-educate her limited and self-absorbed relatives, and at the same time the terrible school principal Mrs. Trunchbull… In 1988, Matilda was recognized as the best book for children. Book 5. The Dark Lord. Youthful years An exhausted teenager is found in a parking lot in the city of Biloshchitfield, who has also lost his memory.

Чому варто купити "Дітям для читання і реготання"?

Купити "Дітям для читання і реготання (комплект із 7 книг)" українською мовою - це чудова можливість ознайомити дітей з художньою літературою високоосвіченого українського автора Всеволода Нестайка. Цей комплект книг розважає, навчає та формує креативне мислення у дітей.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Яскраві персонажі: кожна книга наповнена незабутніми героями, які мандрують у казкові світи.
  • Пригоди: захоплюючі сюжетні лінії будуть підтримувати інтерес дітей до читання.
  • Гумор: комедійні елементи, що викликають сміх, роблять книги ще більш привабливими.
  • Повчальні уроки: кожна історія має глибокий підтекст, який навчить дітей важливим життєвим цінностям.
Купити "Дітям для читання і реготання (комплект із 7 книг)" від Всеволода Нестайка - це справжній подарунок для кожної дитини. Книги можуть стати не тільки джерелом знань, а й захоплюючим досвідом.

Наші сильні сторони

  • Найкращі ціни: ми пропонуємо конкурентоздатні ціни на всі книги.
  • Гарні знижки: постійні акції та знижки роблять покупки вигідними.
  • Швидка доставка: ви отримаєте своє замовлення в найкоротші терміни.
  • Доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова: гарантована якість продукції.
  • Допомога в пошуку: ми можемо допомогти знайти рідкісні книги з України.
  • Пожертви на українську армію: частина доходу йде на підтримку ЗСУ.

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Ми приймаємо: PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка доступна по всьому світу через Укрпошту, USPS, UPS та DHL. Не втрачайте можливість забезпечити своїх дітей чудовими книгами! Купіть "Дітям для читання і реготання (комплект із 7 книг)" вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "For Reading and Laughter (Set of 7 Books)" by Всеволод Нестайко

Explore the Joy of Ukrainian Literature! This delightful collection is perfect for children, offering a blend of fun and learning. Consider purchasing "For Reading and Laughter (Set of 7 Books)" in Ukrainian, especially if you are in the US or Canada. Here are a few key reasons to buy this enchanting set:
  • Engaging Stories: Each book captivates young readers with exciting tales.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Vivid images complement the text, enhancing the reading experience.
  • Cultural Heritage: Introduces children to Ukrainian culture and traditions.
  • Language Skills: Improves Ukrainian language skills for bilingual families.
  • Perfect Gift: A thoughtful present for birthdays or special occasions.
Key Story Milestones:
  • Adventurous Characters: Follow lovable characters on their exciting adventures.
  • Humorous Situations: Amusing scenarios that bring smiles and laughter.
  • Moral Lessons: Each story imparts valuable lessons subtly woven into the narrative.
  • Interactive Experience: Encourages discussion and creativity among young readers.

When you decide to buy "For Reading and Laughter (Set of 7 Books) by Всеволод Нестайко", you’re investing in quality literature that entertains and educates. Our commitment to providing best prices and good discounts means you can enjoy this wonderful collection without breaking the bank!

We pride ourselves on fast shipping, directly from Kyiv and Lviv. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that every purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army. We accept various payment options including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards.

Shipping is available worldwide through reliable carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enrich your child’s reading experience!


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    The books in the set are great, many of them have already become beloved classics of children’s literature. With these books, any child (even a not very well-read one) can have fun and interesting time, because each book immerses you in a kind of fantastic world where you live through everything that happens to the characters of the stories. It should be noted that the stories differ from one another in their atmosphere, message and basic ideas that each author was trying to convey to children. The set includes both fascinating stories that could happen to any child (e.g., stories of toreador friends), and stories about the real world, where miracles occur that are woven harmoniously into reality (Roald Dahl books), and adventure stories. I’m not quite sure why the story of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is included in the funny book set, but it will certainly delight and captivate young readers, too. A wonderful set of wonderful children’s books that spark an interest in reading and give the atmosphere of a fairy tale.

    January 5, 2022
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