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Fight Club

Бійцівський клуб

Чак Паланік

Chuck Palahniuk

Fight Club

It has been called “the bible of the destroyers of civilization “Winner of the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award and the Oregon Book AwardCult film adaptation with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton The fight will go on as long as it takesIf you can keep waking up in different places and at different times, why not one day wake up as a different person? This is the truth that the nameless hero of this story realizes one day. A rebel named Tyler Durden will help him achieve his dream and bring new meaning to his insomniac reality. He leads the hero to a place called a fight club. And the first rule of the club is to never tell anyone about it. It’s a place where those who are languishing in the grip of everyday life gather, who want to feel like a man again by fighting. Those who choose hell or nothing. Men who, beyond pain, beyond ethics, on the edge of madness, want to gain wild, primitive freedom. But the first step to this freedom must be death, not battle.Chuck Polanick has been called a “shock writer.” A descendant of a Ukrainian immigrant, he began his literary career at a fairly mature age, already having something to say to readers. His books have long gone beyond the realm of fiction and have become a counterculture phenomenon. Polanick’s style – harsh, categorical, provocative – is a manifesto of Generation X. His works have won the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award and the Oregon Book Award, and have been nominated for the Bram Stoker Prize several times.

Купити "Бійцівський клуб" українською мовою

Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Бійцівський клуб" від Чак Паланік, ви потрапили за адресою! Ця культова книга, переведена українською, тепер доступна в США та Канаді. Досліджуйте теми самоідентичності, споживчого суспільства та бунту.

Основні моменти книги

  • Герой та його боротьба: Пізнання внутрішнього конфлікту головного героя.
  • Філософія Бійцівського клубу: Нові погляди на життя та соціальні норми.
  • Відносини та їх руйнування: Як сучасне суспільство впливає на людські стосунки.
  • Неочікувані повороти: Несподівані події, які змінюють хід сюжету.
  • Соціальна критика: Аналіз споживацтва і масової культури.

Чому варто прочитати "Бійцівський клуб"?

Ця книга не лише захоплююча, але й глибока. Вона відкриває очі на:

  • Справжні цінності в житті.
  • Необхідність бунту проти суспільних норм.
  • Аналіз власної ідентичності.
  • Унікальний стиль письма Чака Паланіка.

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Why You Should Buy Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk in Ukrainian

Are you looking for a captivating read that challenges societal norms and delves into the complexities of identity? Look no further! Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk offers readers a compelling narrative that will keep you engaged from start to finish. Here are some key reasons why you should buy Fight Club in Ukrainian:

  • Engaging Storyline: The plot revolves around an unnamed protagonist who forms an underground fight club. This subculture challenges his consumer-driven existence.
  • Deep Themes: Explore themes of masculinity, identity, and rebellion against societal norms.
  • Memorable Characters: Meet iconic characters like Tyler Durden, whose radical philosophy captivates and disturbs.
  • Thought-Provoking Concepts: The novel raises questions about modern life and the meaning of happiness.
  • Unique Writing Style: Chuck Palahniuk’s distinctive narrative voice adds depth and intrigue to the story.

How to Buy Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

If you wish to buy Fight Club in Ukrainian in the US and Canada, you’re in the right place. Our platform offers:

  • Best Prices: We ensure competitive pricing to make your purchase worthwhile.
  • Good Discounts: Take advantage of our special promotions and discounts on select titles.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy efficient shipping services directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance with Rare Books: We can help you find and purchase rare titles from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

Payment and Shipping Options

We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Experience worldwide shipping with reliable services from Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't miss your chance to delve into the world of Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. Buy your copy today!


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Бійцівський клуб


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    Nadya Antonova

    Those who haven’t read it won’t understand Brad Pitt’s jokes about the rules of the fight club 🙂

    April 13, 2023
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    Ruslan Privalov

    The author’s surname is Palahniuk! According to Wikipedia, he is an American author of Ukrainian descent!!!

    March 23, 2023
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