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Favorite poems. Volume 2

Улюблені вірші. Том 2

Іван Малкович

Ivan Malkovych

Favorite poems. Volume 2

From now on, “Favorite Poems” is available in 2 volumes! Each volume contains different poems. In total, more than 100 wonderful poems by Ukrainian and foreign poets for all tastes! A luxurious gift for every intelligent family! With drawings by the best Ukrainian illustrators! The first book is accompanied by a wonderful audio CD that became the best album of the year.

Чому варто купити "Улюблені вірші. Том 2" від Івана Малковича

Купити "Улюблені вірші. Том 2" українською мовою - це не просто інвестиція в літературу. Це можливість зануритися у світ поетичного мистецтва, яке формувало українську культуру. Ось кілька причин, чому ця книга має бути у вашій бібліотеці:

  • Шедеври класичної поезії: Збірка містить твори різних авторів, що стали основою української літератури.
  • Сучасний погляд: Іван Малкович пропонує свіжий погляд на класичні твори, роблячи їх доступними для сучасного читача.
  • Емоційна глибина: Кожен вірш передає сильні емоції та думки, які залишають слід у серці.
  • Візуальна привабливість: Книга оформлена з увагою до деталей, роблячи її чудовим подарунком.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

У "Улюблених віршах. Том 2" ви знайдете:

  • Різноманітність стилів та жанрів поезії.
  • Особистісні історії, що переплітаються з історією України.
  • Алегорії та метафори, які змушують замислитися.
  • Непередбачувані фінали кожного твору, які відкривають нові горизонти.

Наші переваги при купівлі

Купувати "Улюблені вірші. Том 2" від Івана Малковича з нами – це просто і вигідно. Ми пропонуємо:

  • Найкращі ціни та привабливі знижки.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку рідкісних книг в Україні.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

Оплатіть вашу покупку зручно через PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка здійснюється по всьому світу за допомогою Укрпошти, USPS, UPS, DHL.

Не втрачайте можливість зануритися у світ українських віршів. Купіть "Улюблені вірші. Том 2" вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "Favorite Poems. Volume 2" by Ivan Malkovich

Discover the beauty of Ukrainian poetry! "Favorite Poems. Volume 2" is a collection that captures the essence of Ukrainian literature and culture. Here are compelling reasons to buy "Favorite Poems. Volume 2" in Ukrainian today:
  • Rich Cultural Heritage: This book showcases the depth of Ukrainian poetry, allowing readers to connect with their roots.
  • Emotional Resonance: Each poem resonates with profound emotions, making it a delightful read for everyone.
  • Accessible Language: The poems are written in a style that is both captivating and easy to understand, appealing to various age groups.
  • Acclaimed Author: Ivan Malkovich is a respected figure in Ukrainian literature, adding prestige to this collection.
  • Unique Illustrations: The book is adorned with beautiful illustrations that enhance the reading experience.
  • Perfect Gift: It makes an excellent gift for anyone interested in Ukrainian culture or literature.

How to Purchase

To buy "Favorite Poems. Volume 2" by Ivan Malkovich, follow these steps:
  • Visit our online store and browse our selection.
  • Add the book to your cart for easy checkout.
  • Choose your preferred payment method—PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, etc.

Shipping & Discounts

We pride ourselves on offering the best prices and good discounts. Our shipping options are designed to provide convenience:
  • Fast Shipping: Receive your order quickly as we ship directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Worldwide Delivery: We use services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL for efficient delivery.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of every purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.
Experience the magic of Ukrainian poetry today! Don't miss out on the chance to own "Favorite Poems. Volume 2" by Ivan Malkovich.


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Weight 0.8 kg


Pages count

90 с. (кольорові ілюстрації)

Page size


Original title

Улюблені вірші. Том 2


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    The continuation of favorite poems, in volume 2, has again pleased its little readers and their parents. I carefully select books for my child. The publishing house A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ha has never let me down in choosing a book. Every book they publish is a work of art.

    The binding of the book is thick, the pages are smooth, pleasant to the touch, and the pictures are bright.

    In the collection you can find more than fifty well-known poems by different poets, both domestic and foreign. The rhymes are very beautiful, melodious, and easy to remember. We have read these poems so often that we have probably memorized a dozen of them. This book forms a personality in children, and every poem in the book is well chosen. My son’s favorite poems: “White Flies Came,” “The Little Bear,” “Don’t Let Me Eat,” “The Duckling’s Dream,” “Quickly,” and many others. The rhymes are very instructive, and they are complemented by incredibly beautiful illustrations.

    I want to buy books like this one for my children, and I am very pleased with my choice. This book can be a great gift for a child.

    May 27, 2019
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    A large format book, gorgeous illustrations and poems! Excellent printing. It can be the best gift for little poetry lovers!

    We bought this book immediately after its publication, because the first volume was a huge success with the child. And we were right! The publishing house “A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA” has prepared and published another masterpiece!

    However, I was a little disappointed with the volume of the book: the first edition had more pages.

    I still can’t determine for myself the authorship of one of the poems: it is the poem “Bear”. The poet Nick Internetnyi is credited in the collection, based on Olena Pchilka. I remember this poem from the 1988 collection of the Malyatko magazine (I didn’t even bother to look it up in the book I kept – Pavlo Gazovyi and the title of the poem: “Sweet House”). It turned out that there is a difference, but it is only in the title and in the rearrangement of words in the lines!!! Here’s a quote:

    Nick Internet:

    “A polar bear was running

    and came across a hut.

    A beautiful house on the ice,

    all covered in sugar and ice.

    The roof was not nailed on,

    but covered with ice cream…”

    Gazovyi in the poem “Sweet Hut” (1988):

    “Once there was a little bear running.

    And came across a hut.

    It was standing on the ice,

    All covered in sugar and honey.

    The roof was frozen, not nailed down,

    All covered with ice cream…”

    And so the whole poem goes on!!! It really confused, impressed and surprised me! I don’t know all the rules and laws of authorship, perhaps there are no violations, but this situation gave me an unpleasant impression. Otherwise, I have no complaints about the book.

    The selection of poems, in my opinion, is very good. Classical and contemporary Ukrainian poetry is collected, as well as translations of poems by foreign poets. My son loved this collection very much. His assessment: excellent!

    I remain confused by one poem…

    March 4, 2019
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    “Favorite Poems” is exactly the case when the title of the book speaks for itself. The book’s age range is unlimited – from 0 to infinity, although the book does have them – from 2 to 102, but it’s all conditional. Even when you are 103 years old and pick up this book, you return to your childhood. So this book is not only for children, but also for grandparents, mothers, fathers, and those who just want to return to the time when you were young and carefree. The illustrations are simply magical, fabulous and incredible. The words of the poems and drawings intertwine and create a magic that captures you and does not let go. And you want more and more of this magic, you want a continuation. Once you buy at least one of the volumes, and there are already three of them, you won’t stop and buy two more, which you will miss. I will not write in detail about the poems included in the book, they are all magical: there are some instructive, some funny, some a little sad. I really liked the poetic fairy tale “A New Clothes for the King” based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. This book is worth buying. It is just magical.

    December 21, 2018
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    Taras Kurylovych

    Favorite Poems 2 is the second volume of a wonderful collection of children’s poems, tongue twisters, riddles and lullabies, which is also decorated with wonderful illustrations that will complement your child’s delight in poetry. In this gorgeous edition, you can read extraordinary poems about how to obey mom and dad, how to behave at home and in class, and how not to, learn a lot about the world around you, read many interesting poetic stories and fairy tales that you and your kids will enjoy.

    The poems themselves are quite interesting and funny, for example, the story of a mouse who met 40 cats with a tail, why the British like to eat pudding, how children became lazy after eating their mother’s lazy dumplings, how a bear found a sugar hut and accidentally ate it, how the main birthday boy at the party couldn’t wait for the guests and therefore ate the birthday cake alone because it was very appetizing, how and why naughty children nailed photos from the album to the wall with a laptop, and many other funny poems.

    In general, I liked this book the most out of the three available volumes because of the fun and positive poems. The illustrations, as well as the publication itself, are excellent. If you want to please your child with an interesting and useful book, don’t hesitate to buy this wonderful collection.

    December 20, 2018
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    There is no doubt that the best gift for a child is a book, so we are happy and careful when choosing books for our child. We are already familiar with their book “Favorite Poems”, and we are very pleased with it, we learn wonderful poems by heart, and thus develop their memory, attention and imagination. After the successful acquaintance with the book “Favorite Poems” we had a great desire to buy another book “Favorite Poems. Volume 2”, which we also liked very much. The format of the book is wonderful, it is easy for a child to read the poems, the book itself is very pleasant to the touch, in short, it is of high quality.

    The book “Favorite Poems. Volume 2” presents a lot of different poems, and every child will be able to find his or her favorite. To tell the truth, this book contains really incredibly useful and interesting poems, and the book “Favorite Poems. Volume 2” has already become our favorite. Among the various books, this book stands out for its composition, the poems are chosen very well, the illustrations are very nice and kind, and the number of pages, the book has quite a few pages.

    Opening the book “Favorite Poems. Volume 2” the child gets acquainted with such famous poems as: “Glasses”, “But it’s snowing too”, “The Hopping Horse”, “The Bad Luck”, “Quickly”, and many others, very interesting and fun.

    We were very pleased with this purchase, the child is happy to take the book “Favorite Poems. Volume 2” and reads it, so we recommend everyone to read it.

    December 7, 2018
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