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Favorite poems. Volume 1

Улюблені вірші. Том 1

Favorite poems. Volume 1

“Favorite Poems” is one of the most successful books of A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GI, a book that is constantly updated with new drawings and supplemented with new poems – the most precious examples of classical and contemporary Ukrainian poetry, as well as masterful translations of popular poems of foreign classics. The latest edition is completed with wonderful contemporary Ukrainian children’s songs with music. According to readers, it is thanks to this book that some families began to speak Ukrainian.

Відкрийте світ поезії з "Улюблені вірші. Том 1"

Купити "Улюблені вірші. Том 1" українською мовою – це чудова можливість насолодитися літературними шедеврами, які захоплюють серце і надихають дух. Ця книга стане відмінним доповненням до вашої бібліотеки, якщо ви знаходитесь у США або Канаді.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Неперевершена поезія: Збірка містить вірші українських авторів, які вражають своєю глибиною та емоційністю.
  • Культурне багатство: Книга відкриває вам культурні традиції та історію України через поезію.
  • Емоційний зв’язок: Вірші викликають сильні почуття, що дозволяє читачу зануритися у світ української душі.
  • Підходить для всіх: Незалежно від віку, кожен знайде щось близьке для себе.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Зворушливі описи природи, які оживляють картину українських ландшафтів.
  • Тематика любові, втрати та надії, яка пронизує більшість творів.
  • Відображення соціальних змін і культурних трансформацій через поетичні рядки.
  • Дослідження людських почуттів та переживань в контексті української ментальності.

Наші переваги

Ми пропонуємо найкращі ціни на книги, а також чудові знижки! Доставка відбувається безпосередньо з Києва та Львова, що гарантує швидкість та якість сервісу.

З кожної покупки ми робимо пожертви на українську армію. Це наш спосіб підтримати рідну країну та допомогти її захисникам. Для вашої зручності ми приймаємо платіж через PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки.

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Why You Should Buy "Favorite Poems. Volume 1" in Ukrainian

"Favorite Poems. Volume 1" by [Author's Name] is a must-read for anyone who loves poetry and Ukrainian literature. This collection captivates readers with its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. If you're considering adding this book to your collection, here are some compelling reasons why you should buy "Favorite Poems. Volume 1" in Ukrainian:
  • Rich Cultural Heritage: Immerse yourself in the beauty of Ukrainian poetry, showcasing the language's lyrical qualities.
  • Diverse Themes: Explore a range of themes, from love and nature to social issues and personal reflection.
  • Emotional Resonance: Each poem offers deep insights, making this collection relatable and thought-provoking.
  • Celebrated Author: Enjoy works by one of Ukraine's most beloved poets, whose impact on literature is profound.
  • Perfect for Gifts: This beautiful collection makes a wonderful gift for friends or family who appreciate literature.

Key Highlights in "Favorite Poems. Volume 1"

  • Stunning Imagery: The poems are filled with vivid descriptions that transport readers to different landscapes.
  • Universal Themes: While rooted in Ukrainian culture, the themes resonate globally.
  • Engaging Style: The lyrical style draws readers in, making it easy to connect with the text.
  • Inspiring Voices: Hear the voices of past and present through the carefully curated selections.

How to Purchase

If you're looking to buy "Favorite Poems. Volume 1" by [Author's Name], we offer competitive prices and attractive discounts. Our shipping options are reliable, with orders shipped directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring fast delivery. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Your purchases not only enrich your literary collection but also contribute to a good cause, as a portion of sales goes to support the Ukrainian army. Experience the joy of reading with rapid shipping worldwide, using trusted services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your literary journey!


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Additional info

Weight 1.004 kg


Pages count

112 с. (кольорові ілюстрації)

Page size


Original title

Улюблені вірші. Том 1

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    A very high-quality book. Many pages of coated thick paper, large format of pages with poems and bombastic bright large illustrations. This is our first book of poems. It took me a long time to choose between three volumes and I decided on the first one. The next one will be the third volume, there are a number of poems that the child will like exactly on the subject Very good format of the book. Little text and lots of pictures. Just what a child needs. The child loves to just look at these pictures and tell his story from them. We bought the book when the child was 2.7. My son liked the poems “Ko-Ko-Ko”, “Robin-Bobin”, “Badiaka-Maniaka”, “Grandpa is coming” the most. The child repeats these poems. In general, many poems are easy to memorize. During the first approach, we read almost all the poems in one breath. At first impression, I was more delighted with the book than the child, because the price-quality ratio is more than adequate and the poems…yes, these poems are from my childhood. But then it turned out that there are simply a number of poems that the child asks to read constantly and only them. When he has read them, he chooses the next one. I definitely recommend this book for purchase.

    December 15, 2019
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    Natalia Svetlinskaya

    The book is fantastic! Can I find the right words to convey to a potential buyer that this is a book everyone should have in their library? You don’t have to have children in the family at all. This collection is like a breath of fresh air for every adult who is tired of the daily grind, everyday life, and work… It’s a way to immerse yourself in a kind, bright world, to unwind, to smile. And if you have children… Go get the three-volume book! And don’t spare any money.

    The collection includes 96 poems and songs. The illustrations were created by five artists. But all the drawings look as if they were made by the same artist – so harmoniously the illustration of one artist alternates with the illustration of the other. And it is the artwork that makes the book so valuable. These drawings can be viewed again and again and again. And you constantly find some marvelous, unseen detail before. Here, I just noticed that the content is bordered by a string that is stretched by mice. And they got the cat on the cheese bait 🙂 There’s also an inconspicuously inserted joke:

    “Say ‘zmist’. – Zmist… – Pull the cat by the tail!”

    All of these little charms are everywhere in the design of the book. Therefore, having initially satiated with huge beautiful illustrations, you come back again in search of pleasant, witty little things.

    August 5, 2019
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    In order for a child to be able to notice beauty and think creatively, it is worth teaching them to love poetry from childhood. However, not every poem will appeal to a child and be understandable to him or her, so it is very important to choose poems that are both apt and simple enough for even the youngest reader to understand. Probably, here parents will immediately ask themselves what kind of poetry they should read together with their child. In my opinion, the collection “Favorite Poems. Volume 1” by the A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA publishing house, because this book includes exactly those poems that have long become classics of children’s literature. On the pages of this edition, kids will find simple and funny poems that will definitely not leave them indifferent, and adults, having opened this book, will be able to recall their childhood thanks to the surprisingly kind and painfully familiar lines. For example, probably everyone from school knows Platon Voronko’s poem “Snow Fell on the Threshold”, which tells how a cat made a pie out of snow and put it to bake, but the pie was covered with water, because pies need dough made of flour, not snow… You must admit that every child will be interested in such a funny story. And how many other wonderful poems are contained in this collection! Among the poems presented in this edition, there is even a song about St. Nicholas, who puts gifts under the pillow for children. In general, the book “Favorite Poems. Volume 1”, in my opinion, is a real treasure that has absorbed the best pearls of children’s poetry. That is why I recommend that all parents pay attention to the above-mentioned publication.

    September 23, 2018
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    Vlad Denega

    The best choice to instill in your child a love of books. I heard a lot from my friends about this book and, to be honest, I was a little skeptical. I was wrong, and I’m very happy about it. I bought it for my son for his 2nd birthday. I really wanted him to like the gift, but the reaction exceeded all expectations. My son is ready to spend the whole day with the book. He has never liked any of the previous ones so much. It’s the most interesting leisure time with the book so far. A must-have book for all parents who want their children to love reading.

    The book itself is beyond praise. It has excellent quality, beautiful illustrations, interesting poems, and is just a beautiful and kind book. Everyone will find something of their own, their favorite. “A-Ba-Ba-Ga-La-Ma-Ga” know how to find the right “key” for every child, regardless of age, and now we are your loyal fans. We will definitely add the next two parts to our library.

    The quality of the translation of famous foreign poems into Ukrainian is excellent. The poems do not lose their unique sound of the original language. The book has been deservedly popular for so many years.

    It is a definite “must read” for children and their parents.

    July 5, 2018
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    Olga Tkachenko

    “Favorite Poems is an extremely bright and interesting collection of poems.

    “As always, A-Ba-Ba-Ga-La-Ma-Ga is on top of its game, having been in business for 26 years. And the quality is getting even better.

    I really like the appearance and design of the book. The hard cover is larger than A4.

    The pages are extremely thick, so small children’s hands need to make an effort to tear the page. The book is really interesting for both children and adults.

    The poems are by both Ukrainian and foreign authors.

    The translation from a foreign language is very high quality, does not cut the ear.

    It is perfect as a gift for a child.

    You can look through it for hours and find something new every time.

    Victoria Kovalchuk, Kost Lavro, Kateryna Shtanko, and Oksana Ignashchenko did their best with the illustrations and put their hearts and souls into them.

    I have many collections of children’s poems in my arsenal, but this book is number 1!

    I plan to buy the second part, I’m sure it won’t disappoint me!

    If you still have doubts about whether you should buy this book, don’t hesitate for a minute.

    You will not regret it.

    April 20, 2018
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