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Expansion. Book 3. Abaddon's Gate

Експансія. Книга 3. Брама Абаддона

Джеймс Корі

James Corey

Expansion. Book 3. Abaddon’s Gate

“The Gates of Abaddon is the third novel in the Expansion series by American science fiction writers Daniel Abraham and Ty Frank, who have dropped the pseudonym James S. A. Corey. In terms of genre, this work, as well as the entire series, is a rather harmonious combination of hard science fiction, space opera, horror, political detective, and action movie. For millennia, Earth has been the last frontier of human exploration and expansion. Over time, we began to explore Mars, the Asteroid Belt, and other celestial bodies, but our ambitions were limited to the solar system. Now everything is changing again. After digesting Eros and spending a year in the hellish conditions of Venus, the protomolecule seems to have realized the ultimate goal of its program: a giant thousand-kilometer ring has now been built around Uranus. While the military blocks all approaches to the alien artifact and scientific flotillas cautiously probe it with sensors, one desperate Polecat slips inside and finds himself in the starless space on the other side. Things are turning for the better for Golden and the crew of the Rosinant-they are making a lot of money, upgrading and improving their ship, and preferring to stay as far away from the Ring as possible. But it seems that it is providence (or some other, more insidious force) that once again throws them into the whirlwind of events and into the center of attention of all mankind. And the ghost of Miller is also a nuisance-the old detective has never been able to have a meaningful conversation, but seems to be asking for help. The Belt takes new, more confident steps to assert its sovereignty. Having picked up and restored a former Mormon ship that had been in use for generations, the OPA now has the flagship of its fleet, the largest warship in the solar system, the Hippo. Carlos C. de Baca, a former Earth space marine and now Hippo’s XO, must maneuver through treacherous political waters to keep the solar system safe from a deadly new threat. Meanwhile, Golden’s enemies intend to bring up his past. Melba Kog – who is actually Clarissa, the daughter of the arrested Jules-Pierre Mao – gets a job on a civilian ship bound for the Ring. There she will be able to realize her plan of revenge. Pastor Anna Volovodova is also heading to the Ring as part of the UN Secretary General’s mission. She will have to leave her family behind and search for answers to many questions in the face of an endless abyss. Will she have the skills and wisdom to unite such a scattered and diverse humanity that is on the verge of tremendous change?

Чому варто купити "Експансія. Книга 3. Брама Абаддона" українською мовою?

Книга "Експансія. Книга 3. Брама Абаддона" авторства Джеймс Корі – це справжній шедевр у жанрі наукової фантастики. Вона продовжує захоплюючу історію про міжпланетні конфлікти та інтриги в космічному просторі.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Загострення конфлікту між Землею та колоніями.
  • Відкриття загадкової Брами Абаддона, що несе небезпеку всім людству.
  • Персонажі потрапляють у вир подій, які змінюють їхнє життя назавжди.
  • Глибокі емоційні стосунки та розвиток персонажів.
  • Перемога над сильнішими противниками завдяки хитрості і стратегічному мисленню.

Ця книга є необхідною для всіх фанатів наукової фантастики. Вона залишає читача в напрузі до останньої сторінки, а її глибокі теми змушують задуматися про сучасні проблеми людства.

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Why You Should Buy "The Expanse: Book 3 - Abaddon's Gate" by James S. A. Corey

Discover the thrilling journey of "The Expanse: Book 3 - Abaddon's Gate". This masterpiece by James S. A. Corey offers readers a mix of science fiction, intricate politics, and rich character development. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase this book:
  • Engaging Storyline: Follow the crew of the Rocinante as they navigate a universe fraught with danger and intrigue.
  • Complex Characters: Get to know characters who struggle with moral dilemmas and their impact on humanity.
  • Thought-Provoking Themes: Explore themes of power, survival, and the consequences of human actions in an expansive universe.
  • Vivid World-Building: Experience a universe richly detailed with a blend of scientific realism and imaginative storytelling.
  • Critical Acclaim: Join thousands of readers who have praised this series for its depth and entertainment value.

How to Purchase "The Expanse: Book 3 - Abaddon's Gate" in Ukrainian

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Don't miss out on the chance to delve into "The Expanse: Book 3 - Abaddon's Gate" by James S. A. Corey. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to the series, this thrilling story will keep you on the edge of your seat. Order now and enjoy a captivating read!


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Експансія. Книга 3. Брама Абаддона


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