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Френк Герберт

Frank Herbert


“Dune made Frank Herbert famous all over the world and, having surpassed even The Lord of the Rings in the ratings, won prestigious literary awards: the Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel, the SFinks Book of the Year Award, and repeated recognition from Locus magazine as the Best Novel of All Time. This iconic saga is about the eternal struggle and thirst for victory, about the price of justice and the choice of path. Melange, or spice, is the most valuable and rare substance in the universe that can do everything from extend life to facilitate interstellar travel. And it can only be found on one planet, the inhospitable desert planet Arrakis. The one who rules Arrakis controls the spices. And whoever controls the spices controls the universe. When the Emperor deprives the Harkonnen clan of the title of ruler and gives it to the Atrides, the Harkonnens kill Duke Leto Atrid. His son Paul and concubine Jessica flee to the desert. To avenge his father and reclaim the planet from the Harkonnens, Paul must gain the trust of the Freemen, the indigenous inhabitants of Arrakis, and lead a tiny army against the enemy’s countless forces.

Чому варто купити "Дюна" Френка Герберта українською мовою?

"Дюна" — це один з найвідоміших науково-фантастичних романів, написаний Френком Гербертом. Якщо ви шукаєте дивовижну та захопливу історію, ця книга стане чудовим вибором. Ось кілька основних моментів, чому варто купити "Дюна" українською мовою:

  • Глибока сюжетна лінія: Історія про боротьбу за контроль над планетою Арракіс, де вирощується універсальна спеція.
  • Унікальні персонажі: Кожен герой має свої мотивації і глибину, що робить їх запам'ятовуваними.
  • Тематика екології: Роман порушує важливі питання, пов'язані зі сталим розвитком і охороною навколишнього середовища.
  • Філософські концепції: Книга пропонує роздуми про владу, релігію та людську природу.
  • Фантастичний всесвіт: Унікальне поєднання науки, міфів та культур, що вражає уяву читача.

Як купити "Дюна" українською мовою?

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Не втрачайте можливість зануритися в дивовижний світ "Дюна". Купуйте "Дюна українською мовою" сьогодні!

Discover the World of "Dune" by Frank Herbert

Buy "Dune" in Ukrainian today and immerse yourself in one of the most influential science fiction novels ever written. This epic tale offers a profound exploration of politics, religion, and humanity, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the genre. Here are some compelling reasons to acquire your copy:

  • Intriguing Storyline: Follow Paul Atreides as he navigates the treacherous sands of Arrakis, the desert planet.
  • Rich World-Building: Experience an intricately crafted universe filled with diverse cultures and complex ecosystems.
  • Themes of Power and Survival: Delve into the dynamics of power, leadership, and the struggle for survival.
  • Philosophical Depth: Contemplate deep philosophical questions about destiny, free will, and the human experience.
  • Iconic Characters: Meet unforgettable characters whose journeys will resonate with you long after the last page.

Why You Should Buy "Dune" by Frank Herbert

Buying "Dune" in Ukrainian not only enriches your reading experience but also supports Ukrainian literature. Here’s what makes our offering unique:

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Payment and Shipping Options: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Our worldwide shipping is handled through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, ensuring your book arrives quickly and safely.

Don't miss the chance to explore "Dune" by Frank Herbert. Buy now and join the ranks of readers captivated by this extraordinary saga!


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    Anastasia Grodnova

    Arrakis.Dune. By the will of Emperor Shaddam IV, the planet passes from the monopoly of the House of Harkonen to their sworn enemies, the House of Atrid. Leto Atrid, duke and head of the house, accepts the tormented planet and promises to revive life on it and free people from the Harkonen’s oppression. But Vlidimir (what a name) Harkonen, with the secret support of the emperor, is going to prevent Duke Leto from doing so and keep Arrakis and the melange for himself.

    During the coup d’état, the duke’s concubine Jessica, who belongs to the Bene Gesserit, and their son Paul, who, apparently, is the Quisatz Haderach (in simple words, the chosen one), manage to escape.

    I am in love with this universe. The movie is great, but it can’t be compared to the book. At first I read the e-book, but when I felt that it was mine, I decided that I would collect and read the paper, especially since the edition from our KSD is incredible.

    So what was it that captivated me about Dune.

    The book deepens into its sand slowly, enveloping you. There are a lot of strange words, meanings, the structure of the universe, and it takes time to comprehend its vastness. And I adore it because it allows you to feel the atmosphere and literally wander through the desert with the characters or feel the flavor of melange.

    I would like to pay special attention to the topics that Herbert raises in his work. These are: politics, power struggle, sacrifice, religion, environmental problems and human feelings. The characters show this very vividly with their words and actions. While reading, you begin to sincerely hate some and love others.

    While reading the book, you feel that Herbert has spent a lot of time researching the desert and sand, and it shows. In the process, you get the impression that Arrakis really exists.

    I know that “Dune” will not suit all readers, starting with the fact that the genre is science fiction, ending with a very measured pace of the story, but I definitely recommend it to fans of the genre.

    September 16, 2022
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    Ivanna Martyniv

    I started reading the book after the movie, and until the third chapter, I found it, frankly, boring. There were too many descriptions, reflections, details. There was nothing like that in the movie! I thought at first.

    But then I got involved and realized that the author wrote not just a book, but a book-sand.

    It flows through your fingers, saturates your imagination, and makes desert sounds. At first heavy and cumbersome, it becomes faster, changes, shows other sides of itself through a variety of storylines.

    The book completely immerses you in an entirely different dimension, an indescribable mix of different cultures, religions, beliefs, customs and legends. It models familiar human situations by transferring them to Arrakis, has its own core of morality, and demonstrates both the dark and light sides of man.

    Minus one star for an overly extended beginning, with a lot of detail, many nuances, and a very blurred ending: jumping through events chronologically, the author seems to oversaturate the reader with details, names, titles, terminology… In short, I’ll have to read the ending again.

    August 19, 2022
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    “Dune is truly exceptional and different from other science fiction. This book is like a desert made up of millions of grains of sand: heroes, myths, distant planets, unique mechanisms. And the reader begins to wander through it, to get acquainted with a world that is so distant to him or her. But even though this story takes place tens of thousands of years away, people are still people. They want power and money, they organize political conspiracies, they weave intrigues, they want to become gods and control them. This is not just a story about a boy named Paul who was born special, it is a whole universe with its own rules and laws. In the whole series, the author reveals many topics about religion, politics, and even ecology, which, of course, are relevant to us. In my opinion, it is impossible to evaluate Dune as a standalone book, because the subsequent books completely turn the vision of familiar characters, the opinion about that world, and answer the questions that you ask yourself after reading the first part.

    July 22, 2022
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    It’s no secret that Dune is one of the most famous science fiction books. Millions of readers have praised it as a masterpiece of its genre. And I’ll be one of them, because I don’t know how I’ve ever avoided this book! I must pay tribute to the author, because I have never read such a masterfully written work. The whole world is subject to ordinary logic, and there is nothing that exists for no reason.

    Dune is another name for the planet Arrakis, which the Emperor gave as a feudal lord to the Atrid family. This sandy land is rich in spices, and he who controls spices controls the world. But the predecessors of the Atrides, the House of Harkonnen, do not give up easily. So the new place is teeming not only with the secrets of the indigenous desert population, the Freemen, but also with treachery and betrayal. How will the heroes cope with this?

    One of the features of Dune is not only a great story, but, as Frank Herbert’s son noted in the preface, this book can be viewed from different angles. From the ecological point of view, because life continues to exist despite the terrible conditions, from the political point of view, because the book boasts not only intrigues but also the well-developed motivation of various characters (not only the Atrides), and from the point of view of the formation of religion. Therefore, every reader will find a niche for himself or herself and will be fascinated by the book.

    The edition is of high quality, and there are beautiful illustrations that complement the picture (although the movie has already been released).

    July 1, 2022
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    Good afternoon, readers!

    Well, I gave it three stars for a reason. (They mean that the book didn’t make me cry and didn’t really hook me.)

    The reason lies more in the fact that after reading it, I was left with a feeling of incomprehension, just like before. (Yes, I watched the movie first, which left a lot of questions, which encouraged me to buy the book).

    Somehow…? I think based on the fact that I have no desire to tell everyone and everything about the story I read, you can draw the appropriate conclusion.

    Now the choice is yours alone, try to give it a shot, you might like it.

    Good luck!

    February 20, 2022
    Verified Purchase


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