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Dishes for every day and for holidays. Cookbook for recording recipes

Страви на щодень і на свята. Книга для запису кулінарних рецептів

Dishes for every day and for holidays. Cookbook for recording recipes

Tired of writing down your favorite recipes on scraps of paper? Have you decided to make your family happy or surprise your guests with something delicious, but the recipe has disappeared? Have you improved your friend’s recipe but can’t find the notes you need? It’s time to say no to such situations! This book will help you, not only to save valuable information, but also to read useful cooking tips. Write down your favorite recipes and treat your loved ones to delicious home-cooked meals. Good luck with your recipes!

Купити "Страви на щодень і на свята. Книга для запису кулінарних рецептів"

Страви на щодень і на свята — це не просто книга, а ваш універсальний помічник у приготуванні смачних страв. Ця кулінарна книга українською мовою особливо популярна в США та Канаді. Чому варто її купити? Пропонуємо вам кілька основних моментів:

  • Велика кількість різноманітних рецептів для будь-якого випадку.
  • Секрети приготування традиційних українських страв.
  • Можливість запису власних рецептів прямо у книзі.
  • Зручний формат для використання як вдома, так і в дорозі.

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  • Історії походження популярних страв.
  • Корисні поради щодо вибору продуктів.
  • Спеціальні розділи для святкових столів.

Купуючи "Страви на щодень і на свята. Книга для запису кулінарних рецептів", ви отримуєте можливість не тільки насолодитися кулінарними шедеврами, але й дізнатися більше про українські традиції. Це ідеальний подарунок для ваших рідних та друзів, які цінують смачну їжу!

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Купуйте "Страви на щодень і на свята. Книга для запису кулінарних рецептів" вже сьогодні, щоб порадувати себе та близьких смачними стравами!

Why You Should Buy Dishes for Every Day and Holidays: A Cookbook for Recording Culinary Recipes

If you're looking to enrich your culinary skills with traditional Ukrainian recipes, look no further! This book is not just a cookbook; it’s a treasure trove of gastronomic delights. Here are some compelling reasons to buy Dishes for Every Day and Holidays in Ukrainian:

  • Authentic Ukrainian Recipes: Experience the rich flavors of Ukraine right in your kitchen.
  • Perfect for Every Occasion: Whether it’s a weekday dinner or a festive celebration, find recipes suitable for all.
  • Record Your Own Recipes: This cookbook allows you to jot down your favorite recipes, personalizing your cooking journey.
  • Beautifully Illustrated: Enjoy stunning images that guide you through the cooking process.
  • Family-Friendly: Recipes designed for all ages, making cooking a delightful family activity.

Main Points of the Book

  • Introduction to Traditional Ukrainian Cooking
  • Seasonal Ingredients and Their Uses
  • Step-by-step Guides for Each Recipe
  • Storing and Preserving Homemade Dishes
  • Interactive Sections for Personal Notes

Don’t miss out on the chance to buy the book Dishes for Every Day and Holidays by . Enhance your culinary repertoire today!

Our Strengths

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing on all our books.
  • Good Discounts: Take advantage of ongoing promotions and discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery times, shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance in Finding Rare Books: We help you track down those hard-to-find treasures from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: Each purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army.

We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking accounts. Shipping is available worldwide through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Invest in your culinary skills and support a great cause today!


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Страви на щодень і на свята. Книга для запису кулінарних рецептів

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    Looking for a good gift for a woman who loves to cook? Give her a notebook called “Everyday and Holiday Meals. A Cookbook for Recording Cooking Recipes”, because any housewife should have a notebook or notebook at hand to write down new recipes, and the above-mentioned publication offers diligent cooking enthusiasts not only to fill in the pages, but also to receive some useful tips on how to successfully prepare delicious food and keep the kitchen tidy

    For example, I didn’t know before that rust can be removed from a stove by wiping the surface with hot oil, and I didn’t know that in order to keep the refrigerator from having an unpleasant odor, it should be washed twice a month with warm water and baking soda, and then ventilated for another half hour… It’s hard to disagree that every housewife should know such subtleties! In addition, the book contains a table of weights and measures of products, as well as a table of composition and calorie content of products, which will be useful to all those who not only like to eat tasty and satisfying food, but also keep their figure…

    May 17, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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    I just couldn’t leave out such an incredibly useful, practical, informative, beautiful book for writing down recipes for a huge number of favorite dishes for everyday and holidays, because my sister’s name day is coming up soon, so I couldn’t think of a better gift that she would really like. She, like me, has been wanting to buy such a book for a long time, because like every good housewife, she collects all her recipes and writes them down, but unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this in one place. So, a lot of them are stored on separate sheets of paper, which are often lost, or in different notebooks, which is also not very convenient. So, this book is just a great find!

    This is a wonderful, modern edition of the book “Everyday and Holiday Meals. A Book for Recording Cooking Recipes” was published by the popular and well-known Vivat publishing house and belongs to the “Good Recipes” series of books, which is well known to experts and culinary enthusiasts. The information of interest to housewives is presented in a wonderful, simple, accessible and lively Ukrainian language. We also think it is very positive that the book contains a number of interesting useful cooking tips, a Comparative Table of Weights and Measures, and a Table of Composition and Calorie Content. This undoubtedly useful and very practical book for recording culinary recipes was published in two thousand eighteen and is quite large in size, containing more than ninety pages for recording original, nutritious and healthy dishes.

    The wonderful book “Everyday and Holiday Meals. A Cookbook for Recording Cooking Recipes” can be a wonderful gift for every housewife!

    March 24, 2019
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    If you like cooking at least a little bit, you probably can’t pass by this recipe book for the Ukrainian publisher “Vivat”. Its uniqueness for me personally is first of all in the fact that it is a notebook in the Ukrainian language. Of course, even before I could buy notepads of such kind from Ukrainian publishing houses, but their design, to put it mildly, left much to be desired: a customer had to content himself with either ascetic style in the spirit of Soviet typography, or, vice versa, garish design, which had nothing to do with good taste. But now, thanks to “Vivat”, Ukrainian customers have an opportunity to write down recipes of their favorite dishes in a notebook in their native language in such an amazing design. It was this version that I bought as a gift for a friend who has a real talent for making great desserts. The berry tartlets on the cover of this delightful book seem to hint that it is made just for recording baking recipes.

    May 21, 2018
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