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Dancing with bones

Танці з кістками

Андрій Сем’янків

Andriy Semyankiv

Dancing with bones

At first glance, this is a simple story about a failed pathologist. Severin is not appreciated at work and is underpaid, and something inexplicable is happening in his personal life, his self-esteem is at zero. So, being practically at the bottom, he immediately jumps at the opportunity to earn extra money. Yes, the offer is not entirely legal, and yes, one can hardly expect anything good from the organ transplant market, but it is so tempting to finally make a comfortable life for himself. In the end, Severin has to take a trinket from dead people, something they don’t need anyway. Still from dead people, still a trinket. Step by step, decision by decision, the pathologist changes and transforms himself, so that the despised man on the verge of alcoholism first grows self-confidence, and then unscrupulousness. Having committed one crime, it is much easier for him to commit another, and the next. What Severin considered unacceptable yesterday becomes the new normal. And the question arises: is he able to stop now and how far can he go?

Купити "Танці з кістками" українською мовою

Танці з кістками — це захоплюючий роман, написаний автором Андрієм Сем’янківим. Ви можете купити цю книгу українською мовою в США та Канаді. Нижче наведено основні моменти, які роблять цю книгу вартою уваги:
  • Глибокий сюжет: Роман пронизаний цікавими поворотами, що тримають читача в напруженні.
  • Тематичні глибини: Вивчення людських стосунків та психології персонажів.
  • Яскраві персонажі: Кожен герой має свої унікальні риси і мотивації.
  • Культурний контекст: Книга розкриває аспекти української культури, що можуть бути новими для закордонного читача.
  • Емоційна напруга: Читач відчує всі емоції разом з героями, переживаючи з ними радощі та труднощі.

Чому варто купити "Танці з кістками"?

Купівля книги Танці з кістками стане чудовим вкладенням для любителів якісної літератури.
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Why You Should Buy "Dancing with Bones" by Andriy Semyankiv

Dancing with Bones is a captivating tale that intertwines elements of mystery, history, and the human experience. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase this book:

  • Engaging Plot: The storyline takes readers on an unforgettable journey filled with suspense and intrigue.
  • Rich Character Development: Each character is crafted with depth, drawing you into their world and struggles.
  • Ukrainian Cultural Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of Ukrainian culture and traditions through the narrative.
  • Unique Perspective: Andriy Semyankiv offers readers a fresh viewpoint that resonates with both local and international audiences.
  • Artful Writing Style: The author's beautiful prose captures emotions and places readers in dramatic settings.

Where to Buy "Dancing with Bones" in the US and Canada

If you're looking to buy "Dancing with Bones" in Ukrainian, here's why our store is your best option:

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing for all our books.
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  • Support the Cause: A portion of each sale goes towards donations for the Ukrainian army.

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Don't miss out on the opportunity to read a remarkable story. Purchase "Dancing with Bones" by Andriy Semyankiv today and enjoy an enriching literary experience!


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Танці з кістками


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    Ira Latyn

    With all due respect to the author, the book is boring as hell. Of course, this is just my opinion. I love detectives, I love thrillers, and I love medicine, so I thought this book would be a perfect fit for me. But it didn’t. It’s boring, the main characters are all a bit disgusting, the ending is predictable and trite. It’s been a long time since I’ve read something like this, but I regret the money I spent.

    I also want to say something about the quality of the book – it’s just not good. Yellow pages, very thin, unpleasant to the touch paper that shines through. It is also poorly bound, you can’t hold it with one hand because the binding is too tight.

    February 2, 2023
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    Sergey Derevyanko

    A very cool and unusual story.

    January 20, 2023
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    Oleksandr Parasyuk

    The review is without spoilers and descriptions of any plot details.

    A great story about how there is always a choice. How important it is to stop in time. And even better – to think… More often and more thoroughly. To turn on your head. It’s a very strange feeling when you get melancholy with a touch of depression from a story, and sometimes you get recharged. In the fall, just in time. But again, there may be a heavy aftertaste. But it’s worth reading, and Ukrainian literature and authors should be promoted (as well as reading books among citizens in general), and publishing houses should be supported. I just bought a book and wrote a review, from which nothing is clear. But that’s probably how it should be. Why wait for something and tune in? Take it and read it! О! I will write and thank the author for sure.

    October 10, 2022
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