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Courtyard of wings and ruins

Двір крил і руїн

Сара Маас

Sarah Maas

Courtyard of wings and ruins

Feyra returns to the Court of Spring, determined to find out what Temlin and the powerful, sinister King of Gaibern are up to, threatening to destroy Prithia. However, to achieve this, she will first play a deadly game. One wrong move can destroy not only Feyra, but her entire world. The fight against Guyburn is in full swing, and the forces of good will have to ally themselves with the dark forces if they are to overcome the greatest evil together. The girl must again decide who to trust and look for allies in the least expected places. But it seems that traitors are everywhere, and Fae will have to resort to magic and fall into traps more than once. Soon the two armies will clash in a bloody, unequal struggle for power…

Чому варто купити "Двір крил і руїн" українською мовою?

Книга "Двір крил і руїн" автора Сара Маас - це захоплююча частина фентезійної серії, яка вже завоювала любов читачів у США та Канаді. В ній переплітаються інтриги, магія та неймовірні пригоди. Якщо ви ще не знаєте, чому варто прочитати цю книгу, ось кілька основних моментів:

  • Глибокий світ з багатошаровими персонажами.
  • Незабутня історія кохання та дружби.
  • Напружений сюжет з несподіваними поворотами.
  • Яскравий опис магічного світу та його правил.
  • Теми сили, жертвування та боротьби за справедливість.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

У книзі "Двір крил і руїн" розгортається епічна битва між добром і злом. Головна героїня, Фейр, проходить через численні випробування та відкриває таємниці свого минулого. Ось кілька захоплюючих моментів:

  1. Фейр стає на шлях до відновлення справедливості.
  2. Вона зустрічає нових союзників і ворогів.
  3. Несподіване відкриття про силу та владу.
  4. Конфлікти, які змушують переосмислити моральні цінності.
  5. Емоційний фінал, який залишає слід у серці.

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Why You Should Buy A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

Are you looking for a captivating fantasy novel? Look no further! A Court of Wings and Ruin is the perfect choice for fans of enchanting tales. Here are some reasons to buy and read this incredible book:

  • Rich World-Building: Immerse yourself in a beautifully crafted universe full of magic and intrigue.
  • Compelling Characters: Experience the growth and struggles of complex characters with deep backstories.
  • Tension and Drama: Enjoy a thrilling plot filled with unexpected twists and emotional moments.
  • Romantic Elements: Delight in heartfelt romance woven seamlessly into the narrative.
  • Themes of Friendship: Discover powerful messages about loyalty, bravery, and sacrifice throughout the story.

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  • Buy A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
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    Daria Aldanova

    The third part finally showed us the Feyra we expected to see – strong and happy. When I thought that the ending of the previous book made me nervous, I didn’t know what awaited me in this one. The last chapters are literally full of surprises and plot twists.

    It’s worth reading if only to see how Feyra finally realized her power and proved to Temlin that she doesn’t need his protection and care. It seems that if he were to admit that he was wrong even for a moment, the sky would fall to earth.

    The secondary characters are revealed more and more: Mor, Amren, Cassian, Nesta. We can only wait for the translation of the next parts.

    July 17, 2022
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    The story became a real salvation in these difficult times, as it allowed me to completely surrender to another universe with a fascinating plot and vivid events. The third book is the final one, but when everything seemed to be clear, the author did not give the reader rest and a sense of confidence in the future. Everything turns upside down so unexpectedly that even when reading late at night, you lose all desire to sleep. All that remains is the confidence that you need to know the continuation of everything that is happening now and immediately. It is easy to read, and details and minor moments do not distract at all, but rather create a complete picture that is better perceived. Particular attention should be paid to the book’s ending, because “happily ever after” is not about this story at all, although this technique is incredibly pleasing and allows you to get the necessary range of emotions. The quality of the printed edition is excellent, the binding is solid, and the paper is thick. As for the story itself, it will leave you with a 100% pleasant aftertaste, as well as a desire to recommend reading the story to all your friends and acquaintances.

    July 11, 2022
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    From the beginning to the end of the book, it is impossible to stop reading. A wonderful family from Velaris settled in my heart. A wonderful worldview, wonderful characters who come to life while reading, a wonderful city and the plot of the book. This part captivates from the first pages with its events, characters, and atmosphere. The book begins with the Court of Spring, where Feyra, the High Lady of the Court of Night, tries to destroy this very hostile court. You can immediately see how the main character has grown up. From a human girl, she has turned into a High Lady. But the changes occurred not only with the change of title, but also in her actions and behavior. With the help of her family (inner circle) and her betrothed, she became more confident, wiser, and finally began to live. But the general idyll is spoiled by one fact: the war is coming.

    So Feyra will have to compete and fight for herself, her love, and the people she loves again.

    In this part, Fae’s sisters will also appear: Nesta and Elaine, who will now live on the other side of the wall with their sister.

    All the characters are trying to find allies to confront their enemies and avoid the disappearance of the wall that separates humans and fae. That’s why we finally get to meet all the High Lords of Prithia.

    The plot of this part develops rapidly. In the book, we can learn more about the history of Prythia, the wars of this island, and its legends.

    And, of course, a lot of attention is paid to the couple Fae and Rizand. Everything is sensually written, their relationship is based solely on mutual respect and trust, so one can only marvel at their amazingness. The characters of the inner circle are also revealed. Sarah Maas successfully intertwines plot development with character development.

    After reading it, you are left with a feeling of warmth, because it is impossible not to fall in love with the characters in this series.

    May 20, 2022
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    Tanya Kompaniets

    You should know how much I adore this book! The third part of the series, in my opinion, is the most emotional and atmospheric. Their family relationship is love. I’m not even talking about the relationship between Rizend and Feyra. One of the best book couples in my life!

    This part really brought me to emotions. The ending is something incredible. I even cried) Throughout the book, Sarah Maas made us care and constantly surprised us.

    The author’s writing and the plot itself are just wonderful. I think this book is one of the best I’ve ever read in my entire life.

    As for the characters: I especially liked Feyra, Reese, Azriel, and Mor. I don’t really share the crazy love some people have for Cassian or Nesta, but they are definitely cool!

    It’s even more than 5/5 – it’s infinity!

    April 21, 2022
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    Yulia Kandala

    I put off reading this part for quite a while, because the next one hasn’t been translated into Ukrainian yet, and I’ve become attached to the world enough to put the books in the category of favorites.

    The last part is striking in its epicness and intensity. It tells in more detail about each supreme ruler and characters that we hardly saw in the previous ones. To be honest, I read the last few chapters with bated breath. The Arqueron sisters were a pleasant surprise in this part, as they gradually began to change and reveal themselves from other, more unexpected angles. I would love to continue reading this series about each character in the inner circle. So, if you like fantasy with a touch of romance, I definitely recommend it!

    March 23, 2022
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