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Ніл Ґейман

Neil Gaiman


Sometimes doors are closed for a reason… Something strange is happening in Coraline’s new home. It is not the fog or the cat that seems to be following her, nor the signs of danger (in which Coraline finds herself) that Miss Primrose and Forcibilly (Coraline’s new neighbors) have seen in the tea leaves. The real surprise is the “other house” behind the old door in the living room. The “other mommy and daddy” with black button eyes and snow-white paper skin were waiting for Coraline. Now they want her to stay with them. Forever. Coraline knows that if she walks through that door, she may never come back.

Чому варто купити "Кораліна" українською мовою?

"Кораліна" - це захоплююча книга від Ніла Ґеймана, яка занурює читача у світ фентезі і пригод. У цій історії ви знайдете:
  • Непередбачувані повороти сюжету: Кораліна discovers a parallel universe, where everything seems perfect.
  • Глибокі теми: Книга піднімає важливі питання про сім'ю, сміливість та справжнє щастя.
  • Яскраві персонажі: Кораліна, її батьки та інші персонажі забавляють і розчаровують одночасно.
  • Атмосферний стиль: Ніл Ґейман майстерно створює світ, в якому реальність і фантазія переплітаються.

Що робить "Кораліна" особливою?

Купити "Кораліна" українською мовою - це не просто придбати книгу, а перенестися у незвичний світ, де деталі грають ключову роль. Чому ж саме ця книга стала класикою сучасної літератури?
  • Вона викликає емоції: злість, страх, радість та надію.
  • Забезпечує унікальний досвід читання, який запам'ятається надовго.
  • Підходить для різного віку, що робить її універсальною.

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Why You Should Buy Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Are you looking for an enchanting and thrilling read? Discover why Coraline is a must-have in your collection:

  • Unique Storyline: Follow the adventures of Coraline Jones as she discovers a parallel world filled with mystery.
  • Intriguing Characters: Meet memorable characters, including the Other Mother and other whimsical beings.
  • Themes of Courage: Explore themes of bravery and self-discovery as Coraline confronts her fears.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy stunning artwork that complements the text, enhancing the reading experience.
  • Perfect for All Ages: Suitable for both younger readers and adults, making it a great family read.
  • A Tale of Adventure: Experience a gripping tale that keeps you on the edge of your seat!

Where to Purchase

If you're in the US or Canada, you can easily buy Coraline in Ukrainian through our online store. We provide options to buy Coraline by Neil Gaiman with just a few clicks. Enjoy secure payments and fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.

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    Little Coraline is terribly bored, but that doesn’t stop her from diving into adventures–even in her own apartment. Neil Gaiman has created a beautiful contemporary tale. He paints an intriguing story using both the strange and the familiar. Coraline enters a strange world through a door to nowhere inside her home. Touching on some classic imagery-like portals to strange worlds hidden from our own world, cheeky talking cats, and smooth-talking sirens (who are just too cute)-we are easily persuaded to be transported beyond the pages. Nevertheless, Gaiman has his own take on it, and his unique twists and special details take the old familiar and make it new again.

    March 28, 2021
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    Victoria Masevych

    This is my first acquaintance with Neil Gaiman’s work. I chose for this purpose perhaps not his best book and genre. However, I still liked the book. I don’t like horror stories, I don’t read them at all. This book is supposed to be a fairy tale, and that’s why it was not so scary to read, because a fairy tale cannot end in tragedy.

    It was a very creepy book, it kept me in suspense, I read it in one breath.

    The girl Coraline has recently moved with her parents to a new house. In the living room there is a door leading to nowhere (you open it – a bricked wall). For adults, this door will lead nowhere, but Coraline will find herself in a parallel world where her parents are supposedly the same, but they have “different” eyes. And something is wrong here, and the “mother” insists that the girl stay forever. And then it gets even scarier and more tense.

    The book is about the courage of a little girl who will eventually overcome not only her fears but also the evil from this parallel world. I will read more books by this author, I am intrigued.

    February 26, 2021
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    “Neil Gaiman’s Coraline is a true short story-parable about how people suffer from their own desires, and that often when the most cherished dream comes true, it may not be what it seems at first glance. This philosophical thought was hidden by the writer in a children’s story about a girl named Coraline who has just moved to a new house. Her preoccupied parents do not pay attention to her, and her strange neighbors only annoy her. Lonely, Coraline sets out to find adventures in her new home, where she finds a small locked door. At night, the door opens and she sees a world completely opposite to the real one: loving parents, friendly and funny neighbors, a life full of bright colors and entertainment… But is everything as good as it seems at first glance? The people from the other world have buttons instead of eyes, and one day the Other Mother gives her an ultimatum: she can stay with them only on one condition. Coraline has to sew buttons instead of eyes…

    This is a wonderful book. There is so much meaning and morality in such a short work as this, but how it sticks in your head! “Coraline” makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. I would also like to emphasize the artwork: I think many people know the tandem of Gaiman and Riddle. The illustrator did a great job on this book.

    February 11, 2021
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    Maria Lushpigan

    I first learned about the adventure of a little girl named Coraline from a movie adaptation of the book (cartoon), which was more frightening not because of the scary characters and events, but because of how scary it is to lose something you don’t value and what you have to pay for fulfilling your desires, even if it’s just a fun time spent with your parents who are constantly busy.

    The little protagonist, a girl named Coraline, moves to a new city with her parents to a new house. Surrounded by everything new, and missing her old life, the girl hopes for her parents’ attention, but they don’t have time for her.

    Going through a difficult period in her life, Coraline goes in search of adventures to cheer herself up. After a while, she finds a secret door to another world in her new home, where the house is exactly the same and even her parents are the same! The only thing that distinguishes them is a brighter world, which seems to be deliberately made perfect for Coraline, and parents who not only pay more attention to “their” daughter, but also have buttons instead of eyes! This surprised Coraline, but did not alarm her, so she was only interested in entertainment, gifts, and most importantly THE ATTENTION OF THE “OTHER PARENTS”. But perfect things can hide terrible secrets…

    October 10, 2020
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    Elizaveta Maksymenko

    Appreciate what you have.

    This is probably the main idea I took away from this book.

    The author shows very well the alternative, which turns out to be worse than reality. And that what we dream about is not always good for us.

    Young Coraline and her parents are moving to a new house. How could she not have some adventures? Especially since the girl’s parents are too busy with their adult affairs.

    She finds a secret door leading to another world. It is almost perfect: caring parents, wonderful neighbors, delicious food and fun. But for some reason, everyone has buttons in place of eyes. What dark secrets does this world hide?

    A simple adventure turns into saving her family from an “alternative mom”.

    Will Coraline be able to get out of this mess? Will she save her parents? And will the girl realize that she needs to appreciate what she has?

    The story is quite creepy and atmospheric! It is easy to read and very fast. But still, it could have impressed me earlier, but not now.

    I can’t say that my acquaintance with the author was very successful. I’ll probably try something else for adults to finally form my opinion about his books.

    October 6, 2020
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