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Cold soups

Холоднi супи

Ірина Тумко

Iryna Tumko

Cold soups

What do you do when it’s hot outside and you can’t do without a first course? The answer is very simple – cold soups, which are not only wonderfully refreshing in the heat, but also very healthy. In our book, you will find the best cold soup recipes for all occasions. All you have to do is choose a recipe and delight your family with a wonderful dish!

Чому варто купити книгу "Холодні супи" Ірини Тумко

"Холодні супи" - це не просто книга, а захоплива подорож у світ гастрономії та кулінарної культури України. У ній зібрані рецепти, які можуть стати справжнім відкриттям для кожного, хто любить смачну їжу. Якщо ви хочете купити "Холоднi супи" українською мовою в США або Канаді, ця книга - ваш ідеальний вибір!

Основні моменти книги

  • Унікальні рецепти холодних супів, які здивують вашу родину та друзів.
  • Детальні інструкції з приготування, що підходять для початківців і досвідчених кухарів.
  • Цікаві факти про історію та традиції української кухні.
  • Корисні поради щодо подачі страв та поєднання з напоями.
  • Екологічні та здорові інгредієнти, доступні у США та Канаді.

Цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Взаємозв'язок між кулінарією та культурною спадщиною України.
  • Історії авторки про сімейні рецепти та їх значення.
  • Творчий підхід до традиційних страв, який надихає читачів експериментувати.

Купуючи "Холоднi супи" від Ірини Тумко, ви отримуєте не лише книгу, а й частинку української душі. Цей твір допоможе вам зануритися у світ смаку та аромату, завдяки чому ви зможете створити неповторні страви на своїй кухні.

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Не втрачайте можливість купити "Холоднi супи" українською мовою. Долучайтеся до нашої спільноти кулінарних ентузіастів сьогодні!

Discover the Refreshing World of Cold Soups

Buy Cold Soups by Iryna Tumko in Ukrainian and explore a delightful collection that showcases unique recipes, cultural significance, and endless culinary creativity. This book is a must-have for anyone interested in Ukrainian cuisine or looking to diversify their meal options with refreshing dishes.

Why You Should Buy Cold Soups by Iryna Tumko

  • Authentic Ukrainian Recipes: Experience the true essence of Ukrainian cold soups with easy-to-follow, authentic recipes.
  • Nutritional Benefits: Cold soups are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients, making them a healthy choice for any meal.
  • Cultural Insights: Learn about the traditions and stories behind each recipe, enriching your understanding of Ukrainian culture.
  • Seasonal Inspiration: Perfect for hot summer days, these cold soups offer refreshing alternatives to traditional meals.
  • Easy Preparation: Most recipes require minimal cooking, allowing you to whip up a delightful dish quickly.
  • Family-Friendly: These recipes cater to all ages, making it an enjoyable cooking experience for families.
  • Beautifully Illustrated: The book features captivating photography that makes the dishes visually appealing and inspires creativity.

How to Purchase Cold Soups by Iryna Tumko

Buy Cold Soups in the US and Canada conveniently through our online store. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards.

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Moreover, a portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army, making your shopping experience impactful. Don't miss out! Buy Cold Soups today and enjoy the flavors of Ukraine!


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Холоднi супи


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    For a long time we have been trying to buy a culinary publication that would be dedicated to the preparation of various soups, and especially, we were interested in recipes for cold soups, which we like very much and taste great in warm weather.

    And quite recently, we came across this very interesting and valuable original edition of culinary recipes – “Cold Soups”, in which we found very interesting recipes that we really liked, and which, it should be noted, are quite easy to prepare and with fairly affordable ingredients, among which we would especially like to highlight the following, which we really liked and have become favorites that we simply enjoy cooking every time at the request of our family: “Tomato Soup with Croutons, Spinach Soup, Okroshka with Sausage, and Okroshka with Beef.

    A beautifully illustrated, interesting, original edition, extremely helpful in the kitchen, Cold Soups, written by the well-known Iryna Tumko, was published by the popular and well-known today among a wide range of readers Vivat Publishing House and belongs to the wonderful culinary series of books Cooking with Pleasure. This very interesting and informative cookbook

    “Cold Soups” contains more than forty pages, where you will undoubtedly find your own special recipe for cold soup!

    February 6, 2020
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    Everyone is looking forward to the onset of summer, and winter and autumn dishes will fade into the background in the summer, hot soups will no longer be as palatable as they were in the cooler months, and you will want something cold and refreshing, and cold soups will taste best on hot days. I don’t have too many cold soup recipes in my cookbook, in fact, I can count them on one hand, so Iryna Tumko’s book Cold Soups is my real helper in the kitchen in the summer. The book “Cold Soups” is a great gift for all housewives who do not stand still, but are constantly looking for new recipes, the book is suitable for both experienced housewives and beginners.

    The choice of soups in the book “Cold Soups” is really very wide, everyone will be able to find a recipe that they like and will become their favorite, which is a big plus especially for very fastidious people.

    Cook and delight your loved ones, and the recipes in the book “Cold Soups” will definitely be enough for the whole summer.

    July 12, 2019
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    Soon summer will come again, and with it will come the hot season when, instead of the traditional borscht or other hot soup, you want to try something cool and refreshing. In this case, cooking enthusiasts will definitely find Iryna Tumko’s book Cold Soups useful, as it contains many recipes for delicious dishes that taste especially good on a hot day, giving cooling and vigor.

    This edition offers such a wide variety of soups that even the most demanding gourmet will be able to find a recipe that he or she will want to try. Indeed, there are even recipes for sweet cold soups (for example, those with a sweet tooth will be delighted with strawberry soup with cottage cheese ice cream), and the okroshka recipe is offered in four versions: with sausage, beef, meat broth, and fish and radish! So I advise everyone to open this book and start experimenting in the kitchen. As for my taste preferences, I have already managed to cook and appreciate fermented milk soup with spinach, tomato soup with croutons, and pea cream soup…

    April 21, 2019
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