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Том Флетчер

Tom Fletcher


You are holding the most amazing and incredible Christmas story imaginable. William, a boy, asks Santa for a dinosaur for Christmas and has no idea what his request will turn into. Turning the pages of this fun and dynamic adventure book by British writer and musician Tom Fletcher, you will find out who helps Santa at the North Pole and who is trying to catch reindeer, how friendship is born out of hate, and why Mr. Trundle loves Christmas above all other holidays. And, of course, you will meet the most fantastic book character – the Christmasaurus.

Чому варто купити "Різдвозавр" від Тома Флетчера?

"Різдвозавр" - це захоплююча дитяча книга, яка розповідає про пригоди незвичайного динозавра в атмосфері Різдва. Ця історія сповнена магії та доброти, яка припаде до смаку дітям і дорослим. Ось кілька причин, чому вам варто її прочитати:
  • Неповторний сюжет: Книга містить оригінальні повороти, які не залишать байдужими.
  • Виховні теми: Вона торкається важливих тем дружби, любові та сімейних цінностей.
  • Яскраві ілюстрації: Візуальне оформлення створює незабутню атмосферу свята.
  • Доступність: Можливість купити "Різдвозавр" українською мовою в США та Канаді.

Основні моменти сюжету

Книга пропонує читачам дізнатися про:
  • Пригоду Різдвозавра у пошуках святкових чудес.
  • Несподівані зустрічі з іншими персонажами, які додають інтриги.
  • Відкриття справжньої цінності Різдва через взаємодію з друзями.

Купити "Різдвозавр українською мовою" - це можливість поринути в світ казки. Не втрачайте шансу полюбити цю історію разом зі своїми дітьми.

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Buy The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher in Ukrainian

The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher is an enchanting book that will captivate both children and adults alike. If you're looking to buy The Christmasaurus in Ukrainian, you’ve come to the right place! Our store offers the best prices and good discounts for this delightful holiday tale.

Why Buy The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher?

  • Engaging Storyline: The plot grabs the reader's attention from the very first page.
  • Family-Friendly: A perfect read for family gatherings and bedtime stories.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: The book features stunning illustrations that bring the story to life.
  • Ukrainian Translation: Published in Ukrainian, it allows native speakers to enjoy the story in their language.

Main Points and Story Milestones

  • Introduction of William Trundle: Meet the lovable protagonist who dreams of dinosaurs.
  • Magical Encounter: William meets The Christmasaurus, an actual dinosaur, adding magical elements to the story.
  • Adventurous Journey: Join them as they embark on an unforgettable adventure.
  • Heartwarming Themes: The book explores themes of friendship, bravery, and the magic of Christmas.
  • Satisfying Conclusion: The story concludes with a heartwarming ending that leaves readers smiling.

Why Choose Our Store?

  • We offer the best prices for The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher.
  • Take advantage of our good discounts and save more.
  • Enjoy fast shipping, directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • We assist you in searching and purchasing rare books in Ukraine.
  • Each purchase supports donations to the Ukrainian army.

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  • We accept payments through PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards and accounts.
  • Shipping Worldwide is available via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to add The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher to your collection. Buy it in Ukrainian today and experience the magic!


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    William dreams of a very unusual gift for the Christmas tree, even Santa himself may be shocked, but the boy dreams. As you know, faith in a miracle is the strongest and the wildest dreams can come true on New Year’s Eve, and William finds a real dinosaur under the tree. From the very moment the dinosaur appears in the city, adventures will begin, many adventures.

    At first I was a little shocked that the main character William is a boy with a disability, I didn’t know how to explain it to a child, the book is designed for school-age children, and we are preschoolers. But the book is wonderful, it’s socially important and should be read, it’s family warm and cheerful.

    The plot is very dynamic and interesting, you can’t stop turning the pages, we planned to read one story at a time before bedtime, but we didn’t limit ourselves to one, even our dad listened to the adventures of the boy and the dinosaur, so we read it with the whole family.

    I definitely recommend this book to all children, even kids as young as 4 years old will be interested, the pictures, although not colored, are fun and interesting, and the text is easy and understandable.

    November 6, 2020
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    Andriy Beregulyak

    Have you heard of the friendship between a boy and a dinosaur?

    I personally have! The book is called Christmasaurus!

    It is about a boy and his dad. His mom is dead. The boy is named William, who is very fond of dinosaurs. And for Christmas he asked Santa for a dinosaur.

    There was a proud girl who lived near William. He couldn’t stand her because he was bullied at school because he was disabled and used a wheelchair. The girl’s name is Brenda.

    Who is the Christmasaurus? It’s a real big dinosaur. It hatched from an egg found by elves and hatched by SANTA! Yes, the real Santa at the North Pole.

    When Santa read William’s letter asking for a real dinosaur, he decided to give him a Christmas dinosaur.

    On Christmas morning, a miracle happened. William woke up and saw a mountain of presents in front of him. He got up and started unwrapping them. He had already unwrapped all the small and medium-sized gifts. Now it was time for the giant gift. In a few minutes William had unwrapped it and could not believe his eyes. It was a real dinosaur. However, the Christmas dinosaur did not understand what was happening and decided to run away from this place. He ran outside right through the wall and was already running down the road. William followed him. Halfway down the road, the Christmas animal stopped, out of breath. In the end, they became friends. But this is not the end of the book!

    Mr. Trendle (William’s dad) loved Christmas and had to meet this fantastic dinosaur. The next day, William was sitting on Christmas’ back and flying!!! And a few days later they flew to the North Pole where their adventures began. What adventures can you think of? You will learn about the adventures of Santa, elves and even reindeer in the book “The Christmasaurus” by Tom Fletcher.

    Victoria, 10 years old.

    September 4, 2020
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    We bought the book “Christmasaurus” written by the famous British musician and writer Tom Fletcher last year, but we read it recently and really liked this impressive, sweet, magical, Christmas fairy tale that radiates real warmth while reading and thus helps to warm up on cold winter evenings and at the same time creates a festive Christmas atmosphere, as well as teaches kindness and positivity.

    The storyline is based on the story of a disabled boy who loved dinosaurs and it was at Christmas time that his cherished dream came true – he got a real dinosaur, this moment in the story emphasizes that absolutely all dreams can become real and life can bring incredibly pleasant surprises, you just need to never lose faith and hope, constantly wait for a miracle. The whirlwind of events that take place in the fairy tale will not let you get bored for a single second.

    I would also like to note the large print in the book, which is ideal for independent reading by younger students, as well as the wonderful illustrations that help create a real fairy-tale atmosphere.

    January 9, 2020
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    Ivanna Baranovska

    Tom Fletcher’s “The Christmasaurus” tells the story of a boy named William Thrandle and his wish for a dinosaur from Santa. The story includes the birth of the Christmasaurus, the story of William and his father (who, by the way, is too excited about Christmas), and the inhabitants of the North Pole. A separate plus in this book is its instructive content. The author based it on certain problems in childhood, including bullying and growing up in a single-parent family. Thanks to this book, you start to believe in miracles again, in the magical power of faith and parental love for your child.

    Oh, how this book made me happy! I think it is perfect for reading to both children and adults.

    This book is incredibly charming! The illustrations by Shane Devries add a special charm and fabulousness to the story, and there are a lot of them in the book! Each illustration is beautifully detailed and is also associated with a specific plot twist. In addition, at the end of the book there is a special appendix with elf songs, in some of which you need to insert the missing words in the frame. A great thing for children’s entertainment.

    December 31, 2019
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    “The Christmasaurus” is an extremely interesting and informative book about Christmas and the miracles that happen on the eve of this holiday.

    This is a story about a boy who lost his mother in a terrible accident and was injured and left in a wheelchair.

    On Christmas Eve, all children write letters to Santa, describing what they want to receive as a gift. William wanted to get a dinosaur. I imagined it would be a big soft toy. What was it really like? Read on))

    Santa is real and he lives at the North Pole. He has a lot of funny little and big, nimble and clumsy helpers. He even has a toy factory.

    This story strengthened my son’s belief that Santa and St. Nicholas are real.

    Children who are not like everyone else are often the targets of ridicule and bullying by healthy children. When a new girl comes to school, William’s life becomes unbearable. Reading it was both funny and indignant, I wanted to teach the insolent girl a good lesson, and tears were in both my and my son’s eyes.

    We discussed the girl’s behavior and William’s emotional state for a long time. We thought about how we could help and support both of them.

    I am grateful to the Old Lion Publishing House for the extraordinary book The Christmasaurus. We will definitely read the sequel.

    November 14, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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