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Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch

Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма

Том Флетчер

Tom Fletcher

Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch

William miraculously finds himself in the future and learns that there is no Christmas, the favorite holiday of the boy and his father. He can’t believe that the existence of Santa, elves and magic reindeer is threatened by the most important naughty man – Mr. P. Will William, along with Christmasaurus and Brenda, be able to change the course of events to save their friends from the Snow Ranch? Who is the mysterious Winter Witch? To find out, read Tom Fletcher’s new exciting book.

Купити "Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма" українською мовою

"Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма" - це захоплююча книга від автора Том Флетчер, яка розповідає про пригоди незвичайного персонажа, що об'єднує магію Різдва і святковий дух. Ця книга стане чудовим подарунком для дітей та дорослих!

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Зустріч з Різдвозавром – унікальним створінням, яке несе магію у світ.
  • Зимова Відьма та її загадкові плани, пов'язані з Різдвом.
  • Незабутні пригоди головних героїв по зимовому лісу.
  • Темна загроза, яка ставить під сумнів святкові традиції.
  • Справжня дружба та любов, які перемагають всі труднощі.

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  • Чарівна історія, яка запалює уяву та викликає позитивні емоції.
  • Прекрасні ілюстрації, які доповнюють сюжет.
  • Книга написана доступною мовою, що робить її ідеальною для читання українською.
  • Можливість поринути у святкову атмосферу в будь-який час року.
  • Чудова можливість підтримати український книжковий ринок за кордоном.

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Discover the Magic of Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch by Tom Fletcher

If you're looking to buy Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch in Ukrainian, you're in the right place! This enchanting tale by Tom Fletcher captures the spirit of Christmas like no other. Here are some compelling reasons to consider adding this book to your collection:

  • Unique Storyline: Follow the adventures of a young boy and his magical dinosaur as they navigate the challenges of winter.
  • Heartwarming Themes: Experience themes of friendship, courage, and holiday spirit that resonate with readers of all ages.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy stunning artwork that brings the story to life, making it a perfect gift for children.
  • Engaging Characters: Meet lovable characters that will capture your heart and imagination.
  • Perfect for the Holidays: This book is a delightful addition to any holiday reading list.

Why Buy Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch in the US and Canada?

  • Availability: Easily purchase Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch by Tom Fletcher in Ukrainian.
  • Competitive Prices: We offer the best prices and great discounts for our customers.
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  • Rare Book Assistance: We assist you in searching for and purchasing rare books in Ukraine.
  • Support the Cause: A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Our shipping is available worldwide via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, ensuring your book arrives quickly and safely. Don't miss out on this magical journey—buy Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch today!


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Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма


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    We have already met William from the first part of The Christmas Child, we know that he is in a wheelchair, but this does not make the reader feel sorry for him, because William is a completely ordinary child, lively and cheerful, a boy with a big heart. The story is cheerful, it doesn’t make you sad, it’s about miracles and family values.

    In this part, William goes on a long journey not alone, but with the whole family, they end up at the North Pole, where they have incredible adventures. The author describes time travel so well, everything is clear, the reader does not have any misunderstandings. In the future, William will see that Christmas exists there, a favorite holiday of the boy and his father. How did this happen? Why don’t children believe in miracles? The boy is shocked that the holiday is under threat.

    William Thrandle sets out to save the holiday with the Christmasaurus and his friends. And he will have to find out who the Winter Witch is.

    The second book from Tom Fletcher will again give you a magical New Year’s mood, it is full of cheerful songs and humor, magic and transformations, very cozy and sincere. Recommended!

    November 6, 2020
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    Svitlana Luparenko

    This is the second book about the adventures of William Thrandle, a boy with special needs, his family, and the Christmas animal who lives with Santa Claus and comes to visit children at Christmas.

    This time, William and his half-sister Brenda save the future. William accidentally finds himself in the future (30 years from now) and sees that people there don’t look forward to Christmas, don’t want to celebrate it, and don’t believe in miracles. The few people who sing Christmas songs and dress festively for Christmas are imprisoned. In one such person, William recognizes his father. And the boy realizes that he has to do something in the present to change the future. The Christmasaurus and the mysterious Winter Witch come to his aid.

    I know that the story of the Christmasaurus has a lot of fans, but I was frankly bored while reading it: somehow too hurried narration (sometimes it’s not even quite clear why something happened); a lot of unnecessary details that should have created the appropriate atmosphere, but they got in the way. Unfortunately, this is not a story that my daughter and I will read on the eve of the winter holidays.

    August 26, 2020
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    I wanted to read something about magic, so I chose this book. I bought it for my son, who is 7 years old. I read it to him at bedtime. At first I didn’t like it very much, the first chapters were not clear to me, and then the adventures became so interesting that we plunged into Christmas adventures.

    One boy named William went to the North Pole with his family, and Santa gave them a tour. Santa gave everyone a magic wish, and all of the family members used it except William. He decided not to waste his wish on meaningless things, and before making a wish, he wanted to think it through. When they got home, he thought about his wish, he wanted to see his mom. When he was little, his mother died, and he wanted to go back in time to see his mother at least once. But his wish was not to come true because his half-sister Brenda stole the magic bib that Santa had given him at the North Pole.

    Brenda was taken by her father for Christmas vacation and the girl took the magic bib with her. Brenda’s father found out about it and decided to use it for his own purposes. This led to the irreparable disappearance of the Elves, and Santa did not come on Christmas Eve. To help save Christmas, William and the Christmasaurus travel to the North Pole.

    I am delighted with the amazing adventures. I recommend it!!!

    April 2, 2020
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    The second part of the book “The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch” captured us no less than the first. The book is a little different, I won’t say that it is worse or better. The plot includes many adventures at the North Pole and on Earth. The characters move to the past, the future, and back to reality again.

    Throughout the book, the author keeps a secret for the reader. Who is the Winter Witch? Can Christmas really disappear? Can Santa and the magical Elves disappear as if they never existed? Is it really possible?

    I think so.

    When most people forget the tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus and stop expecting miracles in the form of gifts, everything may disappear without a trace. Miracles exist as long as we believe in them.

    Christmas stories always end happily and joyfully. And in this story, the ending is happy thanks to friendship and faith in miracles.

    “The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch” is a warm Christmas book. The spirit of the Christmas holiday reigns here.

    The book has extremely beautiful illustrations. They are drawn as if with a pencil.

    The book will be a good gift for the winter holidays for both boys and girls.

    February 12, 2020
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    Evgenia Samyshkina

    This book had no chance of passing our bookshelf, because the first Rizdvosaurus story won my son’s heart.

    The second book tells the story of how William Trundle saves Christmas-not without Rizdvosaurus, of course. I won’t tell the plot, so as not to spoil it. I will only say that the events will develop rapidly, there will be no lack of intrigue and the finale will please.

    My son, like after the first book, was so impressed with Tom Fletcher’s version of the North Pole that he wrote letters to the elves all December. He asked if they had a Christmas tree that grew presents. Asked if a brain freezing potion was bad for Santa. And, of course, he insistently tried to find out if the world’s only dinosaur really lived at the North Pole.

    The book is beautiful not only for its festive mood, but also for the triumph of goodness. It promotes family values, friendship, and love. It also delights with very cute illustrations for a more immersive story.

    In our collection of New Year’s books, the story about Rizdvosaurus has taken its rightful place! And we boldly recommend it to everyone!

    February 7, 2020
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