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Buy "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in Ukrainian

Чарлі і шоколадна фабрика

Роальд Дал

Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

All fans of the super-popular Joan Rowling will undoubtedly be interested in this book, whose author, Roald Dahl, is considered to be the “literary father” of the famous writer. Although you may already be familiar with the plot, because Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Dahl’s most popular book. The poor boy, who received only a small candy bar for every birthday, will have an amazing adventure, because his kindness serves as an example for others, and goodness always gets its reward.

Чому варто купити "Чарлі і шоколадна фабрика" українською мовою

"Чарлі і шоколадна фабрика" — це класична казка від Роальда Дала, яка вражає уяву дітей та дорослих. Ця книга не лише розважає, але й навчає важливим цінностям. Чому варто придбати її українською мовою в США та Канаді? Ось кілька причин:
  • Захоплюючий сюжет, що підкорює серця.
  • Кумедні персонажі, які залишають яскраве враження.
  • Неперевершена уява автора, що захоплює читача.
  • Глибокий зміст про доброту, чесність та сімейні цінності.
  • Можливість насолоджуватись чудовими ілюстраціями та стилем письма.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

"Чарлі і шоколадна фабрика" розповідає про хлопчика на ім'я Чарлі, який отримує шанс потрапити до загадкової шоколадної фабрики Віллі Вонки. Ось деякі ключові моменти:
  • Відкриття фабрики як таємничого світу солодощів.
  • Сюрприз з "золотими квитками".
  • Зустріч з незвичними дітьми та їхніми пригодами.
  • Навчання важливості доброти та скромності.
  • Фінал, який навчає цінувати родинні зв'язки.

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Discover the Magic of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Buy "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in Ukrainian and dive into a world of imagination and adventure! Written by the beloved author Roald Dahl, this enchanting tale is perfect for readers of all ages. Here are some reasons to explore this classic story:

  • Unique Characters: Meet Charlie, Willy Wonka, and other unforgettable personalities that bring the story to life.
  • Imagination and Creativity: Immerse yourself in a fantastical world filled with magical inventions and delicious sweets.
  • Valuable Life Lessons: Discover themes of kindness, humility, and the importance of family and friendship.
  • Engaging Storyline: Follow Charlie's journey as he wins a golden ticket and enters the mysterious chocolate factory.
  • Cultural Impact: Experience a story that has inspired movies, plays, and countless adaptations.

Why You Should Buy "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl

As a parent or educator, providing children with quality literature is essential. This book enhances not only language skills but also critical thinking. Here’s why you should consider purchasing it:

  • Great for Learning: The book is available in Ukrainian, making it an excellent resource for bilingual readers.
  • Fun for All Ages: Children and adults alike can enjoy the whimsical narrative and colorful illustrations.
  • Available Now: Buy "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl easily from our online store.

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  • Best prices and good discounts on all books.
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    You are looking for a book to buy for your child for the winter holidays. It’s very simple. “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the best option.

    What is this book about? It is about a family. The story centers on a little boy, Charlie, who has won the lottery.

    The mysterious and famous chocolatier Willy Wonka is holding a raffle. A golden ticket is hidden in a package of 5 chocolates, which opens the door to the chocolate factory, the gates of which have been closed for a long time. Children are allowed to take one adult with them.

    The four children were spoiled, they ate a lot of chocolate, so it is not surprising that they found the golden ticket. Charlie, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. His family lived very poorly, so he received a chocolate bar only once a year, on his birthday. But luck favored him and he became the fifth lucky one.

    As it turned out, the boy won the trust and favor of Willy Wonka and it was he who received the main prize – he became his heir.

    There are many lucky people in this story. There are Charlie, who improved his family’s financial situation, and Willy Wonka, who reconciled with his father and stopped being a loner. But the spoiled, capricious children were punished. Each of them suffered for his or her biggest vice.

    The book will be interesting for both children and their parents.

    January 10, 2020
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    Who among us hasn’t dreamed of going to a chocolate factory as a child and eating delicious candy and other goodies to our heart’s content? The hero of Dahl’s book, Charlie, is a boy from a poor family who lives in a small apartment with only one bed. The boy’s family is very poor, so they buy treats only once a year, and they give them to their only child.

    Living near the mysterious Willy Wonka factory, Charlie could not even imagine that he would be able to get into the factory and learn all its secrets.

    However, miracles do happen, and the coveted golden ticket finally falls into the boy’s hands.

    Not all the ticket holders were worthy of getting into the factory, but the factory owner will take care of the punishment for unworthy behavior. The book is fantastic, about good and evil, and about the inevitable victory of the light forces. The author ridicules such human shortcomings as greed, arrogance, gluttony, etc.

    The beautifully designed edition with wonderful illustrations will be a great addition to your library. The book is intended for the youngest readers who can already read independently.

    December 23, 2019
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    Olya Tsalinska

    Our protagonist Charlie Bucket lives in a depressingly gray city, in a large family and a dilapidated house. He is a happy child not because of an excess of attention, toys, and money.

    For as long as he can remember, he has always dreamed of visiting the Willy Wonka chocolate factory, which has been fenced off with a big iron gate for a long time. Even his grandparents have no idea how this incredibly delicious chocolate is made. And as you can imagine, they are not young anymore.

    It seems that Charlie’s dream doesn’t even deserve to exist because it is unrealizable.


    As is often the case, things said before the word “but” don’t matter. This is what happened in this story.

    And all because the owner of the chocolate factory, the charismatic and eccentric Willy Wonka, decides to open the iron gates to visitors for one single day. And anyone can be the lucky one to get this opportunity. You just need to find the golden ticket in the chocolate bar.

    And it is not easy.

    There are only 10 tickets.

    It is on this all-encompassing wave of search that our story begins.

    As you can imagine, Charlie finds the ticket, and together with his grandfather, he sets off to meet his dream.

    This is a very kind and touching book in which Roald Dahl shows the interaction between children and adults of different ranks. The author’s ability to highlight the traits of the characters, to recognize similarities in the real world is incredible.

    To understand that children are not always flowers, but are actually little people who also show stinginess, anger, envy, and mercantilism.

    It is after books like this that I realize how responsible parents are for how their children grow up. What will be laid in their minds and what they will bring to the world as an adult.

    After reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I feel as if I was also one of the lucky ones who found the golden ticket. I want to tell you about my own journey into the world of Willy Wonka.

    Not only Charlie, but also the reader has the opportunity to observe the creation of the world’s best chocolate, and to meet the little creatures who are so devoted to their work that they simply live in the chocolate factory.

    Once you let your imagination run wild, you will never forget this journey.

    December 18, 2019
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    Hanna Kanavets

    I adore this story despite my far from childhood age. For me, this is a warm, atmospheric book that I want to read every winter to plunge into that world of warmth, friendliness, kindness, justice, and wonder. After all, in the adult world, you no longer treat all the holidays and miracles around you the same way, and this story reminds us of how beautiful the world is.

    In addition, reading this book, you are filled with compassion for the main characters, because they live in complete poverty. Throughout the book, you empathize with them and are truly happy for them when Charlie finds that golden ticket and their lives begin to improve. In the end, we see that love, honesty, kindness and family values win out and these are the most important things we need to teach our children. That is why this book is not only interesting, but also so important for children to read. Because by reading, they learn important things in life, but it will seem like just entertainment to them, and that’s the best thing.

    I definitely recommend this book! 5+ from me!

    December 16, 2019
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    Kristina Dorogikh

    Most children are very fond of sweets. Who wouldn’t want to visit a real chocolate factory? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of those stories that allows you to find yourself in a not-so-ordinary chocolate factory, be part of some fantastic sweet adventures, and live a really sweet life for a while!

    “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” is a wonderful story. Instructive, fascinating, memorable, and also a little crazy, reminiscent in this respect of the equally famous “Alice in Wonderland.” The author has recreated a real fantasy world for sweet-tooths, where all the sweet mischief that children imagine is possible. Chocolates that can be eaten in class? Let the chocolates be invisible. Ice cream that won’t melt in your hands in the heat? Useful stuff! In this respect, the sweets in the book resemble the magical sweets from Harry Potter, only there they are given less time, while here the sweet world plays with all possible colors.

    The plot itself already looks non-trivial – well, where else would you see a story about a poor boy getting a tour of a weird-looking confectioner, a fan of his craft, Willy Wonka? Where else can you meet so many mean kids who get what they deserve? And, finally, could you see a more magical chocolate factory than the one Charlie visited? This whole journey is a reward for his good deeds and behavior, because it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, as long as you behave diligently, and you’ll be rewarded for it.

    The book as a whole was very entertaining and cute. Read incredibly easy and fast! The author’s syllable is a looker, it feels very lammy and cozy. The book is especially good for cold winter evenings by the fireplace on New Year’s Eve.

    December 10, 2019
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