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Charlie and the big glass elevator

Чарлі і великий скляний ліфт

Роальд Дал

Roald Dahl

Charlie and the big glass elevator

Roald Dahl is called one of the greatest children’s writers of the twentieth century and the “literary father” of J.K. Rowling. “Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator is a stunning sequel to Roald Dahl’s most popular story, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, one of those books that every child should read. A big glass elevator created by the incomparable Mr. Willy Wonka takes off into outer space, and then an incredible story begins…

Чому варто купити "Чарлі і великий скляний ліфт" українською мовою?

Чарлі і великий скляний ліфт – це неймовірна історія, написана видатним автором Роальдом Далом, яка захопить дітей та дорослих. Книга продовжує пригоди Чарлі, який разом із дідом Джо вирушає в незабутню подорож. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Чарлі і великий скляний ліфт українською мовою", ви потрапили за адресою!

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Подорож на незвичайному скляному ліфті, який може літати.
  • Зустріч з фантастичними персонажами, які підкинуть уяву до небес.
  • Напружені ситуації, що тримають у напрузі до самого кінця.
  • Дух дружби, родини та пригод, який пронизує усю книгу.
  • Цікаві повороти сюжету, які роблять кожну сторінку особливою.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Розвинення уяви та креативності.
  • Відмінна можливість для вивчення української мови.
  • Захопливі ілюстрації, які доповнюють текст.
  • Сильні моральні уроки для дітей.
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Why You Should Buy Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl

This enchanting book, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, captures the imagination of readers young and old. Here are some key milestones in the story that make it a must-read:

  • Adventurous Journey: Join Charlie as he embarks on a thrilling adventure in a magnificent glass elevator.
  • Wondrous Characters: Meet delightful characters, including the whimsical Willy Wonka, who adds excitement to every page.
  • Imaginative Settings: Experience fantastical locations that spark creativity and wonder.
  • Valuable Life Lessons: Discover themes of kindness, bravery, and the importance of family.
  • Whimsical Humor: Enjoy Roald Dahl's signature humor that will have both children and adults laughing out loud.

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    Anna Chetinovaly

    Charlie is a boy from a very poor family.

    He lives with his mom, dad, and two grandparents.

    In the first book, Charlie meets Willy Wonka, the owner of the best candy factory in the world!

    For many years, the factory was closed and closely monitored. People saw that no one entered or left the factory, but they noticed some strange shadows on the walls!

    Then an unexpected event happened. Willy Wonka hid five golden tickets in his signature chocolate bars, and those children who found them would be invited to a tour of the chocolate factory! It was Charlie who got the golden ticket and the adventure began.

    I will say right away that if you don’t read the first part, you won’t understand what the second part is about.

    Charlie and the Big Glass Elevator is a continuation of the adventures of the boy and his family.

    It is an exciting and funny book, and it is worth reading.

    January 11, 2021
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    The second book about the adventures of Charlie Bucket and his extended family is more eventful than the first. It’s also worth noting that the first book had a clearly traceable plot that moved along clearly throughout the story: the good people (Charlie and Grandpa Joe) triumph and the bad people (the other kids and their parents) are punished. There is no plot as such in the second part, there are completely unthinkable adventures of the entire Buckett family and Mr. Willy Wonka, first on a glass elevator to outer space-full up! and then to Minuslandia-full down. The journeys are crazy and pointless, but fun and interesting. In space there was an interesting moment with the fantastic Kneads, and in Minuslandia it was creepy about who could be hiding in the fog. It wasn’t without moralizing on the pill example-namely, greed and selfishness have a way of being punished, for which Grandma Josephine paid the price. Overall, the story was a fun, adventurous, at some points clearly crossing into the genre of satire, which the children could not understand, but they laughed at the rudeness and boorishness of the President of America. The poems were crude, but apt, and accurately characterized one or another of the vices of the people. Still, the book is full of illustrations, so you could clearly see the Kneads, and the glass elevator, and a bed-bomb. The child liked it, but I didn’t really like it.

    October 28, 2020
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    Yevheniia Kapirulia

    A wonderful book for children and adults. It is instructive and as relevant today as ever. Although the author, Roald Dahl, wrote it back in 1972.

    Unexpected turns of events occur throughout the story. The journey in the glass elevator is not predictable. Bravo Willy Wonka, because thanks to him everything ended safely!

    The author’s imagination has no limits and so it is impossible to guess what will happen in the book in a couple of pages. The author also cleverly ridicules human vices, so after reading the book you can still think a lot about the morality of it, because not only children can be greedy and not know the measure in everything. What is young, what is old!

    There are also many fun moments in the book, such as the recipe for making Wonkamine and the unusual ingredients that Willy Wonka used. Also, the characters in Minusland had some fabulous adventures, but still managed to get out of them. And also the book tells about the unique capabilities of the glass elevator.

    Life goes on, and the heroes on the way to meet a lot of new adventures.

    The great British writer proved to us once again that human vices lead to the collapse of the individual.

    It is a pity there is no sequel to Charlie’s adventures in the factory. I want to read and read books by a great writer. Delighted!

    October 25, 2020
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    Katya Lyschuk

    It’s so exciting! When you receive an award you never dared to dream of. How beautiful life is, my friends! One step closer to the most exciting future in the universe – how can anything go wrong?

    Of course, if you are traveling with the most eccentric man on the planet! And in a glass elevator. Rising higher and higher, the blood thickens in your veins, your heart beats in your heels, and your eyes flash with all the unknown and unseen adventures that lie ahead

    “This is not even the beginning,” as Charlie himself said.

    Do you dream of flying into orbit, saving astronauts from predatory aliens, scaring the idiot president with Martian poetry and seeing the first space hotel of its kind? Or perhaps to get younger from vitamins at a rate of no more or less than one year per second? To go down to Minusland, looking for relatives and umpalumps, so that they are not eaten by monsters that look like Stephen King’s langoliers?

    Welcome to reading this beautiful book. It feels as if you are being kissed by thousands of sunny bunnies, every line is so imbued with goodness and peace. Roald Dahl, as if he were your own grandfather, waves his finger lightly, gently pointing out your mistakes. And you smile and promise yourself never to do that again.

    July 29, 2020
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    Kristina Pyhul

    Charlie’s story continues! It all starts with an elevator ride into space with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, grandmothers Georgina and Josephine, and grandfathers Joe and George. And, of course, with Mr. Wonka! How could we do without him!

    Shortly before this heart-wrenching adventure, Wonka informed the young hero that he was giving him his chocolate factory. Imagine that!

    So they are flying up in the sky, and a strange ship appears in front of them – the US Space Hotel. The three pilots of this hotel, terrified by the unexpected encounter with an unidentified flying object, tried to eliminate the elevator, but they failed because the elevator operators managed to get on board the ship.

    The adventures of the strange group did not end there. One of them was their encounter with worm knobs, creatures that look like worms but have a body shape that makes them even more disgusting. But even this encounter with the inhabitants of space did not stop Charlie and his friends, as they managed to get rid of the obnoxious knyds.

    The ending of the book is even more unexpected!

    March 20, 2020
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