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Cat lady


Галина Вдовиченко

Galina Vdovichenko

Cat lady

Six little kittens find themselves on a winter street, cold and hungry… But they are not the kind of kittens who whine and despair. Instead, the kittens unite and turn winter into fun: they play hide-and-seek, make a maze in the snow, pretend to be archaeologists, and build a very cozy snow cat house. And then they find something to decorate it with. The kitten characters will captivate kids with their liveliness and rich imagination and will give them many ideas for winter games. The picture book by Halyna Vdovychenko and Natalka Haida is a story for kids about true friendship and New Year’s miracles. Soon the kittens will find a big feline family, and these will be the adventures of 36 and 6 cats.

Чому варто купити "Котохатка"?

"Котохатка" від Галини Вдовиченко — це захоплююча книга, яка не залишить байдужими дітей і дорослих. Ось кілька причин, чому ви повинні купити "Котохатка" українською мовою:

  • Унікальний сюжет: Історія про кумедних котів, які намагаються знайти своє місце в світі.
  • Цінності дружби: Книга підкреслює важливість підтримки та взаємодопомоги.
  • Яскраві персонажі: Захоплюючі образи зворушують серця читачів.
  • Простота мови: Легке сприйняття для дітей та дорослих.
  • Виховний аспект: Книга вчить діточок важливим життєвим урокам.

Основні моменти і повороти сюжету

  • Котята вирушають у захоплюючу подорож.
  • Зустріч із новими друзями та ворогами.
  • Непередбачувані пригоди в пошуках щастя.
  • Важливі рішення, що змінюють життя героїв.
  • Кульмінаційний момент, який запам'ятається назавжди.

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Ми пропонуємо найкращі ціни на книгу "Котохатка" українською мовою. Завдяки постійним знижкам, ви можете заощадити на покупках. Наша швидка доставка здійснюється безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.

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Не пропустіть можливість купити "Котохатка" від Галини Вдовиченко — це книга, яка обов’язково має бути у вашій бібліотеці!

Discover the Magic of "Cat's Hat" by Galyna Vdovichenko

Buy "Cat's Hat" in Ukrainian today and experience a delightful story that has captivated readers worldwide. This enchanting book is perfect for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the beauty of the Ukrainian language. Below are some compelling reasons to make your purchase:
  • Engaging Storyline: Follow the whimsical adventures of the cat character as it navigates through various enchanting scenarios.
  • Rich Cultural Context: Experience the vibrant Ukrainian culture woven throughout the narrative.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Each page is adorned with stunning illustrations that enhance the reading experience.
  • Language Learning: A great resource for those wanting to learn or improve their Ukrainian language skills.
  • Heartwarming Themes: The book touches on themes of friendship, loyalty, and adventure.

Why You Should Buy "Cat's Hat" by Galyna Vdovichenko

When you decide to buy "Cat's Hat" by Galyna Vdovichenko, you’re choosing a treasure trove of lessons and adventures. Here are some milestones from the story that you will enjoy:
  • Introduction to the charming protagonist and its world.
  • Exciting quests that teach valuable life lessons.
  • Encounters with various characters that embody Ukrainian folklore.
  • A celebration of creativity and imagination.
  • A heartwarming conclusion that leaves readers inspired.
Take advantage of our best prices and exclusive discounts on this literary gem! We provide fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv to the US and Canada. Our payment options are flexible; we accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other major banking cards. Additionally, every purchase helps support the Ukrainian army, as we donate a portion of our profits. With reliable shipping methods such as Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, you can trust that your book will arrive promptly. Enjoy the adventure—order your copy of "Cat's Hat" today!


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    This is a great book, just right for winter reading. And not only because the story is set in the middle of winter, but it’s also very cute and can immediately cheer you up. Perhaps the secret lies in the fact that its characters are cats :), or perhaps because the story is very positive and life-affirming. Six little kittens live on the street, in the midst of cold and danger. But they are real fighters and cheerful cats, so one day they decide to build a house for themselves with their own paws. I really like such modern stories: they don’t explicitly put the moral to the fore, but you can feel it very well. The importance of staying together with true friends, helping each other in difficult times or someone who is in trouble (a wonderful moment when the cats are fed by a shop assistant) – these are the right principles of life that a child should learn from a very young age.

    A good, interesting story, knowing that there is a sequel, is a must-read for everyone. My child was looking at the illustrations with delight, they are beautiful: mobile, restless cats, so different, each with its own character. Indeed, only from the pictures can you make a story and observe the events.

    The quality of the book is good. The format is square, hardcover – this book will be a good gift for a holiday, will decorate any children’s library. I recommend this fabulous story to everyone.

    December 23, 2020
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    This book is a sort of offshoot of the story of the funny 36 and 6 cats. It tells the story of those six kittens who first survived on the street by themselves, and then joined the merry gang of 36 cats, that is, this book is a kind of prequel (a story that happened before the main events of the other story).

    So, six active and cheerful kittens live on the street, but long to have a home of their own. The kittens pester passersby, play, run around, have fun, but especially with the arrival of the cold winter, they increasingly wonder where they will have to spend the winter, because no one wants to take them home. And when it was already pretty cold and snowing outside, the kittens suddenly had a new, very unusual house.

    By volume, the story is quite small, but it is very well told and designed, suitable even for preschoolers: on each spread, just a few paragraphs of text and a large cartoon picture to match the text. And so the story of six kittens and their temporary home is read quickly.

    And the content of the story is worthwhile: it teaches mercy and responsibility for animals.

    September 23, 2020
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    I bought this book, firstly, because we have three books about 36 and 6 cats, and secondly, because my son loves cats, and thirdly, because it is a book about winter. But, to be honest, this book did not arouse much enthusiasm in me, because it lacked some kind of completeness of the story. You turn the last page and the question arises: “Is that it, is that the end?” Of course, we still have this book in our library, but I’m not sure how long it will stay there. The illustrations are beautiful, no doubt, but I would like to see some fascinating content. Personally, I would not recommend this book as a prequel to the trilogy about 36 and 6 cats. Without this book, the trilogy will lose nothing, in my opinion. But I will give this book another chance.

    Of course, there are instructive moments in the book – about friendship, about help, about miracles.

    Perhaps this book will become one of our favorites, because I love snowy winters, and this book conveys the mood of winter very well and sets you up for winter holidays.

    I think that in addition to the written story, you can make up your own story based on the illustrations, which are very cute.

    May 29, 2020
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    This is a prequel to the story of 36 and 6 Cats, which tells the story of six funny kittens who are forced to survive outside in the cold winter. Despite the cold and the absence of their owners, the kittens are like real children, lively, inquisitive, and mischievous. They are happy when a kind woman gives them sour cream or milk, they play outside with everything they can get their paws on, they have fun in the snow, they get warm where they can. But at the same time, the kittens constantly dream of their own home. And one day they come up with the bold idea of building their own house. But since it’s winter outside, and there are no other building materials but snow, the kittens build themselves a snow house.

    The story is wonderful, dreamy and mischievous, bright, and well complemented by illustrations (on each spread). Some of the drawings (particularly the winter cityscapes) are strikingly tender and cozy.

    I had the temerity to give my daughter (age 9) this book the morning before school, and she didn’t want to go anywhere until she finished it. Finished it in 15 minutes and went to school happy and very excited about the book.

    March 4, 2020
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    Halyna Vdovychenko “Kotohatka”

    It’s always nice to meet old friends. It is twice as pleasant to learn something new and interesting about them.

    And although we are a bit too old for this book and after all three “36 and 6 Cats” there is very little in this one, the impressions from it are just as positive and vivid. It seems that sometimes it is worth buying a book not only for the text but also for the illustrations.

    It was only with Kotokhatka that I realized how poor books were in my childhood. Even my favorite Fairy Tales of the World, which I read to the hilt. They lacked brightness and imagery. Perhaps it developed the imagination, but today I realize that bright illustrations would have been the decoration of all the books I read as a child.

    So I think I will reconsider my policy of buying books for my son that contain more text than pictures.

    As for Kotokhatka itself, it is very cozy and mimetic. How else could it be, if it’s about the smallest of 36 cats and 6 cats? And although I still don’t recognize all of them (and I should, having read so much about them), I will definitely distinguish them from other whiskered-tailed cats)


    January 19, 2020
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