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Cards on the table

Карти на стіл

Агата Крісті

Agatha Christie

Cards on the table

The rich Mr. Shaitana has a strange hobby: he collects… murderers. Horrific crimes, killer’s tactics, and the logic of crime are his secret passion. And also risk. One day, Shaitana invites eight guests to dinner: four detectives, including the famous Hercule Poirot, and four alleged murderers…

Чому варто купити "Карти на стіл" українською мовою

Книга "Карти на стіл" від Агати Крісті — це справжній шедевр детективного жанру, який захоплює читачів по всьому світу. Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "Карти на стіл" українською мовою, ви потрапили за адресою! Ось чому ця книга варта вашої уваги:

  • Непередбачуваний сюжет: Пригоди детектива Еркюля Пуаро завжди сповнені інтриг та несподіваних поворотів.
  • Яскраві персонажі: Кожен герой книги має свою історію та мотиви, які не залишать вас байдужими.
  • Соціальні теми: Порушуються важливі питання моралі і справедливості, які актуальні й сьогодні.
  • Стиль і мова: Книга написана українською мовою, що дарує можливість насолодитися витонченою мовною грою Агати Крісті.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Містичне вбивство під час вечірки.
  • Тайни кожного з гостей.
  • Екстраординарні методи розслідування Пуаро.
  • Неочікувані розв’язки, які змінюють усю історію.

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Discover "Cards on the Table" by Agatha Christie

If you're looking to buy "Cards on the Table" in Ukrainian, you've come to the right place! This classic mystery novel by Agatha Christie is an essential read for fans of detective fiction.

Why You Should Read "Cards on the Table"

  • Engaging Plot: The story revolves around a dinner party that turns deadly, with multiple suspects and a captivating investigation.
  • Intriguing Characters: Meet memorable characters like Hercule Poirot, who navigates the twists and turns of the plot.
  • Unexpected Twists: Christie's masterful storytelling keeps readers guessing until the very end.
  • Themes of Justice: Explore moral dilemmas and the quest for truth that resonate across ages.
  • Cultural Relevance: Enjoy a piece of literary history from one of the most celebrated authors in the genre.

When you choose to buy "Cards on the Table" by Agatha Christie, you're not just purchasing a book; you're diving into a world of suspense and intrigue.

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    David Dichenko

    The plot of the book did not let go from the very beginning, exactly what I expected from the writer, this story has what I love so much in detectives, namely, the “magic” that makes you ask different questions (Who?, How?, Why?) and look for the answer. The author creates different situations that make you change your perception of the characters, and during the story he manages to confuse his own “investigation” (the writer manages to deceive me skillfully, slipping facts with a skillful “presentation”). I also liked the characters, each of them has a different character, there are some characters that I liked, for example: the legendary detective Poirot and the writer Oliver. And the end of the investigation was unexpected for me, it shattered all my guesses. So the plot is a solid plus. The translation, as for me, is also on top (but of course I’m not an expert in this). I also liked the size of the book, it is very compact, so you can read anywhere with the same convenience as at home. Therefore, the appearance is also a solid plus. In conclusion, I definitely recommend all detective fans to read this story of the legendary detective Poirot.

    Thank you for your attention.

    January 3, 2023
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    Psychology is our everything. with its help, even the most hopeless murder case can be solved, a “hang-up”.

    Four criminals. four sleuths. who will be smarter and more skillful? spoiler alert: the Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot, of course. just shhh! don’t scare the killer!

    You’ll never figure out who the killer is. even when you think you have him on the hook, you’ll be fooled.

    The novel is suitable for an extremely wide range of readers: from fans of Agatha Christie’s work to the average reader. just try it and you will quickly move from the latter category to the former 🙂

    May 21, 2022
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    The book is wonderful, as always! I love Agatha Christie’s detectives because all the stories are different.

    It was very interesting to read and easy. As always, the book “sucked me in”. I read it in a couple of hours.

    Poirot, as always, is on top of his game. This is my favorite character in Agatha Christie’s books.

    I have been reading Agatha Christie’s detectives since I was 12. And I have never been disappointed.

    It was a very interesting investigation. It felt like we were there with the characters. I had a lot of different feelings while reading. I was especially curious about the killer.

    I highly recommend this book!!!

    February 21, 2022
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    Anna Zhovtyuk

    In general, I adore Agatha Christie’s work. I have always admired her ability to write such intricate and interesting detective stories. But not this time. The book “Cards on the Table” upset me a little bit, because I expected something so… impressive, as always in the spirit of Agatha Christie. I didn’t feel any emotions, any fear for the characters. It was a kind of calm book.

    The book was very fast, I read it in almost a day. Hercule Poirot is as good as ever, and I liked the writer Ariadne Oliver. But, unfortunately, there were too many characters in Cards on the Table, and it often happened that I was just confused about who, what, where, how, and when. It all started quite interestingly, the gentleman said he was a crime collector, and I was intrigued. And it was supposed to be interesting. And it did. The collector, let’s call him that, offered to gather eight people: four detectives, including Hercule Poirot, Madame Ariadne Oliver, Colonel Reyes, and four alleged suspects in some crimes. The guests were invited to play bridge. They were divided into two groups. And at the end of the evening, one of the guests found the dead host, namely our “collector”

    The detective turned out to be interesting. But, unfortunately, the book did not confirm my expectations.

    February 14, 2022
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    Anastasia Shipruk

    Before this book I was not familiar with the stories of Agathi Christie. I thought for a long time which book to get acquainted with and I looked at this one. What interested me in it, because this author has a lot of great detectives? So I will say that this is probably one of the first books that brought together all four detectives in one story. As we may know from the first chapter, Mr. Shaitana liked to stick his nose where it was not necessary, it was very interesting to know other people’s secret. So one day he invited eight people over. Four of them detectives, and four probable murderers. He divided them into rooms and suggested a game of bridge… He waited, wondering what would come of it. He waited… he was killed. All four detectives began searching for the murderer of the remaining four. The search took quite a long time, during this period some individuals might have died, or rather one woman, in whose death one of the members of the circle of killers was involved.

    February 2, 2022
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