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Books adapted by Steven Spielberg (set of 4 books)

Книги, екранізовані Стівеном Спілбергом (комплект із 4 книг)

Річард Осман

Richard Osman

Books adapted by Steven Spielberg (set of 4 books)

Book 1: Thursday Night Murder Club The small town of Coopers Chase, far from the bustling metropolis, is a cozy retirement community for respected pensioners. No worries, no bad weather, a complete idyll. Every Thursday, four old men gather in the recreation room to… discuss old unsolved murders, of course. At least, that is until one of the locals turns up dead – and now the Thursday Murder Club is embarking on its first real investigation. Age has no chance against their zeal, because it’s time to dig into old graves and shed light on other people’s demons! And although none of the amateur detectives suspects it yet, the deeper they dig, the more they will bring their own secrets to the surface. Book 2. The man who died twice Having successfully solved the previous case, the irrepressible Thursday Night Murder Club has no plans to rest on their laurels. But they wouldn’t be able to, because Elizabeth receives a letter – a not-so-welcome greeting from the past. Before they know it, the eccentric pensioners are drawn into a new mystery. It involves a robbed criminal who is very much in love with his garden, British counterintelligence, and a classically harsh Colombian cartel… as well as friendship bracelets, daisies, and oatmeal bars. But most importantly, there are missing diamonds worth twenty million pounds. How can you resist and not plunge into the investigation? But this time, the games may end quickly, because the mystery is accompanied by cynical murders. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim, and Ron, with the help of their friends in the police, have to figure it all out – if only it wasn’t too late. Book 3. Schindler’s List The novel is based on the memoirs of a prisoner of the Krakow ghetto, doomed to death and saved by Schindler. A successful businessman, Oskar Schindler, opens a factory in Krakow to produce tableware. For him, the Jews from the ghetto and the Plaszów camp are just cheap labor. However, he soon comes to have boundless respect and compassion for his workers. When the people from Plaszów begin to be transported to Auschwitz, Oskar, with the help of his friend Itzhak Stern, compiles a list of those he is supposed to take to the factory. It includes over a thousand people doomed to death. To save them, Schindler spared no expense, no effort, no time. Book 4. VDV (Big Friendly Giant) The Big Friendly Giant. One of the best and most popular fairy tales by Roald Dahl. “I only write about things that take my breath away or make me laugh. Children know that I am always on their side” – these words of Roald Dahl very accurately reflect the content and character of one of his most brilliant children’s stories called “Airborne”. The funny, touching, and scary adventures of a seven-meter giant and a little girl named Sofia have long been a board book for young readers in Western Europe and the United States. Sofia and the airborne troops decided to implement an extremely bold plan to save people from the man-eating giants… Among the book’s characters are the Queen of England, the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, the giants Tilogryz, Kostokhrist, Ugorkovtach, and

Чому варто купити "Книги, екранізовані Стівеном Спілбергом (комплект із 4 книг)"

Комплект "Книги, екранізовані Стівеном Спілбергом" автора Річарда Османа - це не просто книга, а справжня колекція, яка перенесе вас у світ захопливих історій, в які вдихнув життя геніальний режисер. Ось декілька причин, чому ви повинні замовити цей комплект українською мовою в США та Канаді:

  • Неповторні сюжети: Кожна книга пропонує унікальний сюжет з непередбачуваними поворотами.
  • Вражаючі персонажі: Глибокі і запам'ятовувані герої, які залишають слід у вашій пам'яті.
  • Візуалізація на екрані: Досліджуйте, як книги стали фільмами Спілберга.
  • Сучасний стиль письма: Легкий для сприйняття та захоплюючий стиль автора.
  • Глибокі теми: Теми, які зачіпають важливі соціальні питання, завжди актуальні.

Основні моменти й цікаві повороти сюжету

  • У кожній книзі ви знайдете захопливі елементи драми та комедії.
  • Неочікувані фінали, які здатні перевернути ваше уявлення про сюжет.
  • Зв'язок між персонажами, який постійно еволюціонує.
  • Глибокі метафори, що відкривають нові горизонти розуміння.

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Buy "Books Adapted by Steven Spielberg (Set of 4 Books)" by Richard Osman in Ukrainian

If you're a fan of captivating stories and masterpieces turned into films, buy "Books Adapted by Steven Spielberg (Set of 4 Books)" in Ukrainian today. This collection presents an intriguing blend of literature and cinema that will surely enrich your reading experience.

Why You Should Read This Book

  • Insightful Adaptations: Discover how Richard Osman adapts classic tales for the screen.
  • Engaging Narratives: Each story is packed with drama, humor, and unforgettable characters.
  • Cultural Impact: Learn about the influence of Spielberg's adaptations on contemporary cinema.
  • Collector's Item: This set is a must-have for any book lover or film enthusiast.
  • Language Accessibility: Enjoy these narratives in Ukrainian, making them more relatable.

Key Milestones in the Collection

  • Unique Storylines: Delve into unique interpretations of popular stories.
  • A Deep Dive: Gain insights into the filmmaking process and creative choices.
  • Author's Perspective: Read Osman's thoughts on each adaptation and its significance.
  • Visual Elements: Experience the synergy between text and film through illustrations.

With best prices and great discounts, purchasing "Books Adapted by Steven Spielberg (Set of 4 Books)" has never been easier. Our fast shipping comes directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring you receive your order quickly and efficiently.

We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Additionally, a portion of every sale goes to support the Ukrainian army, making your purchase even more meaningful.

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