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Buy "Bodio Practices Speaking" in Ukrainian

Бодьо вправляється в говорінні

Марта Галевська-Кустра

Marta Galewska-Kustra

Bodio is practicing his speaking skills

Get to know Bodem and his cheerful family and spend a vacation in the mountains with them! The cute little boy Bodem will become your child’s favorite friend as he takes his first steps in learning a language. This book is the third part of a series about his adventures. With this book, it is time to enrich your child’s vocabulary, develop his/her speaking in coherent sentences (the sentences become more and more complex), and learn the basic rules of grammar (for example, the declension of nouns and verbs). Playing with the third Bodie book should help to develop these very language skills. It is specially simplified in form and at the same time rich in beautiful illustrations, it naturally contributes to the child’s speech development.

Купити "Бодьо вправляється в говорінні" українською мовою

"Бодьо вправляється в говорінні" – це не просто книга. Це справжній путівник у світ спілкування та роботи над собою, написаний Марта Галевська-Кустра. Вона стане відмінним вибором для всіх, хто хоче покращити свої мовні навички. Ви можете купити "Бодьо вправляється в говорінні українською мовою" у США та Канаді.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Занурення у світ цікавих сюрпризів та поворотів сюжету.
  • Поради щодо подолання страху виступів та соціальних ситуацій.
  • Методи, які допоможуть розвинути вашу впевненість у спілкуванні.
  • Інтерактивні вправи для практичного застосування знань.
  • Оригінальний стиль написання, який захоплює з перших сторінок.

Основні моменти"Бодьо вправляється в говорінні"

  • Бодьо – головний герой, який стикається з проблемами спілкування.
  • Пригоди, які допомагають йому відкривати нові перспективи.
  • Друзі, які підтримують в його прагненні змінитися.
  • Уроки, які він отримує на шляху до самовдосконалення.
  • Фінал, що залишає слід у серці читача.

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  • Допомога в пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг в Україні.
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Discover "Bodio is Training in Speaking" by Marta Halevska-Kustra

If you are looking to buy Bodio is Training in Speaking in Ukrainian, you’re in the right place! This captivating book by Marta Halevska-Kustra is a must-read for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of communication and language development.

Why You Should Read This Book

  • Unique Perspective: The book offers a fresh take on language learning through engaging stories and relatable characters.
  • Practical Exercises: Readers can benefit from practical exercises that enhance speaking skills effectively.
  • Rich Narrative: The narrative is rich with cultural references, making it a delightful read for Ukrainian speakers in the US and Canada.
  • Insightful Lessons: It provides insightful lessons on the nuances of conversation, making it ideal for both children and adults.
  • Language Development: Great for those wanting to improve their Ukrainian language skills, especially in speaking.

Key Features of "Bodio is Training in Speaking"

  • Engaging storylines that captivate readers' attention.
  • Supportive characters that encourage self-expression.
  • Comprehensive approach to language through storytelling.
  • Culturally relevant content.
  • Accessible for all ages and skill levels.

When you buy Bodio is Training in Speaking by Marta Halevska-Kustra, you not only enjoy a fantastic read but also support a great cause. We pride ourselves on offering best prices, good discounts, and fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv. With every purchase, donations go to the Ukrainian army.

We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Experience the joy of reading while making a positive impact!


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Additional info




Pages count


Page size

213×247 mm

Original title

Бодьо вправляється в говорінні

Original Publisher

Час Майстрів


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    We have all three books in this series in our home children’s library. We bought the first one when our son was a little over a year old. We bought the other two about six months later. And I can say with certainty that Bodio is love! The kid loves books, but these are the ones he reads to the hilt!

    But the most important thing here is that the books are designed to develop the child’s speech. And they really help. Of course, this is not a “magic pill” after which your child will immediately start speaking in long sentences and reciting Shevchenko’s poems. But gradually, step by step, your child will begin to repeat after you – first sounds, then words. We have not yet reached sentences, because my son is under two years old, but I hope that we will soon achieve this.

    If you are in doubt whether to buy these books, put all doubts aside! They are definitely worth your attention. By the way, we learned about Bodio from a speech therapist who recommended these books. So get them while they are available, because it doesn’t always happen.

    February 10, 2022
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    Lesya Kukharchuk

    The series of books about a little boy Bodio and his family will be useful for every mother who is trying to spend productive time with her child, actively combining reading and looking at books with learning and developing speech habits.

    At the beginning of each book, there is a speech therapist’s feedback and recommendation for parents, which will help to diversify your classes.

    The series consists of three parts that gradually build up the child’s vocabulary and introduce him to the objects and sounds around him.

    In the third part, “Bodie is practicing his speaking”, we have a whole story about how Bodie’s family goes skiing and their adventures. But this story is presented more in the form of a wimelbuch, even with elements of a game, because kids can find and count certain elements or objects on the spreads.

    The thick cardboard and large format, as well as the calm color scheme, make the book a great gift. It’s a pleasure to hold it in your hands and will be enough for more than one generation of children in the family. I highly recommend collecting such a series at home or giving it as a gift to family or friends with children

    February 8, 2022
    Verified Purchase


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Buy "Bodio Practices Speaking" in UkrainianBodio is practicing his speaking skills