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Bodie says his first words

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Марта Галевська-Кустра

Marta Halevska-Kustra

Bodie says his first words

Spend the whole day with Bodem and his fun-loving family! The cute little boy Bodem will become your child’s favorite friend as he takes his first steps in learning a language. This book is the second part of a series about his adventures. It focuses on the first words that are typical for a child’s speech development. A child learns to understand and use them in the first and second years of life. A two-year-old begins to combine words and later uses simple sentences. Playing with Bodem should help them learn to do so. For older children, the book will be a good material for their first attempts at independent reading. Specially simplified in form and at the same time rich in beautiful illustrations, it naturally promotes the child’s speech development.

Discover the Culinary Journey with “High Cuisine, or They Will Eat Well in the Mountains”

Explore the fascinating world of “High Cuisine, or They Will Eat Well in the Mountains” by Roman Toder, a remarkable book that takes you on a culinary adventure through the mountains of Ukraine. If you’re looking to buy “High Cuisine, or They Will Eat Well in the Mountains” in Ukrainian or buy “High Cuisine, or They Will Eat Well in the Mountains” by Roman Toder in the US and Canada, you’ve come to the right place!

Why You Should Read This Book:

  • Cultural Insights: Discover the rich culinary traditions of Ukraine, particularly in mountainous regions.
  • Unique Recipes: Enjoy authentic recipes that blend history and nature, perfect for any food enthusiast.
  • Stunning Imagery: Accompanied by breathtaking photographs that transport you into the heart of the mountains.
  • Inspiring Stories: Engage with stories of local chefs and their passions for traditional cooking.
  • Cooking Techniques: Learn about traditional techniques that enhance the flavor of every meal.

This book not only serves as a recipe collection but also encapsulates the essence of mountain life in Ukraine. The narrative inspires readers to appreciate the significance of every ingredient and the love behind each dish.

Get Your Copy Today!

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  • Global Reach: We provide worldwide shipping through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.
  • Support Ukrainian Forces: A portion of every purchase is donated to the Ukrainian army.

We accept a variety of payment options, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and any other banking cards. Our goal is to assist you in finding and purchasing rare books from Ukraine. Don’t miss out on this unique culinary experience—order your copy of “High Cuisine, or They Will Eat Well in the Mountains” today!

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    Marta Kopylchak

    This book is a real godsend for parents of firstborns who don’t quite understand what and how to voice and explain, what to pay special attention to, and what to ignore a little too early. I will definitely buy the third book. Thanks to the first two, my child has started to communicate much better. The scenarios are very realistic, nothing superfluous. My favorite parts of this book are the assembly of toys, the story about the playground and the store. Everything is very relevant to real life.

    It is also worth noting the illustrations in the book, which show everything you need. At a time when minimalism is in vogue, the book fits right in.

    By the way, it is also perfect for children brought up according to the Montessori method: animals do not go to work here, machines do not think.

    November 17, 2021
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    Yana Polyanska

    This is the second book in the Bodio series that I bought for my two-year-old. She was delighted with the first one, fell asleep and woke up with it. This one has also become a favorite because the characters are all familiar.

    I really like the whole series because of its thoughtfulness. There are simple dialogues that, and this is very important, correspond to the stated recommended age of the child. There are additional tips for parents on how to talk to their children better: for example, questions that should be asked and answered by the child are highlighted in black in the text. For example: what is Bodio building, where is the dog going?

    All the situations that children find themselves in during the day (waking up, morning routines, breakfast, kindergarten, birthday, swimming pool, going to bed) are easily perceived by the child because they actually do all of these things during the day. This brings them closer to the characters. There are no exotic items: a wardrobe is drawn, and the baby sees the wardrobe every day in the apartment, children have breakfast in the book with porridge, and our kids eat the same thing.

    I will definitely buy the third book in the series when my daughter grows up, because I can really see the result: the child speaks better after Bodie’s classes.

    January 4, 2021
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    We have recently added a very original, informative and interesting book to the children’s library of our very curious little nephew. The book “Bodie says his first words” was extremely popular with our baby and has now become one of his favorites.

    An extremely well-presented, thoughtful children’s edition with wonderful, cute and funny pictures can significantly broaden the horizons of children, as well as encourage the child to further study, to strive to acquire new, interesting, unknown information.

    This edition focuses on the first words, which are typical for the speech development of a young child. A fun, exciting game with Bohdanchik can be useful and also help you learn. Familiarizing yourself with this wonderful, fun, and informative publication will also positively contribute to your child’s speech development.

    The colorful, bright, extremely original children’s book “Bodio Pronounces the First Words” by the creative and talented Marta Halevska-Kustra was published by the progressive publishing house “Chas Masters”, which is known and popular among a wide range of readers today. This cognitive children’s book is part of the well-known, educational series of books “I Play, I Learn”. This edition is presented for young readers in simple, melodious Ukrainian. This original book was published in two thousand and nineteen and is recommended for children aged two and older. This beautifully designed, interesting children’s edition will broaden the child’s horizons and bring a wonderful, positive mood!

    June 9, 2020
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    The book about little Bodia will be useful not only for parents whose children are just beginning to speak, but also for specialists in developing children’s speech activity.

    The book is simple and easy to read, even though there is not much text. This is great, because young children love to read in this way, to read pictures. And the words-assistants will help adults to convey information to children correctly.

    Specialists will appreciate that the words in the book are distinguished into nouns and verbs. This is very convenient in speech therapy work. In practice, there are cases when a child has a certain amount of nouns, but no verbs at all. A book of this format will help children build their first sentences by introducing them to verbs.

    And the text in the book is very simple, there are no common sentences. This helps kids who are just starting to speak and kids with speech delays to learn grammatical structures correctly.

    This book will also be interesting for children because it describes the life of a boy just like them. He wakes up, gets dressed, eats, etc. This will help the child to analyze his life, to understand his daily routine and responsibilities.

    The drawings in the book can be used to develop attentiveness by looking for objects that are outside the frame to match on the page.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that the book “Bodie says his first words” will be a good gift for young children, stimulate their speech activity and enrich the child’s passive and active vocabulary.

    December 15, 2019
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    Tanya Andriyivna

    The introduction of the book “Bodio says the first words” by Chas Masters Publishing House brought delight not only to the little one but to everyone. The book begins with advice for parents who are taking the first steps in their child’s speech development, which is important and distinguishes this book from others. The book beautifully depicts the space and arrangement of objects and actions of family members. All situations are as close as possible to the everyday life of an average person, so it becomes much easier for mothers to repeat and explain everything. After all, mothers often do not have the resources to find a topic for conversation or a way to explain simple things to their children. It was a true discovery for me that this book will be useful even when the child is older! How so? My older child is making his first attempts at reading, and he has become interested in reading short words under the pictures, just like in speaking, in reading everything should start with simple and clear. Therefore, this book is a great help for mothers who teach their children to speak, as well as for those who teach their children to read.

    December 12, 2019
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