Buy Book "Big City, Little Bunny, or Honey for Mom" in Ukrainian


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Buy "The Big City, Little Bunny, or Honey for Mommy" in Ukrainian

Велике місто, маленький зайчик, або Мед для мами

Іван Малкович

Ivan Malkovych

Big City, Little Bunny, or Honey for Mom

When Kateryna Yushchenko herself takes on the translation of the English version of the most popular children’s book by Ivan Malkovych and Sofia Us, every “gourmet” of the literary word should get acquainted with its content! “Big City, Little Rabbit, or Honey for Mom” is a strikingly beautiful children’s fairy tale in every sense that your child will be delighted with. This book has every chance of becoming his favorite, and for a long time it promises to reign on your child’s personal bookshelf. And deservedly so, because the kind, instructive text is easy to understand and remember, the funny characters are interesting and close to every child, and the adventures of a little bunny in a big city are breathtaking! Of course, at first the eared baby is a little confused, but for the sake of his mother’s recovery, he is ready to become strong and determined! In short, read the story with your child and enjoy!

Купити "Велике місто, маленький зайчик, або Мед для мами" від Івана Малковича

Велике місто, маленький зайчик, або Мед для мами — це не просто книга, а справжня подорож у світ дитячої фантазії. Вона розкриває важливі теми любові, дружби та пошуку свого місця в світі. Ви можете купити "Велике місто, маленький зайчик, або Мед для мами" українською мовою у нас!

Основні моменти сюжету:

  • Головний герой — маленький зайчик, який намагається знайти свою маму в великому місті.
  • Цікаві зустрічі з різними персонажами, які допомагають зайчику навчитися новому.
  • Чарівні пригоди, які демонструють силу дружби й сімейних уз.
  • Емоційний розвиток зайчика під час пошуків.
  • Зосередження на важливості підтримки та розуміння у родині.

Чому варто купити цю книгу?

  • Чудове оформлення та ілюстрації, що привертають увагу дітей.
  • Доступний текст, який легко зрозуміти дітям і дорослим.
  • Виховує чутливість до навколишнього світу.
  • Підходить для читання в родинному колі.
  • Ідеальний подарунок для дітей української діаспори в США та Канаді.

Не пропустіть можливість купити "Велике місто, маленький зайчик, або Мед для мами" українською мовою! Ми надаємо найкращі ціни, а також гарні знижки для наших клієнтів.

Наша швидка доставка здійснюється безпосередньо з Києва та Львова. Ми також готові допомогти в пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг в Україні. З кожної покупки ми робимо пожертви на українську армію. Оплатити замовлення можна через PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки.

Доставка доступна по всьому світу завдяки Укрпошті, USPS, UPS, DHL. Не втрачайте шанс поринути у світ дитячої літератури, скористайтеся нашими вигідними пропозиціями вже сьогодні!

Discover "The Big City, Small Bunny, or Honey for Mom" by Ivan Malkovych

If you are looking to buy "The Big City, Small Bunny, or Honey for Mom" in Ukrainian, you have come to the right place! This enchanting book is a must-read for children and adults alike, filled with delightful stories that resonate across cultures. Below are some compelling reasons to purchase this book today:

  • Heartwarming Storyline: The narrative revolves around a small bunny’s adventures in a bustling city, exploring themes of love and family.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Each page captivates readers with vibrant illustrations that bring the story to life.
  • Imparts Values: Readers learn about friendship, courage, and the importance of family bonds through engaging storytelling.
  • Cultural Insight: Gain an understanding of Ukrainian culture and traditions, making it a unique addition to your collection.
  • Perfect Gift: It makes for a lovely gift for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion—ideal for anyone who loves literature!

Why Buy "The Big City, Small Bunny, or Honey for Mom" by Ivan Malkovych?

When you choose to buy "The Big City, Small Bunny, or Honey for Mom" by Ivan Malkovych, you’re not just purchasing a book but also investing in a charming literary experience. Here are some key highlights:

  • Engaging Read: Suitable for both children and parents, it promotes reading as a bonding activity.
  • Illuminating Lessons: Each chapter offers valuable life lessons wrapped in storytelling.
  • Connection to Roots: Perfect for Ukrainian expatriates in the US and Canada wanting to preserve cultural ties.

At our store, we pride ourselves on offering the best prices and discounts for "The Big City, Small Bunny, or Honey for Mom." Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring you receive your book promptly. Plus, we support the Ukrainian army with donations from each purchase.

We accept payments via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Our reliable shipping options include Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, delivering worldwide.


Free Shipping Worldwide for orders over $6999

Additional info

Weight 0.332 kg



Pages count


Page size

255×265 mm

Original title

Велике місто, маленький зайчик, або Мед для мами

Original Publisher



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    Svetlana Konovalenko

    A pleasant surprise… A story with the “smell” of homemade cookies and cocoa, wrapped in warmth and a mother’s embrace. From the very first film, you are immersed in a fairy tale where goodness accompanies you at every step, where the “society” provides support and does not show indifference. The story of the little bunny captures you from the first page, and you immediately want to continue the journey together.

    It is wonderful that this publication fully works to form a healthy, positive view of the “world” for children, and the author and illustrator put all their love into the story, filling it with pure and honest emotions.

    During the reading, the child’s interest was aroused and a number of comments and reflections were made. The story is easy to remember and perfectly intertwines with everyday situations, so it is interesting to reflect with the child beyond literary essays, but here and now. Learning about the world together, through the prism of a child’s imagination, through his or her eyes, is an incredible pleasure and an incredible amount of personal discovery. This is how a fairy tale and a child’s hobby can change an adult’s stereotypes. Try it, listen and you will be pleasantly surprised)).

    I gladly recommend the book for the youngest readers and their parents. It is a great gift for any occasion and just as a pleasant surprise for “good behavior”.

    Let the children grow up with goodness in their hearts and confidence in justice and mutual assistance.

    Special thanks to the authors and wishes of new inspiration.

    January 6, 2020
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    Victoria Ivasechko

    Initially, the book was attracted by the very gentle, beautiful drawings. The beautiful style of design, the drawing of the characters, the selection of colors – all this echoes the text of the work itself. The enlarged format, good print quality, doesn’t stink (which to me often happens with glossy pages), is pleasant to the hand… I love the visual and tactile component of the print edition, I often choose children’s books based on these criteria. Of course, there are occasional misses, but not this time. The story about the rabbit, who wanted to help his mother who was sick and went on the road for honey, my son really liked it. The child listened attentively and empathized. He was very excited about whether or not the relatives would meet in the end. And he met the ending scene with delight. I definitely recommend this book for the home library, so as to instill and empathy and a sense of kinship. And just to admire these, I repeat, the most remarkable pictures. By the way, in the episode where the Bunny was sitting on the roof, I thought that the city is Lviv)))). But the canals in the city destroyed my theory)

    December 22, 2019
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    Tetiana Drozhevska

    This is my daughter’s favorite book – she knows it by heart, but despite this, we read this fairy tale over and over again almost every day – it has already become a kind of ritual. The story about a bunny whose mother got sick and he went to the store to buy her honey, but got lost on the way back, takes on new colors with each reading: Donya sometimes fantasizes about the bunny’s adventures herself. The drawings in the book are a masterpiece, and I would buy the book even if it was written in a language I didn’t understand just because of the drawings themselves – each of them could be decorated like a painting. Everything is so well drawn – the shadows, the peeling paint on the wall, the crimson sunset, the emotions. The A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA publishing house holds the highest standard among children’s publishers; it seems that no other children’s publishing house reaches their standards, and this book, in my opinion, is among their five masterpieces in terms of both storytelling and pictures. This book is an optimal gift for a child from 3 to 6 years old – almost all my friends and acquaintances who have small children at home have this book and according to their feedback, it is the child’s favorite book.

    December 19, 2019
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    Alina Fedoronchuk

    The story was created by the famous writer Ivan Malkovych and artist Sofia Us, who created a gentle and kind story about a bunny and his mother, who fell ill by a terrible accident.

    The publishing house has the story in two languages.

    We have it in Ukrainian.

    My son has been listening to this story since he was a year old. He is now 2.5 years old and he happily pulls a book from the shelf and asks to read this story.

    The bunny loves his mommy so much that despite his fear and prohibition, he goes to look for the much-needed medicine for his dearest mother – sweet and tasty honey from the shop. On the way to achieving his goal, he has unusual adventures along the way, makes new acquaintances and receives help when he does not even expect or ask for it.

    In my opinion, we should write and create more such good children’s books in our country. They bring good things and put only kindness, love, loyalty, and mutual assistance into the hearts and minds of children from childhood. This is very important.

    The design of the book is glossy, but this does not interfere with reading it and does not cause any discomfort.

    I advise you to have it both for your kids and as a gift.

    September 1, 2019
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    Maria K

    Such a kind, lighthearted story filled with kindness, warmth, and pure childish

    naivety story about a little charming and full of tender love for his mother, the bunny.

    We as a family fell in love with it at first sight, touch and line. It is such a beautiful, sunny book. Not only is the story and title honey in it, but the illustrations as well. It just feels warm to the soul, everything is filled with coziness and ride when you see this color scheme. Very good to read this book before bedtime to a child. Very soothing. And, though my daughter was worried the first time about the bunny when he was lost, on subsequent re-readings she would say, “He’ll find his mom, won’t he? The animals will help him? “. Such a good story for a child in many ways, because it’s so important for a little man to know that if he gets lost, he will be helped, not left alone, and he will return to his mother. I myself do not want to let this book out of my hands. I sometimes read it in secret before I go to bed, when I want some peace and quiet.

    The illustrations in the book are magical. In all respects, the book is gorgeous.

    August 30, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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