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Bestsellers (set of 7 books)

Бестселери (комплект із 7 книг)

Мацуда Джюко

Matsuda Juko

Bestsellers (set of 7 books)

Book 1: The Ghost of Kyiv (+ poster) A1 poster as a gift! The famous manga author Matsuda Juko was inspired by the events of February 2022, when during the harsh escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukrainian pilots of the 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade heroically defended the skies over Kyiv. The feat of Ukrainian ace pilots gave rise to the legend of the Ghost of Kyiv, a MiG-29 pilot who, in the first 30 hours of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, won six air victories in the skies over the capital: he shot down two Su-35s, two Su-25s, a Su-27, and a MiG-29. Book 2. The Witcher. The last wish. Book 1 The white-haired witch Geralt of Rivia, one of the few representatives of the once numerous workshop of defenders of the human race from the creatures of inhuman evil, travels through small kingdoms that can be seen from the castle tower and large cities, receiving payment for what he has been trained to do – destroying eyelashes and munchkins, strigas and whippersnappers. But the witch also has his own code, in which murder is only a last resort, and a reasonable life, whatever it is, is still a life. This is how he makes new enemies, but also finds friends who will someday change his fate. The first commented edition! Book 3: 1984 “1984” is one of the most important novels of the last century, and certainly the most important novel of the last century. It is difficult to recall any other literary work that would have raised the same important issue as clearly, truthfully, and harshly as it did. Namely: what is power? What is its nature? Where is modern society heading? What is true death, and what kind of death is true-the physical death of an individual, or the death of his or her inner being, while preserving the physical body? What is freedom, and how does it relate to power? Is it possible to have even the slightest manifestation of freedom, even if it is in the form of the possibility of having one’s own deeply hidden thoughts, free from coercion, in the conditions of absolute totalitarian power? Book 4. The Churchill Factor. How one man changed history Boris Johnson’s book is the story of how the eccentric genius of Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, one of the most prominent leaders of the twentieth century, shaped world politics. By analyzing the achievements and mistakes, as well as the myths that surrounded this remarkable figure, Johnson portrays Churchill as an incomparable strategist, a man of extraordinary courage, eloquence, and deep humanity. Fearless on the battlefield, one of the best orators of all time, and a Nobel Prize winner in literature, Winston Churchill refuted the idea that history is the scene of great impersonal forces. The life of this man is proof that one person-courageous, brilliant, and outstanding-can influence the world order. Book 5. Your mother is not your hireling, or Why children are wonderful It doesn’t matter if you planned to have children or not, looking at two strips of a pregnancy test, a woman will still experience a lot of conflicting emotions. And so will a man when he finds out, by the way. This book is about real, living, imperfect motherhood. It is about a mother who, through the prism of humor and self-irony, using a light dose of elegant swearing, shows us

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"Бестселери (комплект із 7 книг)" автора Мацуда Джюко - це справжня знахідка для любителів якісної літератури. Цей комплект містить захоплюючі та різноманітні історії, які здивують навіть найвибагливішого читача. Придбати його можна в США та Канаді, скориставшись нашими вигідними пропозиціями.

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  • Вражаючий сюжет: Кожна книга в комплекті пропонує унікальну історію, що затягує з перших сторінок.
  • Глибокі персонажі: Герої творів розкриваються на фоні емоційних конфліктів і інтригуючих поворотів.
  • Соціальні теми: Книги порушують важливі питання суспільства, змушуючи замислитися над сучасними проблемами.
  • Стиль письма: Легка мова автора робить читання приємним і доступним.

Чому варто купити та прочитати цю книгу?

  • Це чудова можливість отримати комплект з 7 бестселерів, які здобули популярність серед читачів.
  • Книги написані українською мовою, що робить їх доступними для широкої аудиторії.
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Buy Bestsellers (Set of 7 Books) in Ukrainian

Looking to immerse yourself in the rich literary world of Ukrainian language books? Bestsellers (Set of 7 Books) by Juko Matsuda is the ultimate collection you should add to your library. Specially curated for readers in the US and Canada, this set offers a blend of engaging stories and thought-provoking narratives.

Why Buy Bestsellers (Set of 7 Books) by Juko Matsuda?

  • Diverse Range of Themes: Experience everything from drama to fantasy, historical events to psychological insights.
  • Rich Storylines: Each book in the set brings unique plots and unforgettable characters.
  • Cultural Insight: Delve into Ukrainian culture and history through compelling storytelling.

Main Points and Story Milestones of Bestsellers (Set of 7 Books)

  1. Character Development: Witness profound character arcs that captivate until the last page.
  2. Intriguing Plots: Each book presents a gripping storyline with unexpected twists.
  3. Emotional Depth: Feel the emotional highs and lows in these beautifully crafted tales.

Why Choose Us?

  • Best Prices: Competitive pricing ensures you get the best value.
  • Good Discounts: Enjoy regular discounts and special offers.
  • Fast Shipping: Receive your books quickly with our reliable shipping options.
  • Directly from Kyiv and Lviv: Books are shipped directly from Ukraine.
  • Rare Books Assistance: We help you find and purchase rare Ukrainian books.
  • Supporting Ukraine: A portion of each purchase is donated to the Ukrainian army.

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We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Shipping is available worldwide via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Enhance your reading experience by purchasing Bestsellers (Set of 7 Books) today!


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