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Baby Corgi

Малюк Коргі

Наталія Стукман

Natalia Stukman

Baby Corgi

Baby Corgi is a mischievous puppy who is getting to know the big world. He knows that his mom is the best, warm and calm. And his dad is big and strong – Corgi wants to be like him. And dogs are also friends with cats, just like he is with Tails, even though his grandfather says otherwise. The kid tirelessly jumps, plays, explores, gets lost, gets into various troubles… But he knows very well that his family is there for him and loves him very much. Short warm and touching stories will be very popular with kids and will be the best for evening reading.

Купити "Малюк Коргі" українською мовою

"Малюк Коргі" від авторки Наталії Стукман — це книга, яка підкорює серця читачів в США та Канаді. Ця захоплююча історія ідеально підходить для любителів собак та пригод. Як і чому варто придбати цю книгу? Ось кілька основних моментів:
  • Невеличкий, але повний тепла і відваги коргі стає героєм своєї власної історії.
  • Читачі занурюються у світ дружби та вірності.
  • Зворушливі повороти сюжету не залишають байдужими.
  • Книга навчить вас цінувати прості радощі життя.
  • Діалоги персонажів наповнені гумором та щирістю.

Чому варто купити "Малюк Коргі"?

Ця книга здатна принести радість не тільки дітям, а й дорослим. Вона стане чудовим подарунком для всіх, хто цінує літературу українською мовою. Ось декілька причин, чому ви повинні її прочитати:
  • Гарна ілюстрація коргі робить книгу візуально привабливою.
  • Легкий стиль письма робить читання приємним та зрозумілим.
  • Зміст допомагає формувати моральні цінності і почуття відповідальності.
  • Висока якість видання, що порадує навіть найвибагливіших читачів.

Наші переваги

Ми пропонуємо бездоганний сервіс для всіх, хто бажає купити "Малюк Коргі" в Україні, США та Канаді. Ось наші сильні сторони:
  • Найкращі ціни на українські книги.
  • Привабливі знижки на популярні видання.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку рідкісних книг в Україні.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

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Why You Should Buy "Corgi Baby" by Natalia Stukman

"Corgi Baby" is a delightful book that captures the hearts of readers in both the US and Canada. If you are looking for a charming story in Ukrainian, here are the top reasons to buy "Corgi Baby" in Ukrainian:
  • Engaging Storyline: Follow the adventures of a lovable corgi puppy as he discovers the world around him.
  • Rich Illustrations: Beautifully illustrated pages will captivate young readers and enhance their understanding of the story.
  • Cultural Connection: Experience a piece of Ukrainian literature that fosters a love for the language and culture.
  • Educational Value: This book promotes literacy and vocabulary growth in an enjoyable way.
  • Perfect for All Ages: Whether for children or adults, this book appeals to anyone who loves dogs and heartfelt stories.

Key Milestones in "Corgi Baby"

  • Introduction to the Corgi: Meet the adorable puppy and his family.
  • Challenges and Adventures: Experience the trials the corgi faces in his journey.
  • Friendship: Discover how the corgi makes friends along the way.
  • Overcoming Fears: Learn valuable lessons about courage through the puppy's experiences.
  • A Heartwarming Conclusion: Enjoy a satisfying and uplifting ending that leaves readers smiling.

Order Your Copy Today!

When you buy "Corgi Baby" by Natalia Stukman, you're not just getting a book; you're supporting cultural exchange and literacy. We pride ourselves on our strong points including:
  • Best prices with attractive discounts
  • Fast shipping options directly from Kyiv and Lviv
  • Assistance in searching and purchasing rare books from Ukraine
  • Donations to the Ukrainian army from each purchase
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    A great book for learning and just for the development of the baby. I really liked that the book is bilingual, so a child can learn to read in another language. The text itself is very easy, suitable even for those children who have just begun to learn English in elementary school. The pictures are very colorful and a real pleasure to look at. I liked that the font is large, and the book is small. I was very surprised and pleased at the same time that the stories do have a storyline, so the child has an opportunity to learn something. Most of all I liked the story about mom’s instructions on what to do if you are lost, thanks to this topic and the baby and I were able to discuss such things, so now the child knows how to act in such cases. In the story where baby Corgi wants to be like daddy – I liked the fact that every parent at this point can think about their own behavior and look at themselves from the outside and ask – Am I a worthy example for their child. The stories are so short, but so profound.

    October 27, 2021
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    This is my second bilingual book by this author and I love it!

    Simple but so beautiful, lively illustrations that don’t clutter the pages or strain, the colors are pastel… On top of all that – large clear text – all in all, my eyes are grateful.

    This book contains three cautionary stories about relationships and understanding, about baby Corgi, his family and his environment:

    1. About meeting the kitten and the fact that we are all different and it does not matter what others say (even the closest, wise), in spite of the dissimilarity, the opposites, a good time and friendship take place, even between a cat and a dog.

    2. About the trip to the city with his mother, and about what to do and how you should and should not behave if you get lost.

    3. The last story is about the little corgi’s desire to be like his big daddy, about the importance of having a good role model and striving to be better, to help as much as he can.

    Despite the fact that this book is a children’s book, it would be good for adults to read as well – I really enjoyed these kind, warm stories.

    May 12, 2021
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    A children’s book “Baby Corgi”, brightly and creatively illustrated by artist Lena Bardi and translated by Natalia Stukman. My daughter likes it very much, especially before bedtime. It is kind and sincere, instructive and positive.

    There are three short stories about a clever Corgi dog. All of them are instructive and informative. Every child will like them. A special feature of the book is the translation into English, side by side on the page. This allows both children and parents to develop.

    “Corgi and His New Friend” is a story of a dog meeting a cat and their friendship.

    “The Little Corgi Got Lost” – is a cautionary tale about naughty kids.

    “Corgi Wants to Be Like Daddy is a story about a good dad whom you want to look up to.

    The book is about the love of parents for their children, about the first friendship, about the steps of life.

    May 3, 2021
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    Iryna Simanishyna

    It’s just fantastic!!! I bought it for my sister, the whole family is delighted! So very cool, clear font, the thrill of the fact that on one page the text is in Ukrainian, on the second in English!) it is still possible to compare texts. The text itself is simple, you can read even toddlers)) And the pictures…. mmm!! it’s just a wild delight:) these illustrations are so bright, so cool, clear, so simple.. wow! so cute and nice) the stories in the book are good, they don’t teach bad things (although I didn’t have time to read the whole book). The story of Corgi the dog tells the cat that although we are different, we can be friends and communicate with each other perfectly)) Then Corgi tries to be like his dad) This is a story about the authority of parents! Such a cute, wonderful, instructive book! I plan to buy another book from this series, because for such money I did not expect such a cool book, and now children’s books, good ones, are not very cheap. bought at a discount for 52 UAH. 64 pages. suitable, by the way, for slightly older children, because you can pull up English with it) personally, I was happy to read it in English) in short: useful, cheap, instructive and very cool!

    April 19, 2021
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    It’s a very good book, impressing with its quality, content and aesthetic design. It is convenient and informative. Thanks to the bright illustrations, the child is captivated at first sight. The stories described in the book are light, filled with humor and adventures with an instructive meaning. In a veiled, allegorical form, the author leads the young reader to conclusions that will be useful in his or her personal life. The text in English is quite easy to understand, which means that the book is fully suitable for the specified age audience. A bilingual can safely choose this book to improve their English reading and translation skills.

    February 18, 2021
    Verified Purchase


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