Buy Book "Ask Miechka" in Ukrainian


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Ask Miechka

Спитайте Мієчку

Євгенія Кузнєцова

Evgenia Kuznetsova

Ask Miechka

What should the sisters do when it’s so easy to get lost in their own thoughts and desires in a big city? Everything seems to be going well, but they want to put their lives on hold, at least until September, and return to the place of their childhood. The wicker walls of the old house fence off the whole world with its many questions, and Grandma Thea doesn’t ask anything, but she is always there. But time does not stop summer: people from the past, present, and future appear on the doorstep. Everyone in this house – the sisters themselves, their grandmother, their Indian cousin, their confused mother, and even the red cat with no name – is on the verge of change. Summer is here, pumpkins are growing for export, conversations are ongoing, and problems and solutions are running in lockstep.

Купити "Спитайте Мієчку" українською мовою

"Спитайте Мієчку" — це захоплююча книга від відомого українського автора Євгенія Кузнєцова, яка вже завоювала серця читачів в Україні та за її межами. Якщо ви хочете купити "Спитайте Мієчку" в США або Канаді, ви потрапили за адресою!

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Герої книги намагаються знайти відповідь на складні питання про життя.
  • Пригоди, які вони переживають, демонструють силу дружби.
  • Глибокі теми любові, втрати і надії пронизують всю історію.
  • Незабутні персонажі, які залишають слід у серці читача.
  • Неочікувані сюжетні повороти, що тримають у напрузі до останньої сторінки.
Купуючи "Спитайте Мієчку" від Євгенія Кузнєцова, ви отримуєте не лише книгу, а й можливість поринути в глибокий світ емоцій та роздумів.

Чому варто купити та прочитати цю книгу?

  • Це історія, яка змушує замислитися про важливість запитань і відповідей у нашому житті.
  • Книга написана простою, але в той же час проникливою мовою.
  • Вона підходить для читання як дорослим, так і підліткам.
  • Додаткова цінність: частина доходів від продажу іде на підтримку української армії.
Не втрачайте можливість зануритися в цю неймовірну історію. Ми пропонуємо найкращі ціни на ринку, а також знижки для покупців з США та Канади.

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Обираючи нас, ви отримуєте швидку доставку безпосередньо з Києва та Львова. Допоможемо знайти рідкісні книги з України. Замовляйте "Спитайте Мієчку" вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "Ask Myyetchka" by Yevhenia Kuznetsova

If you're looking for an engaging read in Ukrainian, "Ask Myyetchka" is a must-have. Here are key reasons why you should buy "Ask Myyetchka" in Ukrainian:

  • Captivating Storyline: The narrative revolves around themes of friendship, courage, and discovery, making it relatable and inspiring.
  • Rich Character Development: The characters are well-crafted, allowing readers to connect deeply with their journeys.
  • Cultural Insights: The book provides unique perspectives on Ukrainian culture and traditions.
  • Beautifully Illustrated: The striking illustrations enhance the reading experience, appealing to both children and adults.
  • Perfect for All Ages: Suitable for both young readers and adults, making it a great addition to any family library.

How to Purchase

Don’t miss the chance to add this literary gem to your collection. You can easily buy "Ask Myyetchka" by Yevhenia Kuznetsova online. Here’s how:

  • Convenient Payments: We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking options.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Worldwide Delivery: We ship via Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL, ensuring your book reaches you quickly.
  • Best Prices: We offer competitive prices and good discounts on our books.
  • Support a Cause: A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

Experience the Magic of Reading

By choosing to buy "Ask Myyetchka" in Ukrainian, you not only enjoy an exceptional story but also support cultural literature. Whether you’re in the US or Canada, this book will resonate with you. Embrace the opportunity and enrich your literary journey!


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Спитайте Мієчку


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    Anna of the Annunciation

    Let me start by saying that I bought the electronic format and it’s good. Because I didn’t like it. The book is not interesting. My expectations were higher. The author failed to become the second Luco Dashvar.

    April 17, 2023
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    I expected a lot from this book, but unfortunately, it is not to my taste. A summer spent at the grandmother of three sisters. I thought the book was boring, I didn’t see any main idea, it was like an essay on the topic: “How I spent my summer”.

    January 29, 2023
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    Kateryna Khorunzhyi

    Natalia Kovalivska’s review contains a spoiler 🙁

    This is a horror

    January 16, 2023
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    Olena Lysenko

    This novel is the story of three generations of women. Two sisters, Miechka (Solomiya) and Lila, and their pregnant cousin Marta, visit their 96-year-old grandmother Thea in the summer.

    They have come to their childhood home to make a decision. The most vivid character in the story is Theodora’s grandmother, who is the author of the funny phrases and remarks.

    The story about Yulia the cat, about how the red cat did not take the chance to get a matching name and became Jacob posthumously, was also very funny.

    This book is about family, family values, and family. The events do not happen dynamically, they float too much in a summer day.

    I recommend this family story for a cozy read.

    September 18, 2022
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    Oksana Kalabay

    The story is about a large family, or rather the female line.

    What happens when several generations of women and an old ginger cat gather under one roof? Oh, that’s exactly what the story is about. It’s about this old house that was built with hard work and at the cost of young lives, so that the women of this family could come together under that roof to solve their problems, to deal with themselves, with their own stories…

    This is a warm story about summer, about women’s fates, which even touches you at the end.

    I definitely recommend it for reading on a warm summer evening.

    September 16, 2022
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