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Arc de Triomphe

Тріумфальна арка

Еріх Марія Ремарк

Erich Maria Remarque

Arc de Triomphe

– Two classic film adaptations – A novel that entered the list of the world’s top 100 bestsellers – A Love Story, in which Remarque reflected his relationship with Marlene Dietrich France, 1939. The world is on the brink of World War II. Ludwig is one of those who have already experienced the cruelty of the Nazis: he was tortured by the Gestapo, imprisoned in a concentration camp, and lost his beloved. To escape, he flees to France and changes his name. From now on, he is a refugee surgeon named Ravik. The trials and tribulations of the emigrant life fall on his shoulders. One day he meets Joan Madu, an actress from Italy. She, like Ravik, is lonely and lost in this cold world. A bad hour unites their souls, and the love that flares up between them becomes bitter with tears…

Чому варто купити "Тріумфальна арка" українською мовою?

"Тріумфальна арка" від Еріх Марія Ремарк - це один з найзначніших романів XX століття. Ця книга розповідає про труднощі життя в Європі після Першої світової війни. Вона є незамінною для всіх, хто цінує глибоку лірику та драму. Ось кілька основних моментів сюжету:

  • Головний герой, Лотар Грюневальд, переживає емоційні та психологічні потрясіння.
  • Роман підкреслює важливість любові та людських стосунків у важкі часи.
  • Історія охоплює питання ідентичності та пошуку свого місця в світі.
  • Непередбачувані повороти сюжету тримають читача в напрузі до останніх сторінок.
  • Тематика вигнання та притулку стає надзвичайно актуальною в сучасному контексті.

Купити "Тріумфальна арка" українською мовою означає зануритися в світ глибоких почуттів і складних моральних виборів. Ця книга допоможе вам зрозуміти краще людську природу та соціальні проблеми.

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Why You Should Buy "Arch of Triumph" by Erich Maria Remarque

Are you searching for a profound literary experience? Look no further! "Arch of Triumph" by Erich Maria Remarque is a must-read that captures the essence of human resilience in turbulent times. Here are some compelling reasons to buy this book:

  • Timeless Themes: The story explores love, exile, and the struggle for identity during the chaos of war.
  • Rich Character Development: Remarque's characters are relatable and evoke deep emotions, making readers reflect on their own experiences.
  • Historical Context: Set in pre-World War II Paris, the novel offers insights into the societal challenges of that era.
  • Stunning Prose: Remarque's writing style is captivating and poetic, immersing readers in the narrative.
  • Message of Hope: Despite its somber themes, the book ultimately conveys a message of hope and perseverance.

When you buy "Arch of Triumph" in Ukrainian, you not only enrich your bookshelf but also support literature that has stood the test of time. By purchasing this book, you can:

  • Immerse yourself in world-class storytelling.
  • Gain perspective on historical events through a personal lens.
  • Engage with themes that resonate in today’s society.
  • Support Ukrainian literature and language.
  • Contribute to a good cause, as we donate a portion of every sale to the Ukrainian army.

At our store, we pride ourselves on offering the best prices and competitive discounts. Enjoy fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring your order arrives promptly. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard, making transactions seamless for our customers.

Whether you are in the US or Canada, we provide worldwide shipping through reliable services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don’t miss out on enriching your literary collection with "Arch of Triumph" by Erich Maria Remarque today!


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Тріумфальна арка


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    This novel, in my opinion, is the most emotional and tragic, insightful and impressive of all Remarque’s works. The protagonist Ravik is a talented German surgeon who lives illegally in France, has been expelled from the country many times, but returns again and again with new forged documents, because he has nowhere to go and nothing to keep him in his homeland. In Paris, his life is full of constant hiding and fears of being discovered by the police, love affairs, exhausting illegal work as a surgeon (Ravik often operates on the most serious patients who are not taken by well-known French doctors), heart-to-heart conversations with fellow illegal immigrants who try to support each other in difficult conditions, and the search for the fierce German executioner from his past who divided his life into “before” and “after”. It’s a moving, powerful work, where the protagonist is constantly on the verge of existence and death, and after another tragic event he tries to find a new meaning in his life when everything is lost.

    September 9, 2019
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    “The Arc de Triomphe is the third book by Erich Maria Remarque that I have read. And I can say with confidence that the author has become one of my favorites and his books will no doubt remain in my home library. The design of this series should be noted separately, it is so restrainedly beautiful and looks just great on the shelf, I have a great hope that the Family Leisure Club will continue to publish other Remarque novels in this design.

    And now about the novel itself. The action takes place in pre-war Paris, the author skillfully conveys all the oppressiveness of those days, and the reader perfectly feels the emotions experienced by the protagonist, Ravik. He, an undocumented immigrant with a painful and tragic past and an unclear future, meets her, who is confused and lonely. They meet in this city to give each other a little bit of warmth and love. A story of war, revenge, pain, cruelty, happiness, and of course, passionate love.

    If you haven’t read any of Remarque’s books yet, I sincerely recommend it!!!

    July 13, 2019
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    Viktorija Dvorjanyn-Lystopadska

    If you’re looking for a book about love, this is it, if you’re looking for a book about revenge, this is it. And this book can also be easily disassembled into quotes about eternity, love, betrayal, and much more. This story is about how two lonely souls met and how they dissolved into each other.

    On the threshold of the Second World War in France, refugee surgeon Ravic and actress Joan Madou meet in rather unusual circumstances. The man with a bitter past, no documents, and a thirst for revenge against his tormentors has been living in France for years and does not think about the future. A woman, on the other hand, starts her life from scratch after an unusual encounter. It is an unusual love story that brings both insane pleasure and bitter suffering.

    Erich Maria Remarque wrote this story under the influence of his acquaintance with Marlene Dietrich. And he drew many of his main character traits from his protégé. As Marlene herself said, the book contains many scenes and dialogues from their acquaintance. That made it even more interesting and exciting to read. So if you want to read something of high quality about love, you should choose Remarque!

    May 28, 2019
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    Nadiia Romankevych

    Yes, I’ve heard a lot of positive things about Remarque.

    He is my friend’s favorite writer.

    I know that his works can be broken down into life’s wise quotes.

    I decided to start my acquaintance with the author with this book “The Arc de Triomphe” (and I should have probably started with “Life on Loan”).

    A beautiful cover and a lot of favorable reviews promised me an interesting reading in the company of Remarque and the main characters of his book.

    But either the time was not right, or it was not my author. The book just didn’t work for me.

    “There was such sadness outside the window, sadder than sadness itself” – these are probably the words that characterize this book for me (and maybe all the author’s books written in a similar style). It is very much imbued with sadness, hopelessness, fatigue from the war and hard life.

    In general, it is informative, and, unfortunately, relevant even in our time and in our country, but I don’t want to read about sadness or even bitter love in times of war.

    My hand does not rise to give the lowest rating, because most likely I failed to see the depth that the author wanted to convey.

    I don’t know if I’ll want to continue reading Remarque’s other works.

    May the ardent admirers of the author’s work forgive me!

    May 27, 2019
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    Books are like people – each has its own destiny. Their history develops in different ways. And what an impact they have on the reader’s worldview, especially the books of Erich Maria Remarque.

    Love and war. Two such contradictory concepts. Is love possible when the world is in such a precarious position and a storm is about to break out? Or is it possible that real feelings are possible under such circumstances?

    The end of the 1930s. The world is on the brink of World War II. The protagonist Ravik has already gone through all the horrors of the First World War, losing his dearest people. He no longer hopes for anything. A talented surgeon, but also an illegal refugee, Ravik lives in constant anxiety about being expelled from the country or arrested. Joan has also faced many trials. Life brought them together at a very difficult time for each of them. Both are tired, exhausted from life’s tragedies, the injustice of life and hopelessness. But does such a bright, heady, sudden feeling have a future?

    The book is interesting. It turns your soul inside out. Sometimes it is difficult to read until you cry. And yet, it is a story of goodness, despite the fact that the country was engulfed in war and Nazism: refugees, persecution, raids, forged documents, and false names. It is also a book about revenge, loss, and despair with a heady taste of cavalcade and a flavor of hope.

    May 6, 2019
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