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Angels and demons

Янголи і демони

Ден Браун

Dan Brown

Angels and demons

Illuminati. An ancient mysterious order that became famous in the Middle Ages for its fierce struggle against the official church. A legend of the distant past? Perhaps… But why, then, is the symbol of the Illuminati carved on the chest of a scientist killed under mysterious circumstances? Professor Langdon, a specialist in symbolism invited from Harvard, and his partner, the daughter of the murdered man, begin their own investigation – and soon come to incredible results…

Купити "Янголи і демони" українською мовою

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Основні моменти сюжету

  • Головний герой Роберт Лэнгдон, професор символіки, потрапляє у вир небезпечних подій.
  • Викрадення амулета, яке відкриває шлях до давньої таємниці.
  • Конфлікт між науковим світлом і релігійною вірою.
  • Загроза знищення Ватикану через таємну організацію "Ілюмінати".
  • Напруга до останніх сторінок, де все може змінитися!

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Discover the Thrilling World of "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown

If you are looking to buy "Angels and Demons" in Ukrainian, you've come to the right place! This captivating novel by Dan Brown takes you on an unforgettable journey filled with mystery and excitement. Here are compelling reasons to read this book:

  • Intriguing Plot: The story follows Robert Langdon, a Harvard symbologist who uncovers a conspiracy involving the Vatican and a secret society.
  • Rich Historical Context: The novel intricately weaves historical facts with riveting fiction, making it both entertaining and educational.
  • Fast-Paced Action: With twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, "Angels and Demons" is a page-turner.
  • Complex Characters: Engage with well-developed characters whose motivations add depth to the narrative.
  • Exploration of Science vs. Religion: The book presents thought-provoking themes that challenge readers to ponder deep questions about faith and reason.
  • Breathtaking Locations: From CERN, Switzerland, to Rome, the settings enhance the allure of this gripping tale.

By choosing to buy "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown, you're not just investing in a book, but also supporting a meaningful cause. With every purchase, we donate a portion to the Ukrainian army.

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  • Best prices and good discounts
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  • Assistance in searching and purchasing rare books in Ukraine

We accept various payment options including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards or accounts. Shipping is available worldwide through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don't miss out on the opportunity to delve into the thrilling world of "Angels and Demons!"


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    Kolomiets Olga

    I love books that cause me to have an irresistible urge to look up the dictionary, Google, or set the indispensable goal of seeing certain objects in person, to fully grasp the author’s intent. That’s how I read Dan Brown’s books, they make the gears of my brain turn 360 degrees. For me, it’s what’s called the “Brown effect.” You can see the titanic intellectual work in each of his works. I like to get acquainted with the ideas offered by the author, although there is an opinion that they are all pseudoscientific, but for me they serve as a real hook, on which I am gladly ready to get caught in order to learn more.

    The events of “Angels and Demons” are set in the “city of arts” – Rome and the fiefdom of the Catholic Church, the Vatican. Rome is one of the main characters in the book. The beauty of this city and the architectural sights of the eyes of Brown – admirable, not without reason the success of his books tour guides put together tourist itineraries.

    The poignant “Angels and Demons” is subtly mesmerizing in art, from this book you learn about the beautiful work of Michelangelo Buonaroti and his creative legacy, which found its residence in the Eternal City.

    November 21, 2019
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    Anastasia Shevchenko

    A researcher is murdered in his laboratory, and it is known that he was working on proof of God’s existence, so we are given an ancient conspiracy and a dangerous organization.

    As for the reliability of historical facts, almost everything in Angels and Demons is fiction, except for one or two reports, so we in no way perceive this book as a one hundred percent reliable historical source. It is quite another matter that such works form a different vision of history and, for that matter, of the present, make you look at events from a different perspective, from a different angle. But with The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown did a little better, because at least there is something to catch on to.

    The movie is just a great visualization, albeit with some “truncated” events, but only after reading the book will the story become a little deeper for you.

    My only recommendation. Never. Don’t. Lose it. Bookmark it. To. This. Book. And not only to this one. Because, God knows, it is very, very difficult to find that episode, or that sentence, or that information that interested you later, and the same goes for e-books. Don’t put anything off for later, bookmark it as soon as you see something valuable.

    October 3, 2019
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    Dan Brown is a writer who knows how to masterfully twist the plot and fill the reader with secrets. The book Angels and Demons captures the reader from the first pages and throws them into the whirlwind of events. I really liked the skillful combination of science and religion in the book. The Hadron Collider (the scientific progress of mankind) can call into question or even destroy the religious foundation of the world. It was interesting to read about the internal structure of the Vatican, the election of a new pope, and the established traditions of the Catholic Church. Robert Langdon again encounters a lot of mysteries on his way. And only he can unravel the age-old secrets and give humanity a chance for salvation. And the beautiful Rome with its architectural monuments complements the whole picture. The history of art takes an honorable place in the book, which makes me very happy.

    The book is definitely worth reading. Everyone will find something for themselves in it. Dan Brown raises important questions not only of a religious nature, but also of human morality, good and evil. Eternal themes are revealed from a completely new perspective. And the wonderful film adaptation makes a complete picture.

    September 26, 2019
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    Marta Fedyuk

    Dan Brown is better known as the author of The Da Vinci Code. I am sure that most people started reading it (as I did). I didn’t expect much from the book Angels and Demons. Perhaps that’s why it exceeded my expectations so much. It’s much easier to read, not so overloaded with unnecessary information (everything is very interestingly written, but sometimes there are a few too many references to stories and a lot of speculation), and I liked the twisty plot much more.

    This is the first book that begins our acquaintance with Professor Robert Langdon, a very specialized professor who studies art, symbolism, religion, and history. He is asked to help investigate a murder that took place in the Vatican. Throughout the book, you will wander around Rome trying to figure out what is going on. After finishing the book, I couldn’t believe that all the events took place in just one day, because I had the impression that more than one week had passed, so much had happened. I was still wondering who was to blame for everything, but when I thought I knew, it turned out to be different.)

    I like Dan Brown’s books because he manages to present information in such a way that it seems to be a lot and it is not always related to the main plot (sometimes it seems that you are reading something non-fiction), but it is very interesting. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about the Illuminati, the Vatican, and Rome and likes intricate stories.

    September 20, 2019
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    Kate Mlinovska

    “Angels and Demons is a book by Dan Brown in which the charming, charismatic, and very intelligent Professor Robert Langdon appears as the main character for the first time. And this was a revelation for me, because for some reason I thought that the series began with The Da Vinci Code, which made a lot of noise in its time. Having read both books so far, I can confidently say that Angels and Demons is a more powerful book, at least it seems to me.

    The book deals with the inner workings of the Catholic Church, the Vatican, the election of the pope, and the Illuminati, a cult that was very influential at one time.

    Like all of Dan Brown’s books, this one is very dynamic – the plot is simply off the charts, the author literally keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, ready to stand up at any moment and wave the book around and shout “What did I just read!?”. You immerse yourself in this book and get so engrossed that you can’t put it down until the last page.

    Good and evil, sharp conflict, vivid characters, a fascinating plot – what more could you wish for a good evening with a book?

    September 15, 2019
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