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Іван Малкович

Ivan Malkovych


“The ABCs” is one of the most iconic books of the publishing house, and it is the book that started the history of A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA publishing house. This edition of the “ABC” is beautifully illustrated by Kost Lavro, the chief artist of the publishing house. The artist illustrated the book with unforgettably native images of characters from children’s fairy tales, dreams and lullabies. The book includes popular children’s poems that have long been embedded in everyone’s memory, as well as new works for children. The book has won many awards at literary festivals and publishers’ forums since its publication. Ivan Malkovych tells a fascinating story about how he came up with the ABC version while traveling from Kyiv to Frankivsk by train.

Купити "Абетка" українською мовою від Івана Малковича

Абетка – це не просто книга. Це перші кроки у світ знань для дітей, які тільки вчаться читати. Автором цієї чудової книги є відомий український письменник Іван Малкович. Вона має особливу репутацію серед батьків та педагогів.

Чому варто купити "Абетка"?

  • Унікальний підхід до навчання дітей читанню.
  • Яскраві ілюстрації, що привертають увагу малюків.
  • Легкий та зрозумілий текст, адаптований для найменших.
  • Змістовний матеріал, що розвиває мовлення та творчість.
  • Досвідчені рецензенти відзначають важливість книги у процесі навчання.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Закладена основа для майбутнього навчання дітей.
  • Знайомство з буквами через цікаві історії та ілюстрації.
  • Взаємодія між дітьми та батьками під час читання.
  • Розвиток пам'яті та логічного мислення.
  • Зростання любові до читання з раннього віку.

Купити "Абетка" українською мовою можна тільки у нас! Ми пропонуємо:

  • Найкращі ціни на ринку.
  • Гарні знижки на великі замовлення.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога у пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.

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Не втрачайте можливість купити "Абетка" від Івана Малковича сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "Alphabet" by Ivan Malkovich

"Alphabet" is a beloved children's book that introduces young readers to the Ukrainian alphabet in an engaging and visually stimulating way. Here are some compelling reasons to consider adding this unique title to your collection:
  • Educational Value: This book helps children learn the Ukrainian language through fun illustrations and memorable rhymes.
  • Cultural Significance: It reflects the rich heritage of Ukraine, making it a valuable addition to any multicultural library.
  • Engaging Illustrations: The vibrant pictures captivate young readers, encouraging them to explore language in a joyful manner.
  • Positive Reviews: Parents and educators praise its effectiveness as a teaching tool for Ukrainian language learners.
  • Perfect Gift: Ideal for birthdays or holidays, it’s a charming way to introduce children to their Ukrainian roots.
  • Supports Local Authors: By purchasing this book, you support Ukrainian literature and authors like Ivan Malkovich.

How to Purchase

If you're looking to buy "Alphabet" in Ukrainian, you can easily do so right from the comfort of your home. We ensure an easy shopping experience for customers in the US and Canada.
  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing to ensure you get the best deal.
  • Good Discounts: Don’t miss our seasonal promotions to save even more.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery times directly from Kyiv and Lviv.

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Your purchase contributes to a greater cause as we donate a portion of each sale to the Ukrainian army. Experience seamless worldwide shipping with reliable carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don’t miss out on enriching your child’s literary journey with "Alphabet" by Ivan Malkovich!


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    A-Ba-Ba-Ga-La-Ma-Ga Publishing House has created a wonderful alphabet book for Ukrainian children! No wonder this book has gained such popularity and recognition among publishers. Needless to say, children loved it, and this is the most important thing!

    I personally liked the book, first of all, the design – thick paper (which is very important for curious children who want to touch everything), hard cover and, of course, the beautiful illustrations by the famous Ukrainian artist Kostya Lavra! They are original, lively and at the same time gentle)

    Another big plus is that under each letter and picture there is a poem with a word for that letter. After all, it is poetry that is easiest for children to memorize, and the authors have come up with a very good idea here. I have seen in other alphabet books more than once just sentences with words as examples. It’s not bad, but a child will read that sentence and not remember it, and the rhymes have rhyme, in this edition they are also easy to memorize, so it is not difficult for kids to learn them!

    Also, special thanks to the publisher for a nice bonus, namely the English alphabet. All in all, a great book!)

    January 10, 2020
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    Alina Fedoronchuk

    I think I am not the first customer who is happy to buy such a book for his home library. Although the book is categorized as 3 to 5 years old, my son, who is 10 months old, is looking at it with interest and I think he will be studying and looking at it for more than one year. My older son listened to the rhymes for a year, also with great pleasure, and still likes to pull it off the shelf and read it with us.

    They did a very good job on the book, putting interesting rhymes in it that can be very easily learned with a baby. The illustrators worked very hard to create drawings for each rhyme, which very accurately convey the meaning of the words.

    Here we have fictional characters (dragons and aliens) and real animals from our world (hedgehogs, crayfish, cats).

    The publishing house “A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA” has worked fruitfully on creating not the first book. As we can see, it has been published since 1992 and people still buy it, even though it is already 2019.

    As already described in other reviews, the book is made of very high quality thick cardboard, which is difficult to tear and eat, which is the first factor of a quality book for young researchers. The colors in the book do not rub off and are well fixed, although my mischievous children have already drooled on more than one page.

    September 1, 2019
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    If it’s time for your child to start learning letters, then Ivan Malkovych’s book “Alphabet” will definitely be useful to you, as it contains not just the alphabet, but funny rhymes that every kid will be happy to read and maybe even want to learn.

    Personally, I bought this alphabet for my five-year-old nephew and I must say that I was not mistaken in choosing this particular edition, because the collection is not only informative, but also of surprisingly high quality (hardcover, with color illustrations and coated pages).

    I am convinced that studying with the help of such a book will bring not only new knowledge but also sincere pleasure to little smart people, because any child will be interested to read about a turkey complaining to a turkey, saying that its wings are cold, about a hedgehog and a hedgehog eating porridge with milk, etc. By the way, the poem about the letter A is not easy: it is a real sincere children’s prayer to the Guardian Angel asking for protection, so it will not hurt for kids to learn these lines by heart

    August 7, 2019
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    This is one of the first books we bought for our child. All the pages are made of thick cardboard. For small children, it is very convenient to turn it over and thanks to the strength of the pages themselves, the book is durable.

    A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ha, as always, pleases both children and adults. The book is a pleasure to hold in your hands, it is convenient and interesting to look through.

    The illustrations to the rhymes are very beautiful. The artist Kost Lavro has taken a heartfelt approach to creating each illustration to the poems. It is pleasant to look at them with your child, and you can make up your own stories while looking at the pictures. The poems themselves are interesting and easy to memorize. There are many poems that I liked as well.

    I recommend this book to parents. The child will be able to learn Ukrainian letters, as well as poems in which those letters are found. At the end of the book there is an English alphabet abc, it will help the baby to better memorize the letters of not only the Ukrainian alphabet, but also the English alphabet. Words and pictures are successfully selected for each letter.

    This book can be used as a gift. The book is wonderful!!!!!!

    October 4, 2018
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    Interesting, funny poems, very easy to remember. We read them to our daughter with pleasure, and she recites some of them by heart (she is only three years old). The best alphabet I’ve ever seen!

    January 18, 2015
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