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Adventures of Patsy and Findus

Пригоди Петсона та Фіндуса

Свен Нордквіст

Sven Nordqvist

Adventures of Patsy and Findus

Welcome to Patsy and Findus’ farm! Here you will see chickens, cows, and all kinds of mice. But you won’t be able to see the fox, because Findus chased him away. Together with the old man and the clever cat, you will invent something, track someone down, set up a tent, and celebrate a birthday once or twice a year. This book contains five popular stories featuring Patsy and Findus. While flipping through its pages, you can not only learn more about your favorite characters, but also learn how to do interesting and useful things yourself. You will also read about the person who invented and drew these characters, and even see the author’s sketches and understand how the illustrations were created. The book will appeal to everyone who is fascinated by the adventures of Patsy and Findus, and especially to those fans of Sven Nordqvist’s work who are not tired of the funny antics of the mice and the resourceful cat.

Чому варто купити "Пригоди Петсона та Фіндуса" українською мовою

"Пригоди Петсона та Фіндуса" від Свен Нордквіст - це чудовий вибір для всіх, хто хоче зануритися у світ захоплюючих історій. Ця книга не тільки весела, але й навчальна. Ось кілька основних моментів, чому ви повинні її прочитати:
  • Яскраві персонажі: Петсон та його кіт Фіндус завжди потрапляють у незвичайні пригоди.
  • Повчальні уроки: Книга вчить важливим життєвим навичкам, таким як дружба та співпраця.
  • Креативна ілюстрація: Ілюстрації автора роблять кожну сторінку живою та цікавою.
  • Доступність українською: Книга доступна українською мовою, що робить її особливо цінною для української діаспори.

Цікаві повороти сюжету

  • Дивовижні подорожі у пошуках нового досвіду.
  • Смішні ситуації, які смішать і маленьких, і дорослих.
  • Невипадкові зустрічі з іншими цікавими персонажами.
  • Різноманітні випробування, які герої долають разом.

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  • Найкращі ціни: Ми пропонуємо конкурентоспроможні ціни на усі книги.
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Discover the Adventures of Pettson and Findus

Buy Adventures of Pettson and Findus in Ukrainian to experience the delightful tales by Sven Nordqvist. This beloved children's book captures the charm of friendship, adventure, and creativity. Here’s why you should read this enchanting story:

  • Unique Storytelling: The adventures of Pettson, an elderly farmer, and his clever cat Findus captivate both children and adults alike.
  • Whimsical Illustrations: Sven Nordqvist’s illustrations bring each page to life, adding depth to the narrative.
  • Valuable Life Lessons: The stories teach themes such as friendship, problem-solving, and imaginative thinking.
  • Perfect for All Ages: Suitable for children but loved by readers of all ages, this book fosters a love for reading.
  • Cultural Connection: Buying this book in Ukrainian enhances cultural appreciation and language skills for Ukrainian speakers.

Story Milestones

  • Pettson's inventive spirit often leads to whimsical challenges.
  • Findus, with his playful nature, encourages mishaps and fun learning moments.
  • The bond between Pettson and Findus showcases the importance of companionship.
  • Each adventure teaches valuable lessons while entertaining its readers.

By choosing to buy Adventures of Pettson and Findus by Sven Nordqvist, you're not just purchasing a book; you're embarking on a journey filled with laughter and joy. Our store offers the best prices and great discounts, making it easy for you to acquire this timeless classic.

We provide fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring you receive your order promptly. Additionally, every purchase contributes to donations for the Ukrainian army, allowing you to support a noble cause.

We accept various payment options, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. You can trust us for worldwide shipping through services like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Experience the magic of reading and support a meaningful mission with your purchase today!


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    Oleksandra Melnichenko

    I have seen books about Patson and Findus for a long time. I liked the great reviews on various sites. I bought it for my child for St. Nicholas Day)))) and… I couldn’t resist, I gave it back in early November)))

    The illustrations are wonderful, you can just sit and look at them))) the text of the stories is not difficult, the child reads easily and with pleasure. I really liked the various tasks after the stories: a cake recipe (mega detailed!!!), how to make a bird house, and chicken perfume is an original of the originals))))))

    Definitely, the book is worth buying and adding to the collection. Although there are a lot of books at home, there used to be only one board book about rabbits, and now there are 2 board books)))+ about a grandfather and a cat.

    November 11, 2021
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    Nadezhda Rybak

    I hesitated for a long time to start introducing my son to this couple, and I waited for the whole collection.

    The book includes several stories – how Findus got to Patson’s is the very first, followed by an attentiveness task for the child (counting hidden flytrap), a story about fox hunting, and several others.

    Now this is my favorite book for evening readings with my child, because the plot is interesting, kind, sometimes instructive, and the illustrations are very beautiful, which you can just sit and look at.

    After reading this book, we immediately went to the store to buy the rest of the books, and there is not only an animated series about the adventures of Patsy and Findus, but also a fairly new German movie on the Internet. As far as I understand, this series of books is very popular among Europeans.

    November 5, 2021
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    For a long time we wanted to buy a book that would include more than one story, so the choice fell on this particular edition. The book itself attracted attention, of course, with its colorful design and bright, colorful illustrations. The font of the text is moderately large, so the child can read on his own. The book is not too voluminous and read quickly. I was pleased that there is dynamics in the story, riddles and secrets that you have to solve as you read. Most of all, I was pleased with how warmly the friendship between animals and humans is described. Thanks to this book a child can learn how people in the village and what they do there, it’s very educational. Also with the main characters a child can learn to do homemade crafts, which is a great impact on his overall development. This is one of those books that you can return to more than once.

    October 22, 2021
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    Victoria Ivasechko

    The Adventures of Patsy and Findus by Sven Nordqvist. My son and I have read almost all of the series about an old man and his cat published in Ukraine in the library. However, when the book with five stories came out, I couldn’t resist buying it. I was very pleased that the stories are arranged in chronological order, starting with the meeting. Before that, we used to read as God would have us. And so, everything is systematized. After each story, you will have a task to do, whether it is to make something, bake something, or conduct some experiments-a very nice bonus to the stories you already know. At the beginning of the book you will find a short biography of Findus and Patson. This will help you to understand exactly who is who and why you need to experience these adventures. I would like to emphasize the quality of printing and printing. The coated paper allows you to enjoy the gorgeous illustrations in full, and at the end you can see their sketches and drawings. The book is well bound and decorated, and I didn’t notice any misprints either. As for me, it is perfect as a gift for a little book lover.

    September 23, 2021
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