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About wine (set of 3 books)

Про вино (комплект із 3 книг)

Анна-Євгенія Янченко

Anna-Yevheniia Yanchenko

About wine (set of 3 books)

Book 1: Natural wine for everyone. What is it? Where to find it? How to fall in love with it? Alice Feiring’s book Natural Wine for Everyone will become an indispensable guide to the world of natural wine. What is it? Natural wine is practically free of impurities, made with minimal intervention from grapes grown in an organic and biodynamic way. Simply put, it is the most genuine wine, with the winemaker’s face always visible, and it is easiest to find at local wineries – or in stores and restaurants that support the natural wine movement, which has grown extremely popular over the past decade. It’s easy to fall in love with this product. This illustrated guide from a renowned American wine expert with an extremely sensitive nose will help you understand the terminology and producers, distributors, and the intricacies of tasting. “Natural Wine” will indeed be a great gift for everyone – not only for connoisseurs, but also for those who are just getting ready to take their first sip. Be careful, there will be no turning back! Book 2. Amber Revolution. How the world fell in love with orange wine We have dealt with red and white wine, got acquainted with pink wine, and now it’s time to talk about orange wine, which is also called amber. In English-language sources, the terms skin-contact or skin-fermented are used to describe it. The tradition of producing orange wines is very old: it dates back to Georgia, where winemaking has been practiced for more than eight thousand years. However, the revival of interest in this style began relatively recently – in the 1960s – thanks to winemakers from Friuli and Slovenia, Josko Gravner, Stanko Radikon, Paolo Vodopivec and other enthusiastic enthusiasts of “natural winemaking.” The term “orange wine” was coined in 2004. Nowadays, this style is becoming more and more widespread, and the most famous book from the expert and popularizer of orange wine Simon Wolfe “Amber Revolution: How the World Fell in Love with Orange Wine” is finally available for Ukrainian readers. It also contains information about 180 orange wine producers from 20 countries around the world. In addition, this edition is richly illustrated with photographs from wineries, breathtaking landscapes, and portraits of the winemakers themselves. This book will be useful for all wine lovers, sommeliers, retailers or producers of orange wine. The author of the photos is Ryan Opaz. Book 3: Wine Without Rules. How to drink great wine and not depend on the opinions of wine snobs Red, white, pink, orange, and even gray. Still, fortified or sparkling. Sweet or dry. Old World or New? And this is not the full range of options to consider when choosing a bottle of wine for dinner. Is it complicated? Actually, no. Anna Yevheniia Yanchenko, sommelier and author of the book “Wine without Rules. How to drink great wine and not depend on the opinions of wine snobs”. A person who can find you incredible wine for 1000 hryvnias and very good wine for 150 hryvnias, a sommelier who is sure that anyone can be taught to taste and distinguish between wine aromas and flavors. In her book, Anna Yevheniia explains how to read a label and choose

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Про вино (комплект із 3 книг) від Анна-Євгенія Янченко - це справжній подарунок для всіх любителів вина. Цей комплект містить унікальні знання про історію, виробництво та культуру споживання вина.

Основні моменти книги

  • Дослідження різних сортів винограду та їх особливостей.
  • Вступ до винної культури: як вибрати, подавати та смакувати вино.
  • Детальний опис процесу виробництва вина, від винограду до пляшки.
  • Рекомендації щодо поєднання вина з їжею для створення ідеальних смакових дуетів.

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  • Захоплюючі історії про виноробів та їх спадщину.
  • Екскурсії в найвідоміші виноробні регіони світу.
  • Досвід авторки, що робить читання живим та захоплюючим.

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Не втрачайте часу! Купуйте "Про вино (комплект із 3 книг)" від Анна-Євгенія Янченко вже сьогодні та відкрийте для себе чарівний світ вина!

Buy "About Wine (Set of 3 Books)" by Anna-Evheniya Yanchenko

Are you looking to deepen your understanding of wine? Buy "About Wine (Set of 3 Books)" in Ukrainian and explore the fascinating world of oenology. This comprehensive collection offers insights that both novices and experts will appreciate.

Why You Should Read "About Wine (Set of 3 Books"

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Gain a thorough understanding of the history, culture, and science of wine.
  • Practical Tips: Discover practical advice on wine tasting, food pairings, and wine storage.
  • Cultural Insights: Explore the traditions surrounding wine production in Ukraine and around the world.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy stunning visuals that enhance your reading experience.
  • Engaging Stories: Read captivating stories about winemakers and their craft.

This set of three books is perfect for anyone wanting to expand their palate. Whether you are a casual drinker or a serious enthusiast, these texts will provide valuable knowledge.

Key Features of the Book Set

  • Expert Author: Written by a renowned author passionate about wine.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Covers various regions, styles, and grapes.
  • Interactive Content: Includes tasting notes and activities to enhance learning.

When you buy "About Wine (Set of 3 Books)" by Anna-Evheniya Yanchenko, you are not only investing in your education but also supporting a great cause. We donate a portion of each sale to the Ukrainian army.

Our Strong Points

  • Best prices and exclusive discounts!
  • Fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance in finding rare books from Ukraine.
  • Multiple payment options including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and more.
  • Worldwide shipping with reliable carriers like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, DHL.

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your wine knowledge! Buy now and enjoy a world of flavor!


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