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About beer (set of 2 books)

Про пиво (комплект із 2 книг)

Наталя Вотсон

Natalia Watson

About beer (set of 2 books)

Book 1: Beer. The evolution of taste in 50 styles This interactive book takes you on a journey that begins in Great Britain in the 1600s with smoky brown beer and ends with modern beer innovations, taking you through time and space and introducing you to the history of the most famous styles of our time – German lagers, stouts, porters, pilsners, IPAs, sour beers and more. Each chapter focuses on one of the main ingredients of beer-malt, water, hops, or yeast-and explains how they have changed over time, how new flavors, aromas, and styles have emerged. For each example of such a change, Natalia Watson offers a modern beer sample that will help you fully experience the taste of history and trace the evolution of beer. “Beer: The Evolution of Flavor in 50 Styles” contains five centuries of beer knowledge, history, and interesting facts that provide a new perspective on the knowledge of one of the oldest beverages in the world that is still with us. Yakaboo Publishing has prepared incredible bonuses for Ukrainian readers that the original edition does not contain. First of all, there is a list of beer styles on the flyleaf, where you can use special stickers to mark what you have already tasted. For all beer lovers, there is a gift – an exclusive birdcage that you can make yourself in 2 seconds. You squeeze it out and have a souvenir from the book. Another digital feature is an online map of Ukrainian breweries, which will allow you to discover the full range of beer styles. And the highlight is the ability to click on qr-codes and watch video reviews of interesting beers from Roman Lebed, a beer reviewer and author of the beer culture blog BEERGYCHKA. Book 2. The history of beer in comics We drink it. We love it. But what do we really know about beer? It appeared around 7000 BC, became one of the driving forces of human development, and, thanks to the explosion of the craft revolution, still plays a leading role. In A History of Beer in Comics, the first graphic novel dedicated to the beloved beverage, authors Jonathan Hennessey, Mike Smith, and artist Aaron McConnell take you from the very beginning and introduce you to the main characters, events, and – yes, yes – beer that has shaped and largely created human history. There are no boring historical texts here – only McConnell’s masterful illustrations, which are not limited to one style but move from detailed imitations of images of a certain era to cartoon diagrams and historical caricatures, and also worthy of this design are the pithy quotes by Hennessy and Smith on every page. This pleasing combination of visual and informative material will delight beer connoisseurs and comic book fans alike. Keywords: Nonfiction, beer history, beverages, gift edition, adult comic book. Age restrictions: 18+

Купити "Про пиво (комплект із 2 книг)" українською мовою

"Про пиво (комплект із 2 книг)" від Наталії Вотсон - це незамінний посібник для всіх, хто бажає заглибитися у світ пивоваріння. Ви можете купити "Про пиво (комплект із 2 книг)" в США та Канаді і насолодитися захоплюючою інформацією про історію пива, види хмелю, технології варіння та багато іншого.

Чому варто прочитати цю книгу?

  • Дослідження історії пивоваріння від давніх часів до сучасності
  • Практичні поради щодо домашнього пивоваріння
  • Цікаві факти про різні сорти пива та їх особливості
  • Рекомендації щодо спарування пива з їжею
  • Зворушливі історії пивоварів та їхнього мистецтва

Основні моменти книги

  • Знайомство з різними стилями пива, такими як елі, лагери, стаути
  • Вивчення процесу пивоваріння крок за кроком
  • Історичні акценти на унікальних регіонах пивоваріння
  • Поради експертів: як обрати правильне пиво для святкового столу

Ця книга стане чудовим доповненням до вашої бібліотеки. Купити "Про пиво (комплект із 2 книг)" від Наталя Вотсон означає отримати не лише знання, а й натхнення для нових пивних пригод.

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Buy "About Beer (Set of 2 Books)" by Natalia Watson

Explore the fascinating world of beer with "About Beer (Set of 2 Books)" by Natalia Watson. This engaging collection is perfect for both enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and appreciation of this beloved beverage.

Reasons to Buy "About Beer (Set of 2 Books"

  • Comprehensive Insight: Gain in-depth knowledge about different types of beer, brewing processes, and beer cultures around the world.
  • Unique Perspectives: Hear from various brewers and beer lovers, enriching your understanding with their personal stories and experiences.
  • A Perfect Gift: Whether for a friend or yourself, this book makes an ideal gift for any beer lover in your life.
  • Learn Food Pairings: Discover how to pair different beers with food to elevate your dining experiences.
  • Easy to Understand: Written in a clear and engaging style, it caters to all readers, regardless of their prior beer knowledge.

Why Buy from Us?

  • Best prices for "About Beer (Set of 2 Books)" in Ukrainian.
  • Great discounts on purchases.
  • Fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance in searching and purchasing rare books in Ukraine.
  • Support for the Ukrainian army: donations from each purchase.

Payment and Shipping Options

We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Enjoy worldwide shipping with reliable carriers such as Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Don’t hesitate! Buy "About Beer (Set of 2 Books)" by Natalia Watson today and dive into the rich world of beer culture.


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Про пиво (комплект із 2 книг)


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