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A yard of thorns and roses

Двір шипів і троянд

Сара Маас

Sarah Maas

A yard of thorns and roses

The lands of the humans and the land of the magical fae of Priyatia have never crossed paths, separated by a high Wall and hostility. This lasted for centuries. Until one day a young Fae hunter killed a wolf. One of the fae was actually hiding behind its guise. Now the immortal Temlin demands retribution. He takes Feyra from the human world to his estate in Prithia. A life-long imprisonment with an immortal is not a fun prospect. But gradually, Feyra realizes that she and Temlin have a lot in common, despite their age, background, and centuries of hatred. And then, when the world of Temlin is enveloped in the shadow of evil, only a girl from the human world can save the land of the fae… Or doom it to a terrible death.

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  • Захоплююча історія про Фейру, дівчину, яка опиняється у світі фей.
  • Емоційний конфлікт між обов'язком і любов'ю.
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  • Високий рівень написання та глибокий сюжет.
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Why You Should Buy "A Court of Thorns and Roses" by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Thorns and Roses is a captivating fantasy novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey. Here are some compelling reasons to buy this book:

  • Enchanting Storyline: The plot combines elements of romance, adventure, and magic.
  • Vivid Characters: Meet Feyre, a courageous heroine whose choices will keep you engaged.
  • Unique World-Building: Explore the rich, intricate world of the Fae.
  • Themes of Love and Sacrifice: The book explores deep emotional connections and tough choices.
  • Popular Series: This title is the first in a bestselling series.
  • Critical Acclaim: It has received numerous positive reviews from readers and critics alike.
  • Perfect for Fans of Fantasy: If you love stories full of magic and adventure, this book is for you.

Where to Buy "A Court of Thorns and Roses" in Ukrainian

Don’t miss out on your chance to buy A Court of Thorns and Roses in Ukrainian. Whether you're in the US or Canada, purchasing this book is easy. You can also buy A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas directly from us.

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    The Yard of Thorns and Roses is definitely one of the best books I’ve ever read.

    At first I chose it by the cover (as is often the case with people who read), then it was gathering dust on my shelves because for some reason it was very difficult for me to sit down to read it, then I hadn’t sat in a tik Tok and knew nothing about the world of the characters, the author, or the characters themselves, and perhaps that’s why the impressions of this book were even stronger, because I hadn’t seen or known anything about the book. If you came to read the reviews and also know nothing about this book, then you are a lucky person and this book is definitely yours.

    I really liked the world in which the characters live, the author describes the events and characters in detail, I really liked the way the Fae world and the territory of the Court of Spring are depicted – it’s something incredible and dear to my heart. If you love spring, the beginning of summer, calmness and a light breeze, then the first half of this book will give you exactly those feelings. The relationships and the way the characters change throughout the book are very fascinating. For me, this book was the beginning of my acquaintance with the author, so I’m happy with the beginning!

    June 2, 2023
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    Lilia Khmara

    I’ve been looking at Sarah Maas’ books for a long time, but since I didn’t want to start Throne of Glass because of the size of the series, I started with Dshit. The story is really reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast: poverty in the family, a poor town where mortals live, etc.

    The main character, Feyra, has to go to Prithia to save her family from the fae living beyond the Wall, and there she meets the love of her miserable life, Temlin. Suffering like “we can’t be together because I don’t deserve you” is an old song that was tired throughout the book. The only one I really liked was Lucien. He was a logical character who was a friend to Faerie. His character and appearance were not formal, so half of the favor was earned by how interestingly he fit into the Court of Temlin.

    In general, the first part is short, you can pass the time and plunge into the world of a reworked fairy tale that has just begun.

    February 11, 2022
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    Anastasia Galt

    The book is definitely for a fantasy lover. I didn’t start reading this series for a long time. Partly because of all the “noise” around the book, the author, the main characters, etc. ….

    If you read the book with absolutely no expectations and forget everything you’ve heard and seen about this book, it’s a very good story. I probably, like everyone else, expected a little more adequate actions of the characters than they actually are and a brighter world, but that’s my problem. The book is aesthetically pleasing and well translated.

    It’s a good story with a good world and characters who often do something as illogical and incomprehensible as possible. Like many fans of history, I will argue that “half of the first book should just be endured, it will get better”. For me, it didn’t get much better, but it became much clearer when I read the entire main trilogy, and much of the first book simply made sense, why there was so much “incomprehensible” and “superfluous” information in the first part.

    But I’d probably agree that it’s not an extraordinary story, albeit one with an interesting plot. It is said that Sarah Maas’s series about The Yards…. is similar to Holly Black’s series The Cruel Prince, but I personally cannot confirm or deny this because I am not familiar with Holly Black’s series yet.

    Faeries, intrigue, love lines and triangles, war, magic – this series has almost everything.

    If you like fantasy where you don’t have to “think all the time,” you can safely start this series. Or if you like romantic stories and the magical world with political intrigue doesn’t scare you.

    February 10, 2022
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    I rarely read fantasy books, but I have never read a fantasy novel at all. Nevertheless, as a “non-fan” of this genre, I really liked the book. Of course, I didn’t expect it to be some mega-super deep reading, because in that case I would have picked up a psychological novel and looked for the depth of the characters’ actions there)) For me, the important criteria for a modern novel are the logical presentation of thoughts and, of course, the presence of a plot. There are no problems with this in the “Yard…” series. Everything is clear and consistent, and the plot is really interesting and developing, not standing still. Surprisingly, the secondary characters turned out to be not boring at all, but rather successfully complemented the main characters, so we get an eventful plot. The problem with books in the fantasy genre is that they are mostly series consisting of several books, so it’s hard to fully grasp the story after reading one book, and even more so to understand the characters. Perhaps I wasn’t disappointed in this series because I knew that the couple Feyra and Temlin were not the main characters in the story, and therefore I perceived the first part as a kind of introduction to the love story of Feyra and Rizand. After all, if you read only the first book, everything really looks trite and fleeting: they just met and immediately fell in love, and in truth it was not love, but only gratitude for the care that Temlin showed her. I didn’t see anything strange or illogical in the main character. She is uneducated, unable to write and read, and all she has seen are wolves, hares, and wild boars in the forest. Where can she get the wisdom of life to do logical things? In general, the book is easy to read, and I would call it “relaxation for a few evenings” if you are suddenly tired of complex books and just want to relax) In my case, it was relaxation for a whole week, because that’s how long it took me to read all 5 books. In my opinion, the book is worth reading.

    February 5, 2022
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    I decided to start my introduction to Sarah Maas’s work with the Kingdom of Thorns and Roses series, and it was the best decision I made over fall break. The first book tells us about nineteen-year-old Fayre Archeron, who lives with her ailing father and two older sisters. In order not to starve to death in winter, the protagonist goes to the woods to hunt, where by chance she kills a huge wolf. From this moment her life changes by one hundred and eighty degrees, because the wolf she kills is actually a faerie, and now the rules for killing him, she must either die or move over the wall that separates the world of mortals and the faerie in the country called – Pritania. The girl chooses the latter and finds herself in the Court of Spring, where she meets its mysterious ruler Tamlin. Later, Feira learns that an evil spell lies on the man and his court, which only a mortal girl can break.

    The idea of the book is somewhat reminiscent of the story of Beauty and the Beast only in a new interpretation. Sarah Maas created a wonderful world of faeries, lively and colorful characters with their own stories and problems of the past, for the disclosure of which is very interesting to watch, well developed plot and many unexpected turns. The finale was full of emotion and delight. I recommend it to anyone who loves teenage fantasy about the magical Fae people.

    January 23, 2022
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