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A whimsical glow

Химерне сяйво

Террі Пратчетт

Terry Pratchett

A whimsical glow

“A Strange Shining” is the second novel in the Discworld series, which continues the adventures of the failed wizard Rincewind and the first tourist on the Disc, Twoflower, which began in “The Color of Magic.” An ominous red star threatens to destroy Discworld. The friends have no idea that it is Rincewind, who is not good at magic, who will have to save the Disc from disaster. Along the way, they meet talking trees, a gingerbread house, druids “programmers”, horse-drawn barbarians, trolls, monsters from other dimensions, a magical traveling shop, and most importantly, fate gives them a meeting with the legendary hero of Discworld! Once again, Terry Pratchett breaks the stereotype that heroes can only be handsome men in seductive leather clothes. And he shows that magic can completely ruin someone’s life, or it can give them a new one.

Чому варто купити "Химерне сяйво" від Террі Пратчетта?

Якщо ви шукаєте незабутню подорож у світ фентезі, "Химерне сяйво" - це саме те, що вам потрібно. Ця книга, написана талановитим автором Террі Пратчеттом, здивує вас своєю оригінальністю та гумором.

Основні моменти та цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Непередбачувані пригоди головних героїв, які постійно потрапляють у кумедні ситуації.
  • Глибокі філософські роздуми про природу реальності та уяви.
  • Соленій жарт про наш світ, який змушує задуматися про повсякденність.
  • Елемент магії та незвичних істот, які оживлюють сюжет.
  • Запам’ятовувані персонажі, які залишають слід у вашій пам'яті.

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Why You Should Buy "The Glorious Revolution" by Terry Pratchett

Are you looking for an engaging read that combines humor and fantasy? Buying "The Glorious Revolution" in Ukrainian is a fantastic choice for anyone interested in storytelling that captivates the imagination. Here are some key reasons to consider:

  • Rich World-Building: Immerse yourself in a vividly crafted universe filled with unique characters and magical elements.
  • Witty Humor: Enjoy Terry Pratchett's signature humor that offers a satirical take on society and human nature.
  • Strong Themes: Explore powerful themes of morality, justice, and the absurdities of life through an entertaining narrative.
  • Engaging Characters: Follow memorable characters on their quirky adventures that keep readers intrigued.
  • Cultural Significance: Experience a blend of humorous storytelling with cultural references that resonate with readers.

Where to Buy "The Glorious Revolution" in Ukrainian

Purchasing this book can be done easily online. Consider these popular search phrases:

  • Buy "The Glorious Revolution" in Ukrainian
  • Buy "The Glorious Revolution" by Terry Pratchett
  • Order Ukrainian editions of "The Glorious Revolution"
  • Shop for Terry Pratchett books

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Химерне сяйво


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    “The Bizarre Shine is a direct sequel to the first book about the Discworld, The Color of Magic.

    I read the second book much more easily, cheerfully and enthusiastically than the first. Which I tormented for about a month. So, if you are afraid to continue reading or think that Disco World is not for you, then feel free to cast aside your fears and move forward. “The Chimeric Radiance” will spin you in a whirlwind of events, and you won’t have time to blink.

    The novel tells the story of an impending global catastrophe – a star that is heading for the planet and, of course, the role of Rindswind and Twoflower in saving the planet. It can only be saved if all eight great spells are pronounced at the right time and place. But there is one problem. Octavo’s book of spells is missing one spell that got into Rindswind’s head, and now he wanders the world as an untrained wizard, but with great spells. The wizarding community is looking for Rindswind to hunt down the spell in his head. He is against being used. And, in general, he is having fun: he saves lives in another series of extreme adventures: he gets into a forest with talking trees, spends the night in a gingerbread house, flies on giant concrete slabs with druids, saves girls from sacrifices, meets with old heroes and stone trolls, escapes from a heroine and visits the house of Death, meeting his daughter.

    In general, it is fun, exciting, sometimes absurd, and very funny to read. I began to see places of parody and sarcasm, and places of original world-building.

    A great recommendation, I’m glad I picked up this book. I’m going to keep reading!

    May 22, 2021
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    In a short period of time, Terry Pratchett has become an example for me of how to “present” a text to a reader. Some paragraphs, in my opinion, were so successful and witty that I even had to leave small bookmarks so as not to forget about them.

    For me, this work has become a book that, during and after reading, provides a lot of room for reflection. You can’t just pick it up and read it. And this is probably why I sometimes felt overwhelmed by the book, by all its turns of phrase, phrases, and metaphors. So you either have to read it intermittently or not react too much to all sorts of interesting remarks.

    As for the characters. Rincewind is a very intelligent man, but it’s hard to see it right away. He doesn’t ask questions that he doesn’t like the answers to. He doesn’t try to convince others that they are wrong; it’s better to pretend that you agree with everything than to waste time on arguments and quarrels.

    Twoflower is the most clumsy, but at the same time attentive hero. He has the ability to predict the future just by observing the people around him.

    The relationship between these two made me happy throughout the book. They managed to overcome a rather long but incredibly interesting path from strangers to good friends.

    Despite the fact that the novel was written thirty years ago, it still remains relevant.

    May 21, 2021
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    Rostislav Sobachinsky

    “A Beautiful Mind is a great novel, period.

    It’s a direct sequel to The Color of Magic, Pratchett’s first novel, and it becomes clear why Terry Pratchett is so beloved. He is beginning to develop a style. Although, at first glance, it’s a little scary when your book is not divided into any parts at all. It is a continuous text, a continuous adventure.

    This time the fate of the whole world is in the balance. A huge comet is heading towards the Discworld, and at the same time, traitors and thieves appear among the wizards. The wizard Rincewind and his friend Twoflower have to deal with all this. There is only one “no”. Rincewind cannot be called a brave and successful magician. He doesn’t know any magic at all, and his favorite phrase is that he doesn’t like to die because he’s too used to living.

    This time Pratchett decided not to confuse readers with non-chronological events. Everything takes its own course and it is much easier to understand what and where than with the previous novel. Also, it is in this novel that one can find a huge expansion of the Discworld canons. From this novel, it seems to me, he began to develop a stable (though very, very bizarre) universe, which is extremely interesting to dive into.

    I want to praise the publication and praise it. The color scheme of the wrapper and the picture on it attracts attention immediately. The translation is impeccable. I highly recommend it to all fans of comedy fantasy.

    I myself am delighted with this novel.

    November 19, 2020
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    Igor Igor

    The first thing you need to know about this book is that it is the second part and a direct continuation of the previous book, because it is one of the cycles among a series of books. Since I liked The Color of Magic, that is, the first book, I couldn’t beat around the bush for long, so I decided to read about the continuation of the author’s fantasy-unusual universe adventures. The book is also not large in size, but it is very full of events and adventures of the main characters. By the way, the plot will start moderately, which is even unusual against the background of a large concentration of events in the previous book. But as the pages turn, we return to the whirlwind of events and various twists and turns, adventures, and so on. If you follow the plot and know the techniques used by the author, you will have no problems reading the book and will have a lot of positive impressions. I point this out because when I read reviews and opinions of other readers, I find out that they have some misunderstandings about the work. But let’s not forget that these works of the author are adult intellectual fantasy, in which the usual genre is depicted in a completely different way.

    May 26, 2020
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    Ivanna Baranovska

    “The Chimerical Shine” is the second book in the Rincewind series (or, as it is more commonly known, the Invisible Academy).

    “The Chimeric Radiance” is a direct continuation of the previous book “The Color of Magic”, where the failed wizard set off on a journey with the first tourist to the Discworld, Dvortsvet, and his mysterious luggage.

    In the sequel (i.e., in the novel “The Chimerical Radiance”), Rincewind continues his journey through the fantasy world. This time he has to save the Discworld from a huge burning star that is rapidly approaching A’Tuin.

    The Rincewind cycle, unlike Pratchett’s subsequent cycles from the same fictional world, is focused more on the heroic journeys of the main characters and the description of how the Discworld functions, while others are aimed at exposing certain human flaws and problems in society in the same humorous tone.

    Nevertheless, this cycle (although it includes the author’s first books, in which he just started to write out the fictional world) is quite interesting and funny, the main character Rincewind develops as a character in his own way in each subsequent book, which is quite interesting to watch.

    May 3, 2020
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