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A rocket on four legs. Book 1

Ракета на чотирьох лапах. Книга 1

Джеремі Стронг

Jeremy Strong

A rocket on four legs. Book 1

Jeremy Strong’s first book about the adventures of Rocket on Four Feet. What is it? A comet, a car, or a jet plane? No, it’s just a dog named Arrow – a real rocket on four legs, a mix of a whirlwind, a greyhound and a sports Ferrari. She has a fantastic ability to get her eleven-year-old owner Trevor and his girlfriend Tina into trouble. Next books in the series: “Wanted: Rocket on Four Feet”, “New Adventures of Rocket on Four Feet”.

Купити "Ракета на чотирьох лапах. Книга 1" від Джеремі Стронга

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  • Головний герой: Ракета — дивовижна собака, яка завжди готова до пригод.
  • Пригоди на кожному кроці: Ракета стає частиною неймовірних подій і відкриттів.
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  • Цінність спілкування: Ракета вчить дітей спілкуватися та розуміти інших.

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Discover "Rocket on Four Legs. Book 1" by Jeremy Strong

Are you looking to buy "Rocket on Four Legs. Book 1" in Ukrainian? This captivating book by Jeremy Strong is a must-read for children and parents alike. Here are some compelling reasons to get your copy today:

  • Engaging Storyline: Follow the adventures of a lovable character that will keep young readers entertained.
  • Humor and Fun: Jeremy Strong’s unique sense of humor makes this book an enjoyable read for all ages.
  • Language Development: Reading in Ukrainian helps enhance language skills in children.
  • Relatable Themes: The book touches on themes that resonate with modern childhood experiences.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: The vibrant artwork captivates young minds and enhances the reading experience.
  • Ideal for Gift-Giving: Perfect as a gift for birthdays or special occasions.

When you decide to buy "Rocket on Four Legs. Book 1" by Jeremy Strong, you are choosing quality literature that enriches your child's reading journey. Don't miss out on this exciting adventure!

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We accept various payment methods including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Plus, we offer worldwide shipping through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Make your purchase today and embark on a thrilling adventure with "Rocket on Four Legs. Book 1".


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Weight 0.2 kg


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192 с. (ілюстрації)

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Ракета на чотирьох лапах. Книга 1


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    This is an incredibly funny book that introduces us to the wonder dog Arrow and his owner Trevor, as well as his parents and friend Tina. Strelka is a talented dog who stands out from other animals for her excellent appetite and extreme speed. Despite its small size, once it gains speed, Arrow runs down everyone and everything in its path, and it loves to run. Because of this, Trevor and Tina constantly get into awkward situations and even the police, and some classmates even make fun of Trevor. So the boy takes on a peculiar challenge – to train Arrow. On the one hand, it is a condition of his parents, who want to occupy the child with something in his free time and at least tame the shooter a little. On the other hand, training the dog is a condition of the argument between Trevor and his classmate. And now Trevor will have to do his best to achieve the impossible, as Arrow neglects all the training and persuasion of her master and lives his life. And what comes out in the finale is unpredictable and is just a happy coincidence.

    Very funny stories. I want to read about Arrow again and again to enjoy her spontaneity and ability to get into trouble.

    October 15, 2020
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    I first saw this author’s name on a list of recommended reading for primary school children for additional reading. A modern author among a pile of classics – I was curious, decided to buy it, and I was right.

    The book tells the story of a 12-year-old boy, Trevor, and his stunningly fast dog named Arrow, whom everyone calls a rocket on four legs. Nobody wants to walk the dog, so his mother offers Trevor a deal: if he walks Arrow during the holidays, he will get 30 pounds for it. How can he not accept such a tempting offer, and Trevor takes it upon himself to do so, deciding to raise the restless dog as well. The book describes the funny adventures of Trevor, his girlfriend Tina and Arrow, tells about friendship, mutual assistance, relationships between children and adults, and relationships between parents and children. And all this is presented in a funny, light and fun way, without burdening anyone, without unnecessary moralizing.

    My nine-year-old daughter, who is not in a hurry to read without constant reminders, read this book with great pleasure, reading aloud to us the moments she especially liked, and there were quite a few of them)).

    As for the quality of the book: it is written in a large font, with black and white illustrations, and the translation is nice.

    I recommend this book for primary school children.

    August 5, 2020
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    I wonder if there are any children in the world who do not dream of having a pet? A cat or a dog, a turtle or a fish, or maybe even some exotic reptile…

    Strelka is an ordinary dog, not a purebred, just very restless. It does not run, but flies. That is why she was nicknamed “a rocket on four legs”. She also has a special talent – she constantly finds herself in funny, awkward, funny, unusual situations. Her owner, Trevor, also gets involved in them. And his girlfriend Tina. And her dog Mishka. And very often it all ends up at the police station. But don’t think that Tina and Trevor are juvenile delinquents. They are not!

    This book begins Jeremy Strong’s trilogy of “laugh-out-loud reads” about the dog Arrow. No one will be bored!!!

    Have you ever tried to call your dog on the cell phone? Do you know what it would answer you? “Woof, woof… this is Strelka. I’m flying at an altitude of ten thousand meters and I’m going to launch a bombing attack”

    Have you ever made a dog trainer? Or called the fire department to get a dog stuck in a washing machine? Have you seen dogs climbing trees like squirrels? Have you ever tried to bathe a high-speed dog in a bathtub? Perhaps it’s time to meet Strelka?

    This book gave us many funny evenings. The children were in bed even earlier than the scheduled time and were waiting for new fun adventures.

    December 17, 2019
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    Elsiore Meribel

    It happens that parents, well aware of the impact the words “pocket money” have on a child, do not shy away from giving him or her a job that makes the son or daughter soon wonder if they did the right thing by falling for the easy prey and losing sight of a real natural disaster. …Trevor is unlucky twice over: not only does he have to put up with the antics of a jet dog all vacation, but he has also made a foolish bet with his worst enemy that he will tame this tailed tornado. Now he and Shadow have to make every effort not to throw mud in Charlie Smug’s face and not to lose their minds from all the troubles they will have to go through on the way to taming the Arrow.

    The book will make anyone laugh – yes, this time the typical “British” humor is not mocked. In addition, the story contains enough topics that concern young readers, and for whom it was originally intended: exposing the eternal stereotype “if you are friends with a girl, you are in love” and – contrary to the latter – satirizing another: “if a girl is beautiful, she must have a rich father, and she behaves like a peacock.” However, the fairy tale is good enough that in the end all the negative characters get what they deserve.

    The publication is very well designed – all three books in the series, the font on light brown paper is large enough to introduce Jeremy Strong’s work to children from the age of four. However, if you have a dog at home, you should be careful after reading: what if your child wants to train it?

    November 25, 2019
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    Why didn’t I have such funny books in my childhood? It’s been a long time since I laughed like that! It would be more accurate to say that we haven’t laughed like that for a long time! It was truly “reading for laughing”! My nine-year-old son and I enjoyed this book so much that we didn’t even want to put it down! Perhaps, this was the first book that I had to beg for a long time from my child to read at least a little bit myself…

    The main character of the stories is the dog Strelka, who was nicknamed the Rocket on Four Legs for her unrestrained speed and uncontrollability. She always finds herself in some stories, and her owner, twelve-year-old Trevor, is always with her. What only did not happen to these eccentrics! But thanks to the support of their parents and their quirky friend Tina, our mischievous pets always manage to get out of any trouble. And no one can destroy true friendship and love!

    With his book, Jeremy Strong proved to children that reading can be interesting, funny, and exciting. “The Rocket on Four Feet” is a must-read! Not only children but also adults are delighted with this book. After all, all adults were children once upon a time…

    We would like to thank the Staryi Lev Publishing House for this wonderful book, which gave us a whole bag of good mood!

    March 3, 2019
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