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A night in Lisbon

Ніч у Лісабоні

Еріх Марія Ремарк

Erich Maria Remarque

A night in Lisbon

“Life is short… But what makes it so? The realization that it is short…” To be saved, to escape from Europe as far away from the Nazis as possible! Their last hope is a steamer to America. But finding tickets is almost impossible… A strange stranger is willing to give them his own in exchange for listening to him. A night full of wine and long conversations about life, nation, loss, and true love in wartime lies ahead…

Чому варто купити "Ніч у Лісабоні" українською мовою?

"Ніч у Лісабоні" — це одна з найвідоміших книг Еріх Марія Ремарка, яка розкриває теми кохання, втрати та надії у важкі часи. Придбавши цю книгу, ви отримаєте можливість зануритися в захоплюючу історію, яка залишить слід у вашій душі.
  • Зворушливий сюжет: Книга розповідає про кохання між двома людьми, які намагаються втекти від війни та знайти своє місце у світі.
  • Глибокі персонажі: Герої книги мають багатий внутрішній світ, який ви розкриєте разом із ними.
  • Історичний контекст: Ваша подорож познайомить вас з атмосферою умов Європи під час Другої світової війни.
  • Уроки життя: Головні герої навчають цінувати моменти щастя навіть у найскладніші часи.

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Не втрачайте можливість придбати цю неймовірну книгу! Купити "Ніч у Лісабоні" від Еріх Марія Ремарк можна вже сьогодні!

Discover the Timeless Tale of "Night in Lisbon" by Erich Maria Remarque

Buy "Night in Lisbon" in Ukrainian and dive into a captivating story that explores love, courage, and hope during tumultuous times. This literary masterpiece is a must-read for anyone interested in historical fiction and human resilience.

Why You Should Buy and Read "Night in Lisbon"

  • Engaging Characters: The protagonists, in their quest for safety, embody the struggles faced during World War II.
  • Rich Historical Context: The novel paints a vivid picture of the era, shedding light on the lives of refugees escaping the horrors of war.
  • Love Against All Odds: Experience a poignant love story that blossoms amidst chaos and uncertainty.
  • Timeless Themes: The exploration of sacrifice, loyalty, and the human spirit resonates with readers of all ages.
  • Masterful Writing: Erich Maria Remarque's prose captivates with its lyrical beauty and emotional depth.

How to Purchase

To buy "Night in Lisbon" by Erich Maria Remarque in Ukrainian, simply browse our selection online. We offer competitive prices and exciting discounts to enhance your reading experience.

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Don't miss out on the chance to own this extraordinary book. Buy "Night in Lisbon" today and embark on a journey of love and survival against the backdrop of history.


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Ніч у Лісабоні


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    Yuriy Khomitsky

    While in Portugal, a man and his wife wanted to get to America, but the ship was sold out and there were no visas available.

    While looking at the ship at the pier, he was met by another man who offered him tickets and visas to America in exchange for staying with him that night and listening to his story.

    This story was about what an immigrant faced while fleeing Nazi Germany and his love for his wife.

    In this story there is pain, suffering, loss, revenge, luck, loyalty, love, devotion, support, and a thirst for life and freedom.

    The book deserves your attention. I read the last pages in tears.

    April 26, 2023
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    A confessional novel that captivates from the very beginning. It is very difficult to read books about the war nowadays, but a book like this not only fills your heart with sadness, it also gives you hope that everything can change and that a peaceful life awaits us somewhere not far away. Erich Maria Remarque wrote a wonderful novel. “A Night in Lisbon tells the story of an immigrant who has to flee from the Nazis with his wife. He is looking for a different, better life in different countries, trying to survive in a world where even a relative can stab you in the back and complain to the Nazis. The story is very touching. War and love are at the forefront of this story. We can observe a great love that could not resist only death, and we can also admire the willpower of the protagonist. The author leaves the ending a bit open. Everyone can decide for themselves what happened to the protagonist in the end. Maybe he disappeared forever, or maybe that happy stranger with the children was him.

    September 7, 2022
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    The book is about the crippled fates of millions of people because of the Second World War. Through a very interesting situation (a man offers to give away very coveted ship tickets to America just to spend a night with him), the author shows the life of an emigrant who loves life and his beautiful wife above all else. Erich Maria Remarque accurately reproduced the aspirations of two people, a husband and wife who most of all wanted to escape to America, to a land where there will be no war, where everything will be fine… But what price are they willing to pay for this, what are they willing to do in order to live freely and breathe freely, to enjoy every day of their beautiful life, at least at the end of their days.

    This book was recommended to me by an acquaintance who said that the book and Remarque in general had a great influence on him, so I decided to read it. And I really comprehended everything he told me about. It’s just a brilliant work and there are no more words. An absolute 5 points from me. In the future, I want to re-read it and maybe even understand it differently. I think it will work out. The book is definitely in my top of the year and probably in the top of my life.

    December 26, 2021
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    Yulia Pika

    The story of one night, the story of one love… It sounds sugary and sweet, but in reality it reveals the tragedy of a man and a woman who sought to escape the grip of the Nazi superpower at any cost.

    At the turn of the 30s and 40s, Europe was flooded with emigrants from Germany and Austria (which had already been conquered by Hitler). The emigrants were citizens who did not recognize Nazism, and therefore were subjected to double persecution: on the one hand, by the law enforcement agencies of the country in which they were hiding, and on the other hand, by the German Gestapo.

    The only salvation, the height of luck, was to get an American visa and a lucky ticket on a ship to America. The ships to America departed from Lisbon.

    It was in Lisbon that Schwartz, who had visas, tickets, and passports, and the author of the novel, who could only dream of escaping to America with his wife, met at a late hour.

    Schwartz offers to give away his emigrant’s goods in exchange for time-one night, during which he will simply be listened to. The man who lost his last loved one wanted to share his story… so that this story would not die with his beloved, but would remain in the memory of at least someone else.

    The writer puts a part of his own fate into the novel: the protagonist’s hometown, like Remarque’s, is Osnabrück, Germany; Remarque also had to emigrate to the United States at the beginning of World War II.

    I can’t imagine how a person who personally experienced the horror of Nazism, the moral and physical destruction of his homeland, can write such insightful, soulful works.

    If you don’t know what to read, read Remarque! Anything by Remarque… You will never lose!

    October 1, 2021
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    For me, getting to know the work of Erich Maria Remarque cannot be called a mere reading. “A Night in Lisbon,” like all of the author’s other works, essentially fills the air around you with the smell of cigarettes, cheap alcohol, and deep conversations. You are transported to a run-down tavern with a man you barely know, where you gradually become his nightly listener.

    The main character is not much different from the author’s other main characters. He has experienced many terrible things in his life – the horror of war, death, persecution, heartbreak more than once, fear and the inability to live his life and just be himself. As a reader, you are listening to the story of a man who has lost everything but his own memories, but he doesn’t even have a special person to share them with.

    It is impossible to remain indifferent when reading any novel by the author, but something about this particular one touched me more than all of his other works. The sharp plot, the bitter aftertaste after finishing the novel, the sadness and longing for the main character, the strength to live on, and the desire to learn about those terrible times described in the book – all this stayed with me for a couple of weeks after finishing “A Night in Lisbon”, to which I am sure I will still return in the future.

    July 16, 2021
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