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or the ABCs of Money

Пес на ім'я Мані, або Абетка грошей

Бодо Шефер

Bodo Schaefer

A Dog Named Mani, or the ABCs of Money

Don’t know how to teach your kid about money culture? That’s okay. This book is sure to teach your child how to handle money respectfully. The story in it is written by the famous financial consultant Bodo Schaefer. A girl named Kira rescues a dog named Mani. And as a result she learns some very important rules from him, thanks to which there will always be money in her life. As a result, Kira learned so much about financial wisdom that she soon set out on her own to help people manage money correctly. Give this book in Ukrainian to your child and soon you will notice how thrifty your child has become.

Чому варто купити "Пес на ім'я Мані, або Абетка грошей"?

"Пес на ім'я Мані, або Абетка грошей" - це не лише цікава дитяча книга, а й важливий освітній ресурс. Вона допоможе вашим дітям зрозуміти основи фінансової грамотності у доступній формі. Ось кілька причин, чому варто придбати цю книгу українською мовою:
  • Навчання фінансовій грамотності з раннього віку.
  • Захоплюючий сюжет про дружбу та пригоди.
  • Яскраві ілюстрації, що привертають увагу дітей.
  • Цінні уроки про заощадження та інвестування.
  • Легкий для розуміння стиль письма Бодо Шефера.

Основні моменти сюжету

Книга містить ряд цікавих поворотів:
  • Головний герой - пес Мані, який вчить дітей, як правильно управляти грошима.
  • Пригоди, в яких Мані демонструє важливість фінансового планування.
  • Дружба між дитиною і собакою, яка стає каталізатором змін у свідомості.
  • Взаємодія з іншими персонажами, які також мають свої уроки про гроші.

Як купити книгу?

Не втрачайте можливість купити "Пес на ім'я Мані, або Абетка грошей українською мовою" прямо зараз. Придбати книгу просто, використовуючи наші зручні способи оплати. Ми приймаємо:
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Discover the Book: "A Dog Named Money, or The Alphabet of Money"

Buy "A Dog Named Money, or The Alphabet of Money" by Bodo Schäfer in Ukrainian and explore the essential lessons in financial literacy through engaging storytelling. This book is perfect for both adults and children. Here are some compelling reasons to add it to your reading list:
  • Engaging Narrative: The story revolves around a lovable dog, who teaches invaluable lessons about money management.
  • Financial Wisdom: Gain insights into budgeting, saving, and investing in a fun, understandable way.
  • Life Skills: The book emphasizes important life skills that extend beyond finances, making it ideal for all ages.
  • Uplifting Message: It promotes a positive mindset towards money, encouraging readers to take control of their financial future.
  • Illustrative Examples: Each chapter features relatable examples, making complex concepts accessible.

Why You Should Buy This Book

When you buy "A Dog Named Money, or The Alphabet of Money" by Bodo Schäfer, you’re not just purchasing a book; you're investing in your knowledge and understanding of finance. Here’s what makes this book unique:

  • Targeted Audience: Suitable for young readers and parents looking to educate their children on money matters early.
  • Practical Tips: Entire sections dedicated to actionable advice that readers can implement immediately.
  • Inspiring Journey: Follow the protagonist's journey, which reflects real-life challenges and triumphs with money.

Shop with Us

We offer the best prices and fantastic discounts on your purchase of "A Dog Named Money, or The Alphabet of Money." Our strong points include:

  • Fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv
  • Assistance in finding and purchasing rare books from Ukraine
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    Oleksandr Semkiv

    This book reads in one breath. The author has managed to convey many complex nuances of financial literacy to readers in an accessible language. All the information is presented in the form of a children’s story, which harmoniously intertwines a number of plots and characters from which adults and children will have something to learn in terms of managing their finances. The book is useful for both children and adults. In simple and clear language, it explains how to define your true dreams and intentions, how to save and invest your money properly. I read it in a few hours. After I turned the last page, I regretted only one thing – that I did not read it at school age.

    Another feature of this book is that it does not resemble other representatives of this genre. In Bodo Schaefer’s book, you won’t find “10 simple tips to become a millionaire in 100 days”, “5 tips to become happy” or other mental garbage that has nothing to do with real life. Instead, you’ll get a chance to take a different look at the very essence of people’s attitudes toward their finances and draw your own conclusions from what you’ve read.

    I definitely recommend reading it!

    December 24, 2019
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    Oleksiy Rudych

    The book A Dog Named Mani is a wonderful story about financial literacy, where the main character Kira and her friends dream not of unicorns, but of how to save money for what they want and teach their parents to be more conscious about finances. To be honest, as an adult, I’m not well educated in such things, so I’m going to take some of Kira’s advice into account. The book is also interesting from a genre point of view: a financial textbook in a lively fictional form, written in an accessible language. It is somewhat unusual that the book violates the hierarchy in the family – the child teaches the parents, but it really happens. The book is very easy and quick to read. My friends’ ten-year-old children read it in a few days and were delighted with both the plot and the knowledge they had gained, which they wanted to share with their parents (and demonstrate that they can know something more than some adults). That’s why the book is also good because children read it; you don’t even have to force them to, just slip them a few pages, and they won’t stop reading until they finish).

    I recommend it to all schoolchildren and those who work with them.

    November 18, 2019
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    The book is not only for children, but also for adults who have problems with budget planning. And in general this is one of those books that not only the child, but the adults in our family read with great pleasure. I loved that the author of the book created such a great story that not only has a knowledge base on how to deal with money and how to earn it, but also pays a lot of attention to exactly what children are interested in, the talking dog, as well as the adventures that the children were constantly getting into. I really liked how it describes the right and reasonable way out of any difficulties that children encounter. Of course this book is necessary for those children who do not know how to deal with finances, and it will be useful for teenagers who are thinking about their first earnings, but have fear and self-doubt, and these stories, where children find a way to earn their dream, will certainly push the child to action and he also begins to strive to try to earn money for his dream. Thanks to this book, my child also started keeping a diary of his accomplishments and learned how to save money for his dreams. This makes me as a parent very happy and I am proud of my baby. An excellent book which left only the best impressions.

    September 5, 2019
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    “A Dog Called Mani, or the ABCs of Money is a fantastic book! My son read it and couldn’t calm down and forget it for about a month. This is very rare among children. By the way, this book was the impetus for my son to become interested in literature.

    Who is this book by Bodo Schaefer for? The answer is for all children. If you don’t know how to teach your child the culture of handling money? Then this book is an ideal and methodical guide for this. The story of the book is written by the famous and well-known financial consultant Bodo Schaefer. In this story, the main character (a girl named Kira) rescues a dog named Mani. And the whole story will revolve around this act and their unexpected meeting. As a result, Kira learned so much about financial wisdom that she soon began to help other people herself. And this is the great value of the work. It teaches goodness, not just how to handle money. I re-read this work myself. And I immediately realized that I could give this to children. And that this book does the work of parents. Which is good when parents are not entirely knowledgeable about this topic.

    January 5, 2017
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    Yulia Shinkareva

    The book is just amazing, my son is only 7 years old and he has already read it himself. This book should definitely be included in our school program!!! Also, the sequel “Kira and the Secret of the Bagel” will be no less exciting for both children and adults. I recommend it as a great book for the development and education of children, as well as for self-development and as a gift! It will not leave anyone indifferent. The translation of the book is also excellent, there was not a single word that was not clear to the child. I also liked the paper on which the book is printed (personally, it is always difficult for me to read from gloss), it really reduces the contrast and makes the text easier to read. Very affordable price.

    November 14, 2016
    Verified Purchase


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