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36 and 6 detective cats

36 і 6 котів-детективів

Галина Вдовиченко

Galina Vdovichenko

36 and 6 detective cats

36 and 6 cats are back! And now the dancing cats have a new talent – scratching. Their paintings decorated the walls of the owner’s coffee shop, but not for long… A crime was committed. Who will investigate the strange disappearance? Who will solve the mystery of the eight linden plaques? 36 and 6 detective cats get down to business…

Чому варто купити "36 і 6 котів-детективів" від Галини Вдовиченко?

"36 і 6 котів-детективів" — це захоплююча книга, яка поєднує в собі детективний сюжет та чарівний світ котів. Ось кілька причин, чому ви повинні купити "36 і 6 котів-детективів українською мовою":
  • Цікаві персонажі: Коти-детективи з різними характерами і навичками.
  • Неочікувані повороти сюжету: Завдяки кмітливості котів, читач переживає інтригуючі моменти.
  • Гумор і дотепність: Смішні ситуації, в які потрапляють герої, розважать будь-кого.
  • Унікальний стиль написання: Галина Вдовиченко вміло поєднує легкий стиль з серйозними темами.

Основні моменти книги

  • Тематика детективу: Розслідування з загадковими втратами котячих скарбів.
  • Захоплюючі пригоди: Кожен котик має свою роль у розкритті злочинів.
  • Соціальні питання: Книга піднімає важливі проблеми суспільства через призму котячого світу.
  • Дружба та лояльність: Як коти підтримують один одного під час небезпечних ситуацій.

Якщо ви шукаєте, де купити "36 і 6 котів-детективів", ми пропонуємо найкращі ціни та вигідні знижки. Наш магазин забезпечує швидку доставку безпосередньо з Києва та Львова, що робить процес покупки ще більш зручним.

З кожної покупки, частина коштів йде на підтримку української армії, тому ваша покупка не тільки принесе вам задоволення, але й допоможе Україні.

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Не втрачайте шанс! Купіть "36 і 6 котів-детективів" вже сьогодні і зануртесь у світ неймовірних котячих пригод!

Discover "36 and 6 Detective Cats" by Halyna Vdovychenko

Are you looking for an intriguing read? Buy "36 and 6 Detective Cats" in Ukrainian today! This captivating book brings to life a world of mystery and adventure, perfect for readers in the US and Canada.

Why You Should Read "36 and 6 Detective Cats"

  • Engaging Storyline: Follow the adventures of clever cats as they solve mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Unique Characters: Meet a cast of lovable feline characters, each with their own quirks and talents.
  • Cultural Insight: Immerse yourself in Ukrainian culture through the lens of this delightful narrative.
  • Perfect for All Ages: Enjoyable for both young readers and adults alike.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: The book features stunning illustrations that enhance the storytelling experience.

How to Purchase

If you are interested in this exciting book, remember to Buy "36 and 6 Detective Cats" by Halyna Vdovychenko through our website. We provide hassle-free purchasing options tailored for our customers in North America.

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    Victoria Gabliuk

    We read the book “36 and 6 Detective Cats” by Halyna Vdovychenko with the boys. This is the second book about 36 cats.

    In this book, the cats continue to live in a small one-room apartment and help their owner Stas in his business. In the first book, the cats organized dances in the cafe where Stas worked to lure customers.

    And in the second book, Stas once noticed that the cats were very interested in scratching the board they were given to prevent them from damaging the furniture. So he decided to bring more boards like that for the cats to scratch their feline masterpieces on. Then they covered the boards with moringa and organized a cat scratching show in the cafe. The cafe’s customers liked it very much.

    But a disaster happened, there was a fire in the cafe and all the paintings scratched by the cats were stolen. The cats realized that it was not a real fire, but only to divert attention from the theft. The cats realized that neither Stas nor the police were going to do anything, so they decided to go in search of the stolen paintings themselves. And there are many adventures associated with this search.

    This book has all the same characters as the first book. They are just as friendly and care about each other.

    It is a very interesting sequel, and children are looking forward to the third book.

    September 21, 2020
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    It often happens that an interesting book has a completely uninteresting sequel. A boring plot, sucked out of your finger, incomprehensible characters… But this is not the case! If you liked the first part of 36 and 6 Cats as much as we did, then feel free to move on to the next part about detective cats!

    In the second book, the four-legged heroes will find new talents, new adventures, new acquaintances and friends, and a tangled story of the mysterious disappearance of eight linden planks. Will the cats be able to investigate on their own? Or will someone come to their aid?

    In order not to give too much away, I will only say that we really liked this book. It is no less interesting and exciting! Despite the huge number of new characters, all of them harmoniously fit into the company of the basement cats already familiar to the reader. By the way, the latter will finally stop being homeless.

    The adventures described in these books are completely different and practically unrelated, but I advise you to start reading everything in order. After all, the first part describes in detail the acquaintance with each of the 36 adults and 6 small cats. And the third part – “36 and 6 Companion Cats” – is next in line.

    November 13, 2019
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    After reading the first book with my son, we immediately started reading the second book, 36 and 6 Detective Cats. This book turned out to be even more interesting than the first one.

    Our cats surprise us with their intelligence, ability to think and analyze. They also know how to create art. Although it is strange and unusual for us humans, for cats it is a masterpiece – scratching. The paintings hang and delight the eyes of the cafe’s visitors. Suddenly there is a fire in the room and someone steals them. Nothing else is missing, only the paintings. Why?

    36 and 6 cats turn into detectives who start investigating the disappearance of the paintings.

    While reading the book, the kid learned who detectives are, why they need such attributes as a magnifying glass and a hat, and gradually learned to investigate a crime together with the cats.

    Halyna Vdovychenko has very successfully created a storyline that not only engages the reader, keeps him engaged, but also teaches him to listen and read the book carefully so as not to miss the most important things.

    Another huge plus of the book is the illustrations in it. They allow you to better convey the plot and help you to imagine all the characters in the book.

    November 5, 2019
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    lyudmila paliy

    36 and 6 Cat Detectives. I bought the sequel to the children’s bestseller for a long time without thinking!) I am just delighted and amazed by the imagination of the author. So interesting not only for kids, but for adults as well. The 9 to 12 year olds go in for a treat! It’s fun to watch when kids start using slang words from the book. I think this is the kind of book, the kind of series that can instill a love of reading, for independent reading. As well as a love of animals, and kindness in general. At 5 years old, a child also listens, but forgets. This book can be very long-playing fun. The incredible adventures of the cats will not leave anyone indifferent. We now have street cats with nicknames)) Bought the book three months ago, at this point I had already heard about the third installment. Whether it’s out or planned! Very much looking forward, the book and the upcoming holidays, so that there would be an excuse for such a gift.

    The book comes in a sealed package. The quality of translation and printing is top notch. Delivery in no time, as usual. I have discovered this author for myself and I want to read more of her works.

    October 5, 2019
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    The whole book is based on the investigation of cats. Fluffy cats are found very often, beautiful, attractive illustrations, medium font, hardcover.

    We have been waiting for this return for a very long time, the characters who fell in love with the previous book are back again, and meet in this incredible story. The cats have a new talent for scratching. The painting that adorned the walls of the owner’s coffee shop disappears, and 36 and 6 detective cats get to work. Only they can investigate such a difficult task and return the missing painting to its place.

    This story is quite modernized, with a lot of the latest technology. More and more often I see innovations of progress in books. There are a lot of funny situations that make you laugh.

    It’s funny when cats make friends with dogs, and the dogs decide to help the cats in investigating a crime.

    In this story, a new heroine appears, a little red-haired girl named Larisa.

    My son likes these detectives, and we read this book again with great pleasure.

    I recommend it!!!

    July 2, 2019
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