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250 favorite dishes. Ukrainian cuisine

250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня

Юлія Карпенко

Yulia Karpenko

250 favorite dishes. Ukrainian cuisine

The book “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” is built in a very convenient form: it consists of three parts, each of which is a separate topic, but if you combine these topics, you will get a wonderful menu, and not just for every day! A detailed description and colorful illustrations will help you prepare a dish without any problems and unnecessary worries.

Чому варто купити "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" від Юлії Карпенко?

"250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" — це не просто книга, а справжній кулінарний скарб, який знайомить читачів з багатством української кухні. Якщо ви прагнете приготувати смачні та традиційні страви, ця книга стане вашим найкращим помічником.

Основні моменти книги:

  • Зручні рецепти для приготування популярних українських страв.
  • Покрокові інструкції, які полегшують процес приготування.
  • Поради щодо вибору інгредієнтів та їхньої підготовки.
  • Красиві фотографії, які надихають на приготування.

Цікаві повороти сюжету:

  • Відкриття нових смаків через традиційні рецепти.
  • Поєднання сучасних елементів із класичними стравами.
  • Дослідження особливостей регіональних кухонь України.
Купити "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" українською мовою — це можливість зануритися в кулінарну культуру України прямо у вашій кухні. Ви дізнаєтеся про особливості приготування борщу, вареників та багатьох інших страв.

Наші сильні сторони:

  • Найкращі ціни на ринку.
  • Доступні знижки на популярні книги.
  • Швидка доставка безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Допомога в пошуку та купівлі рідкісних книг в Україні.
  • Пожертви на українську армію з кожної покупки.
Оплата здійснюється через PayPal, Visa, Mastercard та інші банківські картки. Доставка доступна по всьому світу за допомогою Укрпошти, USPS, UPS, DHL. Не втрачайте можливість ознайомитися з українською кухнею! Купіть "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" від Юлії Карпенко вже сьогодні!

Discover the Joy of Cooking with "250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine" by Julia Karpenko

Are you looking to explore authentic Ukrainian recipes? If so, you should consider buying "250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine" by Julia Karpenko. This book is a treasure trove of delicious Ukrainian dishes that will bring a taste of Ukraine right to your kitchen.
  • Variety of Recipes: Enjoy a wide range of traditional Ukrainian dishes.
  • Easy to Follow: Each recipe is clear and easy to follow for both beginners and seasoned cooks.
  • Rich Cultural Insights: Learn about the history and significance of each dish in Ukrainian culture.
  • Enhance Your Culinary Skills: Perfect your cooking techniques with detailed instructions.
  • Perfect Gift: It makes a wonderful gift for food lovers and anyone interested in Ukrainian cuisine.

Why You Should Buy "250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine"

  • Authenticity: Experience real Ukrainian flavors with authentic recipes.
  • Health Benefits: Many dishes are based on fresh ingredients and traditional methods.
  • Community Support: A portion of proceeds goes to support the Ukrainian army.
  • Accessibility: Available to buy online in the US and Canada.
Experience the Essence of Ukrainian Cuisine while also supporting a good cause. By opting for this book, not only do you get to enjoy fantastic recipes but also contribute to a noble initiative.

We pride ourselves on offering the best prices and great discounts. Our fast shipping comes directly from Kyiv and Lviv, ensuring your order arrives promptly. For payments, we accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and other banking cards. Plus, we provide worldwide shipping through Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL.

Don't miss out! Buy "250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine" by Julia Karpenko today and embark on a culinary adventure that celebrates Ukrainian culture.


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250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня


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    One of those books that will help you learn how to cook all the well-known Ukrainian dishes. I liked that the book itself is of good quality, very bright and colorful. I also really liked that this book has ready-made photos for each of the dishes, so the learning process becomes much more interesting. I was pleased that there are so many different recipes that can help in any of the situations, because there are dishes that can be cooked very quickly, so it’s good for a quickie. There are different options for both nourishing and dietary meals, so this book will be useful for the whole family, taking into account the different preferences of each family member. The only drawback of the book is that not all of the recipes are described in detail, and that’s why there are some difficulties in understanding all the nuances. Otherwise, I liked the book. There are a lot of recipes for sweet dishes for children on any holiday.

    April 1, 2022
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    It is no secret that Ukrainians love to eat well and always welcome their guests with bread and salt. So personally, I have no doubt that Yulia Karpenko’s book 250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” will be a useful find for discerning gourmets and diligent cooks, as it will help them expand their culinary knowledge and add new appetizers, salads, breakfasts, soups, main courses, pastries and desserts to their menus to suit every taste.

    Perhaps every housewife knows how to cook fried potatoes and mashed potatoes, but it turns out that potatoes can also be used to create such delicious dishes as potato rolls with meat, mushroom, vegetable or cabbage filling, potato doughnuts, potato pancakes, open potato pie, lazy potato dumplings, pancakes, potato donuts and many other incredibly appetizing dishes…

    As for me, after reading the aforementioned collection, I have already managed to try pancakes, and in the near future I want to satisfy my loved ones’ love for sweets by making a honey-chocolate cake with nuts and Bird’s Milk cakes.

    The publication is of high quality. The book is hardcover, with offset pages and color illustrations. It is perfect for a gift or for a home library.

    December 10, 2019
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    Ukrainian cuisine is extremely interesting and tasty, the number of Ukrainian dishes is impossible to count, because there are so many of them, every good housewife has several dozen recipes in her treasury that she cooks with pleasure both on weekdays and holidays. If you love to cook, want to learn many new and interesting recipes for cooking authentic Ukrainian dishes, and are preparing for a special event, I advise you to pay attention to the book “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” by Gloria Publishing House, which will help you diversify your usual diet and prepare for the holidays.

    The book contains two hundred and fifty extremely diverse dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, which have already become truly beloved. You will find recipes for appetizers, salads, first courses, main courses, side dishes, pastries, sweets, and much more. I really liked the recipe for rustic potatoes and pancakes, and I started cooking with these recipes. The book itself is beautiful, large format with a hard cover.

    Everyone will be able to find a recipe to their liking and arrange a real holiday with a variety of delicious and quite satisfying dishes.

    November 14, 2019
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    There is no doubt that today, for a good hostess, hospitable and skillful, both for a beginner and an experienced cook who loves to prepare nutritious, healthy dishes for her family and friends, the best gift for a good hostess is a new cookbook. Our home library of cookbooks has recently been replenished with a very successful wonderful, original, interesting and extremely useful cookbook for preparing for holidays, special events, as well as every day – a cookbook of a large number of delicious recipes by the famous and popular author Yulia Karpenko – “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian cuisine”.

    This extremely information-rich, professionally presented cookbook was published by the progressive Gloria Publishing House, which is well known among a wide range of literary experts and connoisseurs. The presentation of the recipes themselves is also worth mentioning, as it clearly indicates the required amount and composition of ingredients, step-by-step preparation, as well as useful tips on how to prepare specific dishes and various cooking options. All the valuable and important information is presented in a beautiful, simple and accessible Ukrainian language. This original book of recipes for favorite dishes of Ukrainian cuisine was published in two thousand eighteen and is quite large in size, as it contains more than one hundred and twenty pages of extremely tasty and healthy recipes, among which I would especially like to mention those that have already become favorites in our family: “Kyiv-style herring appetizer”, “Liver salad”, “Smoked chicken salad”, “Cabbage zrazy”, “Verkhovyna salad”.

    The cookbook “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” will definitely be useful to you, and can also be a great gift for your family and friends!

    October 28, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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